
Of the 4 "longevity exercises", walking is only the fourth, and you can insist on 30 minutes a day for a healthy and long life

author:Zealous doctor

Healthy and long life is everyone's desire, and exercise is considered an important way to achieve this. Scientific studies have shown that regular physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, improve quality of life, and prolong life.

Among the many exercises, there are 4 types of exercise that are widely believed to help with longevity, so let's take a look at them today.

Of the 4 "longevity exercises", walking is only the fourth, and you can insist on 30 minutes a day for a healthy and long life

People who do not exercise for a long time versus those who exercise every day

Who lives longer?

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine in which they looked at 36,383 middle-aged and elderly people with an average life expectancy of 62.6 years found that:

Middle-aged and older adults who exercise moderately have a lower risk of death than those who do not, and this risk can be reduced by 50 to 60 percent.

Even light daily activities, such as slow walking and housework, can significantly increase the probability of longevity as long as they are maintained for about 6.5 hours a day. Further moderate-to-vigorous exercise, such as 25 minutes a day of swimming, cycling, or running, can further reduce the risk of death.

Therefore, whether it is a light daily activity or regular moderate-to-high-intensity exercise, moderate exercise is a key factor in maintaining health and promoting longevity.

Of the 4 "longevity exercises", walking is only the fourth, and you can insist on 30 minutes a day for a healthy and long life

These 4 "Longevity Movements"

Stick to 30 minutes a day

1. Swing the racket

Racket swing sports, such as tennis, badminton and table tennis, not only improve the strength and coordination of the upper limbs, but also improve the heart and lung function.

This type of exercise requires quick reflexes and movement, helps improve the body's flexibility and balance, while also enhancing social interaction and is also good for mental health.

2. Indoor fitness

Indoor fitness, which includes the use of a variety of fitness equipment and participation in aerobics classes, can be adjusted according to an individual's fitness level and preferences.

The indoor environment allows this workout to be weather-free and can be performed at your own pace.

Aerobic exercises such as treadmill and elliptical training can help improve cardiorespiratory endurance, while strength training can strengthen muscles and boost metabolism.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a full-body workout, especially for the improvement of cardiorespiratory fitness. The resistance of the water flow helps to build muscle strength without putting a strain on the joints, especially for people with joint problems or heavy weight.

Swimming is also effective in relieving stress and improving mood, making it a physical and mental exercise.

4. Walking

Walking may be at the bottom of this list, but it's a great exercise for your daily routine.

Brisk walking improves heart and lung fitness, strengthens lower limbs, promotes blood circulation, and has a positive effect on improving blood sugar control and lowering blood pressure.

Walking is simple and easy, requires little to no special equipment, and is suitable for people of all ages.

Of the 4 "longevity exercises", walking is only the fourth, and you can insist on 30 minutes a day for a healthy and long life

What do middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention to when exercising?

1. Moderate exercise:

Middle-aged and elderly people should choose exercises that are suitable for their physical fitness level and avoid overwork. The intensity of exercise should be gradually increased from low to medium, depending on how well the body can adapt.

2. Consult a doctor:

A doctor or health professional should be consulted before starting any new exercise program, especially for middle-aged and older adults with chronic medical conditions or a history of sports injuries.

3. Warm-up and stretching:

Warm up and stretch well before and after exercise to reduce the risk of injury and improve muscle and joint flexibility.

4. Balanced exercise type:

Combining aerobic exercise and strength training, aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and swimming can help cardiovascular health, while moderate strength training can strengthen muscles and bones.

5. Pay attention to your body's reactions:

During exercise, pay attention to any physical discomfort, such as dizziness, chest pain or difficulty breathing, stop exercising immediately and seek medical help.

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