
A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!

author:Shangluo News Network
A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!
A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!
A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!

What should I do if I eat and drink after the weather is hot, and I can't be stimulated by the cold?

What if you want to stimulate your appetite through exercise, but you don't have the motivation?

The diet and exercise in hot weather must be talked about, not "dry to cure dryness", still to eat scientifically, exercise, and practice a healthy lifestyle can not stop for a moment!

Principles of Diet in Hot Weather

The hot weather puts forward higher requirements for the diet, not only to consider the balance of nutrition, but also to consider the safety of food and the effect of cooling off.


Drink plenty of fluids

When the temperature is high, drink water in moderation, drink small amounts many times, especially when sweating is large, and choose light salt water or electrolyte-carbohydrate drinks to supplement.


Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits

Consume no less than 500g of vegetables and 400g of fruits per day, and choose varieties rich in potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins.


Increase your intake of high-quality protein

Eat more high-quality protein foods such as fish and shrimp, eggs, milk, soybeans and lean meat in moderation to supplement the consumption of high-temperature work.

A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!


Serve well with Chinese food

Reduce fat intake, season food appropriately, and eat away from high temperatures to promote appetite and digestion and absorption.


Steam, stew, and fry

Condiments such as green onions, ginger, garlic, and vinegar can also be used, which can both promote appetite and digestion.

Focus on food safety

Eat out

Choose restaurants with better hygiene conditions and eat less raw and cold food.

Order food online

Choose a catering service with a Food Business License.

Food storage

Store food in strict accordance with the storage conditions indicated on the food label to reduce inventory.

Cleaning and disinfection of dining utensils

Reusable dining utensils should be washed and disinfected in time after use.

Hot Weather Exercise Recommendations

Don't think that you can't exercise well when it's hot, as long as you do it properly, you can still be an athlete in hot weather~

Dress scientifically

When exercising outside, it is best to wear a sunhat to protect your head and face, and wear light-colored, spacious outdoor sportswear that wicks good sweat. When exercising indoors, wearing dark-colored clothing can help your body dissipate heat faster.

The time should be right

In summer, it's best to schedule physical activity in the morning, morning, and evening when the temperature is cooler. Once you have a certain level of thermal adaptability, you can gradually adjust the time to enhance thermal adaptability. People with poor heat tolerance and diseases should not exercise excessively in a hot environment to avoid heat stroke.

If there are uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue, it is necessary to stop exercising and rest in time, and the rest time can be appropriately extended after exercise to ensure functional recovery.

A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!

Stretching is indispensable

Although the summer temperatures are high, stretching before and after exercise is essential, and stretching before and after exercise can help relax your muscles and avoid injuries during exercise. Stretching after exercise can improve soreness caused by lactic acid build-up and prevent muscle stiffness and blood pooling in the muscles.

A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!

Moderation is the most important thing

For people with good physique and a foundation for exercise, it is advisable to exercise for 60 minutes each time. People who are weak or have no exercise habits should exercise for 20~30 minutes each time. In summer, when the temperature is high and the humidity is high, it is recommended to choose swimming or relatively low-intensity, slow-paced exercises, such as yoga, tai chi, walking, etc.

A good way to eat healthy and exercise scientifically in hot weather is here!

Scientific hydration

Drink some sports drinks before and during summer workouts to quickly replenish electrolytes and sugars. Drink plenty of water after exercise. It should be noted that drinking water should be small and many times, and drinking too much water quickly will irritate the stomach and water uresis, which will cause water loss.

Rational temperature lowering

When you sweat profusely after exercising, if you cool down immediately, it will cause capillaries to dilate, and the metabolism of various organs will increase rapidly, which can easily cause colds and other diseases. The correct way to do this is to take a rest first, then dry your body, then wash off the sweat on your body with warm water, and get dressed in time.

Source: Healthy China Responsible Editor: Liu Tao Review: Liu Qiushi Issued: Zhang Yonggang The content of this issue is presented to you by Shangluo City Association for Science and Technology and Shangluo News Network Interactive Submission AddressE-mail: [email protected] WeChat: Shangluo News "slxw01"

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