
What are the types of space design for exhibition halls?

author:Hanno Messe

#企业做展厅的空间设计有哪些类型? #

What are the types of space design for exhibition halls?
What are the types of space design for exhibition halls?

There are various types of space design in corporate exhibition halls, which are usually determined according to the company's brand image, product characteristics, and display needs. Here are some common types of corporate showroom space design:

1. Product display exhibition hall:

It is mainly used to display the company's product line or core products.

The design focuses on the visual effect and functionality of the product display, such as the design of display cases and display stands.

It can be equipped with multimedia equipment to display product features and usage scenarios.

2. Technical Experience Exhibition Hall:

Focus on demonstrating the technical strength and innovation ability of the enterprise.

The design will incorporate interactive experience facilities, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology, so that visitors can experience the company's technological achievements first-hand.

What are the types of space design for exhibition halls?

3. Brand Culture Exhibition Hall:

Emphasis is placed on showcasing the company's brand culture, values, and historical evolution.

The design will integrate the core values and brand image of the enterprise, and convey the unique charm of the enterprise through visual and vocal expression.

4. Interactive Experience Exhibition Hall:

The design emphasizes the interactive experience and participation of visitors.

Multimedia equipment such as touch screens, interactive projections, and holographic technology can be used to allow visitors to actively participate in the content of the exhibition hall and enhance the attractiveness and interest of the exhibition hall.

5. Environmental Education Exhibition Hall:

It focuses on topics such as environmental protection and sustainable development.

The design emphasizes the use of environmentally friendly materials, and demonstrates the company's practices and achievements in the field of environmental protection, as well as future development plans.

6. Experiential Showroom:

The design focuses on the overall experience and feelings of the visitor.

Combining visual, auditory, tactile and other sensory experiences, through scene setting and situation creation, visitors can get a deep impression and experience in the exhibition hall.

What are the types of space design for exhibition halls?

7. Sales-oriented showroom:

The design combines sales and marketing strategies to strengthen the sales ability of the displayed products.

A special sales area or business negotiation area can be set up to facilitate business negotiation and signing with customers.

8. Creative Arts Gallery:

Emphasizing artistry and creativity, it shows the combination of enterprise and art.

The design may include art displays, art installations, or creative projects in collaboration with artists to demonstrate the company's cultural taste and social responsibility.

Different types of exhibition hall design will be different according to the specific needs and display goals of the enterprise, and each type can be customized according to the characteristics and brand image of the enterprise to achieve the best display effect and audience experience.

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