
Recurrent gout attacks? You haven't figured out the three types of uric acid, gout expert Zhou Guilan revealed!

author:Gout expert Zhou Guilan

The key to gout prevention and treatment

Gout, an unbearable disease, is rooted in uric acid. However, there are three types of uric acid, do you know? This article will provide you with a detailed analysis of the three types of uric acid to help you better prevent and treat gout.

Uric acid metabolism is reduced

Patients with reduced uric acid metabolism, i.e., those with low uric acid levels due to decreased or insufficient synthesis of uric acid in the body, may present with a variety of symptoms. These symptoms are mainly related to energy metabolism, immune system, digestive system, and general state.

Recurrent gout attacks? You haven't figured out the three types of uric acid, gout expert Zhou Guilan revealed!

1. Energy metabolism

Fatigue and fatigue

Uric acid participates in the energy metabolism process in the body, and when the uric acid level is low, the body may not be able to use the energy in uric acid normally, resulting in fatigue and weakness, and even affecting daily life and work in severe cases.

Second, the immune system

Swelling and pain in the joints

Uric acid has the role of regulating immune response and inflammatory response in the body, low uric acid may lead to abnormal activity of the immune system, triggering excessive immune response and inflammatory response, resulting in redness, swelling and pain in the tissues around the joints, common in the thumb joint, dorsum of the foot and other parts, and for a long time, it is difficult to relieve itself.

3. Digestive system

Loss of appetite and indigestion

Uric acid has a certain protective effect on the mucosa of the human digestive tract, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and improve appetite. Low uric acid will weaken or lose these functions, which in turn will cause loss of appetite, long-term or intermittent occurrence, and in severe cases, symptoms such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Hyperuric acid production

Patients with hyperuric acid production, i.e., those with elevated uric acid levels due to excessive uric acid synthesis in the body, may present with a variety of symptoms. These symptoms are mainly related to the joints, skin, kidneys, and general condition.

Recurrent gout attacks? You haven't figured out the three types of uric acid, gout expert Zhou Guilan revealed!

1. Joint symptoms

Joint pain and inflammation

Too much uric acid in the body can cause joint symptoms in the form of gout, including pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, and tenderness when touched. One of the most common areas affected by gout is the toes, but the heels, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, and elbows can also be affected.

Joint pain usually peaks in 12 to 24 hours during the onset of gout symptoms, and discomfort may occur for days or even weeks thereafter. If left untreated, the damage to the joints can be permanent.

Painful stone formation

With persistent high uric acid levels and gout attacks, crystallized uric acid may form bumps under the skin known as tophi. These tophi usually form on the fingers, toes, elbows, and hands and may become swollen and soft during a gout attack.

2. Skin symptoms

High uric acid may cause symptoms such as itching, pimples, pain, and skin pigmentation, especially in skin folds, such as the neck, armpits, etc.

3. Renal symptoms

Kidney stones and abnormal urination

High uric acid in the kidneys or urinary tract can develop into kidney stones, causing various symptoms such as back pain, abdominal pain, severe pain in the groin area, high fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, and blood in the urine. In addition, uncontrolled high uric acid may lead to impaired kidney function, which affects the discharge of urine, and abnormal urination symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination may occur.

Mixed type

In patients with mixed uric acid, i.e., with increased uric acid production and decreased uric acid excretion at the same time, the symptoms may involve multiple aspects, including but not limited to joints, kidneys, skin, and general conditions.

Recurrent gout attacks? You haven't figured out the three types of uric acid, gout expert Zhou Guilan revealed!

1. Joint symptoms

Gouty arthritis

In patients with mixed uric acid type, due to the continuous increase in uric acid levels in the body, urate crystals are easily deposited in the joints, triggering an inflammatory response, resulting in gouty arthritis. Typical symptoms include redness, swelling, and heat in the joints, especially in the big toe joint, but other joints, such as the ankles and knees, may also be affected. These symptoms may come on suddenly and be excruciatingly painful.

Joint stiffness and dysfunction

Long-term deposition of urate crystals in the joints can not only cause inflammation, but also lead to intra-articular synovial hyperplasia, edema, and even the formation of tophi, which limits joint mobility, joint stiffness and dysfunction. This can affect the patient's daily life and work.

2. Renal symptoms

Impaired renal function

In patients with mixed uric acid type, urate is easily deposited in the kidneys due to decreased uric acid excretion, resulting in impaired kidney function. Initially, symptoms such as oliguria and anuria may manifest, and as the disease progresses, it may cause hematuria, proteinuria, and in severe cases, kidney failure.

3. Systemic status and other symptoms

Fatigue and fatigue

Due to abnormal uric acid metabolism, the body may not be able to use the energy in uric acid properly, resulting in fatigue and weakness. In addition, patients with mixed uric acid may also have other manifestations of metabolic syndrome, such as obesity, elevated blood glucose, dyslipidemia, etc., which will further aggravate the patient's systemic discomfort symptoms.

Ophthalmic symptoms

High uric acid may also adversely affect the blood vessels and nerves in the eye, leading to impaired eye function. Some patients may have symptoms such as blurred vision and dry eyes.

Symptoms of palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath

Although these symptoms are not directly caused by the mixed uric acid type, they are common in patients with hyperuricemia and may be related to systemic metabolic disorders caused by abnormal uric acid metabolism.

The key to gout prevention and treatment

Regardless of the type of gout, prevention and prompt treatment are key. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as moderate alcohol consumption, balanced diet, weight control, regular exercise, etc., are all effective ways to prevent gout. At the same time, check the blood uric acid level regularly, and treat the abnormalities in time to avoid gout attacks.

UUE classification examination is mainly used to determine whether hyperuricemia is caused by increased uric acid production or decreased uric acid excretion, and the classification of uric acid is an important basis for the treatment of elevated uric acid, and high uric acid is blindly lowered by a single index of uric acid in traditional treatment, which will lead to the phenomenon of repeated uric acid discontinuation in many patients, and the effect of accurate diagnosis and treatment cannot be achieved.

Recurrent gout attacks? You haven't figured out the three types of uric acid, gout expert Zhou Guilan revealed!

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