
The Chinese fleet circled the Philippines in a half-circle, bringing Marcos Jr.'s "lair" into the strike range

author:Professor Zheng Jiyong

According to satellite pictures, the mainland's Shandong aircraft carrier formation recently appeared in the waters west of the Philippines, judging from its route, the Shandong fleet set off from the South China Sea, passed through the west of Luzon Island, and then will pass through the Luzon Strait into the western Pacific Ocean, which is equivalent to drawing a circle and a half around the Philippines, and the Shandong ship is only 360 kilometers away from the country's Luzon Island in a straight line.

The Chinese fleet circled the Philippines in a half-circle, bringing Marcos Jr.'s "lair" into the strike range

[The Shandong ship of the People's Liberation Army appeared around Luzon Island in the Philippines]

Recently, the Marcos Jr. government has been very provocative against China in the South China Sea, the most eye-catching of which is undoubtedly the 617 conflict, in which the Philippine special forces were fully armed and tried to forcibly enter the mainland's Ren'ai Jiao, but they were attacked head-on; After fleeing with his tail between his legs, the Philippine side hyped up the incident as a so-called "victim", claiming that China had brutally enforced the law and obstructed the Philippine side's normal transportation and replenishment behavior.

After that, the Philippine side also staged a "face-changing" drama on many occasions, claiming that the incident was a misunderstanding, and at another time saying that the incident was a "deliberate act of illegal use of violence" by China, and also submitted a note to the Chinese side to demand that China take responsibility for the incident and give an "explanation" to the Philippine side.

As we all know, Ren'ai Jiao has always been part of China's Nansha Islands, and the Philippines has coveted Ren'ai Jiao for a long time. In 1999, the Philippine warship illegally "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao, seriously violating China's sovereignty, and the Chinese side immediately lodged representations with the Philippine side, and the Philippine side also promised to tow the ship away many times, but 25 years have passed, the Philippine side not only failed to fulfill its promise to tow the warship away, but also tried to repair and strengthen the warship.

The Chinese fleet circled the Philippines in a half-circle, bringing Marcos Jr.'s "lair" into the strike range

【The scene of the conflict between China and the Philippines】

In addition to Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines has also set its sights on other areas in the South China Sea. Earlier, the Philippines submitted an application to the United Nations to extend its original 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone to 350 nautical miles, and this new so-called "exclusive economic zone" directly includes the entire Spratly Islands, and the Philippine ambition is obvious, in other words, the Marcos Jr. government is to include all Chinese territory within its jurisdiction. However, Marcos Jr. is clearly wishful thinking, and Chinese diplomatic spokesman Lin Jian said that the Philippine side's actions have violated China's sovereignty and jurisdiction, as well as relevant international conventions, and its application should not be considered and determined.

After hitting a wall in the South China Sea, the unrelenting Philippine side has recently extended its hand to the Taiwan Strait, and its ambassador to the United States has publicly stated that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, Manila may allow the US military to use the Philippine bases open to it.

At present, the US military has nine military bases in the Philippines, several of which are close to the mainland's Taiwan Island, such as the Bassa Air Force Base, which is 300 kilometers away from Taiwan Island, and the Magdalen Mountain Naval Base, which is 350 kilometers away, and the latter is also the largest military base in the Philippines, with the naval, army, and air forces deployed. In addition, the Philippines' Batan Islands are less than 200 kilometers away from the mainland's Taiwan Island, and the US military's high-level military officials have previously visited this place for "inspection," and their intentions are obvious.

The Chinese fleet circled the Philippines in a half-circle, bringing Marcos Jr.'s "lair" into the strike range

[Philippine ambassador to the United States said that the United States is allowed to use Philippine bases in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait]

China has repeatedly stressed that the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait are China's insurmountable bottom line and red line, and the Philippines' insistence on provocation in these two directions is obviously accelerating its demise. Although China has always advocated peaceful negotiations, this does not mean that it will always tolerate it. Now that the Shandong fleet is near Luzon, it is a clear warning to the Marcos Jr. government.

You must know that the J-15 carrier-based fighter carried on the Shandong ship can be equipped with a variety of long-range ground strike weapons, and its maximum flight distance is far more than 300 kilometers; Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines, the country's capital, and the Marcos Jr. family's gathering of power, in this sense, its nest is already within the range of the Chinese attack.

It is worth mentioning that the US military's "Typhon" system is also deployed on the island, but this does not pose any threat to China, because in addition to the Shandong fleet, we also have three Type 055 large destroyers, one Type 052C missile destroyer, as well as one Type 071 amphibious landing ship and 075 amphibious assault ship on standby in the South China Sea.

The Chinese fleet circled the Philippines in a half-circle, bringing Marcos Jr.'s "lair" into the strike range

[The U.S.-Philippines Defense Treaty has little real effect]

It should be mentioned that although the United States has shouted that it wants to support the Philippines, and has repeatedly emphasized the so-called US-Philippine mutual defense treaty in front of the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries, hinting that it will provide military assistance to the Philippines, in fact, the United States will not do this for the Philippines, after all, the Philippines is neither a core ally of the United States nor a member of the NATO system, and the United States cannot afford to conflict with China for it, and the reason why it has pushed the Philippines to the forefront of the South China Sea is because the United States itself does not dare to directly intervene in the South China Sea, otherwise the US aircraft carrier would have sailed into the South China Sea long ago.

The Philippines itself thinks that as long as it obeys the command of the United States in the South China Sea, the United States will provide shelter for itself, and even directly go to war with China, but in fact this is just wishful thinking. All in all, China will never make any concessions in the South China Sea or the Taiwan Strait, and what the Philippine side needs to do now is to see the situation clearly as soon as possible, untie itself from the United States, and perhaps strive for a glimmer of life for the livelihood of its own people.


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