
[bilingual] Ministry of National Defense: China's rights protection and law enforcement measures at Ren'ai Jiao are reasonable, lawful, professional and standardized

author:Nambu District

Ministry of National Defense: China's rights protection and law enforcement measures at Ren'ai Jiao are reasonable, lawful, professional and standardized

Ministry of National Defense: Law Enforcement Measures Taken by China Near Ren’ai Jiao are Legitimate, Lawful and Professional

On the afternoon of 27 June, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference, at which Senior Colonel Wu Qian, director of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, answered reporters' questions.

Reporter: According to reports, the Philippine military said that on June 17, the Chinese Coast Guard collided with a Philippine vessel carrying out a replenishment mission at Ren'ai Jiao, injuring one Philippine crew member. Officials of the U.S. State Department and Department of Defense both accused China of blocking the Philippine resupply operation, saying that the U.S. commitment to the Philippines under the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty is unwavering. At the same time, we have also noticed that a former US Marine Corps official has recently publicly stated that the United States is using the Philippines as a tool to deal with China, and when this tool is no longer useful, the United States will abandon the Philippines. Do you have any comment?

Question: The Philippine military said that vessels of the China Coast Guard rammed Philippine ships on a resupply mission to Ren’ai Jiao, which left a Filipino sailor injured. Officials of the US Department of State and Department of Defense accused the Chinese side of denying the Philippines from executing resupply missions and said that the US commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines is ironclad. At the same time, we have also noticed that a former official of the US Marine Corps said publicly that the US is using the Philippines as a tool against China and it will discard the Philippines when there is nothing left. Do you have any comment?

Wu Qian: The Nansha Islands, including Ren'ai Jiao, are China's inherent territory, and there is a sufficient historical and legal basis for this. Recently, the Philippine side has broken its word and sent ships to rush into the waters of Ren'ai Jiao on many occasions in an attempt to deliver construction materials, weapons and ammunition to the illegal "beached" warship, which is the direct cause of the escalation of the situation. In particular, on June 17, the Philippine side deliberately rammed a Chinese vessel in a dangerous manner and threw stones at Chinese personnel, which seriously violated the provisions of international law, seriously endangered the safety of personnel and vessels on both sides, and seriously undermined regional peace and stability. In the face of the infringement and provocation of the Philippine side, it is natural for China to take rights protection and law enforcement measures, which are completely reasonable, legal, professional and standardized.

Wu Qian: Nansha Qundao including Ren’ai Jiao is China’s inherent territory, which is fully backed by historical and jurisprudential basis. The Philippine side recently broke its promises and sent ships into waters adjacent to Ren’ai Jiao multiple times to transport construction materials, weapons and ammunitions to its illegally grounded warship. This is the direct reason of an escalation of the situation. In particular, on June 17th, the Philippine side deliberately rammed Chinese vessels in a dangerous way and threw rocks at Chinese personnel. Relevant behaviors violate international law, endanger crews and ships of the two sides and undermine regional peace and stability. Facing infringements and provocation made by the Philippine side, the Chinese side has every reason to take law enforcement measures, which is completely legitimate, lawful and professional.

It should be emphasized that the Ren'ai Jiao issue is not a matter for the United States. It is very dangerous and irresponsible for the US to instigate and support the Philippines in its infringement and provocation. As for the US side threatening China with the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty at every turn, this is completely useless.

I want to emphasize that the Ren’ai Jiao issue has nothing to do with the US. It’s very dangerous and extremely irresponsible for the US to encourage and support the Philippines in infringements and provocative actions. And it’s no use to threaten the Chinese side with the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty.

As for the former US military official's statement on the "Philippine tool theory", the international community has its own opinion. Whether it is the "Saigon moment" in history or the "Kabul Retreat", it reminds me of Mr. Kissinger's famous saying, "It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but it is fatal to be an ally of the United States."

Regarding the remarks made by the former US military official about “the Philippines as a tool”, I think the international community will have a fair judgment on this. Looking back at history, the Saigon moment and the Fall of Kabul both remind me of a saying by the late Henry Kissinger, and here I quote, “Being America’s enemy may be dangerous, but being America’s friend is fatal.”

Source | Issued by the Ministry of Defense