
"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

author: Longnan Wen County released

"There is a big kiln in heaven and earth, and the charcoal cooks in June." With just a few brushstrokes, the ancients vividly depicted the heat of the summer season. As the calendar turns page by page, we are about to enter the first solar term of this midsummer - Xiaoxiao.

Summer means hot, although the name of the small summer is "small", but the heat wave has begun to show its edge, indicating that a more scorching dog day is coming.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

At this time, the sun scorches the earth like a flame, and the air is filled with the heat and restlessness of summer.

In the face of such weather, the ancients had the wisdom to deal with it, and they summed up a common saying: "Eat three treasures in the summer summer, and there is no trouble in the ambush." ”

So, what exactly are these three jewels? How do they help us cope with the heat and keep our bodies comfortable and healthy?

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?


Revered in the summer, the lotus root is actually the young rhizome of the lotus, consisting of an internode and apical bud at the tip of the rhizome.

It has the same origin as lotus root, which not only has a sweet and crisp taste, but also contains rich nutritional value. In the summer season, the lotus root is when it is fresh and tender, and it has become a delicacy on people's tables.

Lotus root ribbon can be cooked in a variety of ways, whether it is stir-fried, cold salad, or stir-fried hot and sour, it can show its unique deliciousness.

In particular, the sour and spicy stir-fried lotus root ribbon is a sour and spicy appetizing dish that can not only boost the appetite, but also help beat the heat.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

When cooking, first heat the pan, add an appropriate amount of oil, then add the chopped garlic and red pepper for stir-frying, until it exudes fragrance, and then put the lotus root slices into the pot and stir-fry quickly.

Add a pinch of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly, and cook a little white vinegar along the edge of the pan to not only add a hint of sourness, but also make the lotus root more crispy and delicious. Finally, it is served on a plate, and a sour and spicy stir-fried lotus root ribbon with good color and flavor is completed.

In addition to being delicious, lotus root also has the effects of moisturizing yin and dryness, clearing heat and reducing fire.

In the hot summer, the human body is prone to sweating and consumption, and lotus root can help us replenish the water and nutrients needed by the body and relieve the discomfort caused by the summer heat.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?


Callus white, known as one of the "Eight Immortals of Water", is a vegetable that grows in water. It is white in color, tender in flesh and refreshing in taste, making it a delicious dish in summer.

Moreover, the nutritional value of the white water can not be ignored, it is rich in 17 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body such as threonine and lysine, as well as rich dietary fiber.

In the summer season, a dish of fried shrimp is the highlight of the table. Use fresh prawns, remove the shells, pick out the shrimp lines, rinse them and squeeze out the water.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

Add a little salt, cooking wine, starch and minced ginger to the shrimp and marinate to increase their tenderness.

Then, add a little salt to the boiling water, blanch the white slices in the pot for two minutes, and then remove them for later use, which can remove the oxalic acid in the white water and improve its taste.

After heating the pan with cold oil, put the marinated shrimp into the pan and stir-fry until it changes color, then add the white slices and continue to stir-fry twice. Finally, add a pinch of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and enjoy.

It is not only delicious, but also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and removing fire and dampness from the body. Eating it in the summer season can help us adjust our physical condition and better adapt to the hot weather.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?


Water chestnut is known as the "Three Treasures of the Lotus Pond" and is an aquatic peanut. After peeling off the shell, the inner core of the water chestnut is white in color and sweet in taste.

Moreover, water chestnut is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements and other nutrients. Eating water chestnut raw can clear away heat and relieve fever, and cooked food can invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen, which is very beneficial to the body.

Water chestnut is also cooked in a variety of ways, among which water chestnut roasted pork ribs is a popular dish.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

Cut the pork ribs into small pieces, wash them, put them in a pot and stir-fry until they are colored, then add ginger, cinnamon and other ingredients and stir-fry together to bring out the fragrance.

Then, add cooking wine and light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, then add an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 20 minutes.

At this time, put the peeled water chestnut into the pot, continue to stir-fry evenly, cover and cook for five minutes. Finally, add seasonings such as salt and pepper, stir-fry evenly, and serve.

The meat of this dish is tender and juicy, and the water chestnut is sweet and delicious, and it has a long aftertaste.

The elderly often eat water chestnut to strengthen the knees, strengthen the strength and invigorate the qi; Women often eat water chestnut to help lose weight. Eating water chestnut in the summer season can not only satisfy the enjoyment of taste buds, but also achieve the purpose of health preservation.

"Xiaoxia eats three treasures, and there is no trouble in ambush", immediately ushering in Xiaoxia, what do the three treasures mean? How to eat more beneficial?

With the arrival of Xiaoxiao, we ushered in the test of midsummer. In this hot season, the old saying "eat the three treasures in the summer and have no troubles" points out the direction of diet and health preservation for us.

The three treasures of lotus root, callus white and water chestnut are not only delicious and delicious, but also a good health product in summer. They can moisturize yin and dryness, clear heat and reduce fire, and provide our body with necessary nutrients and coolness.

In the summer season, let's incorporate these delicacies into our daily diet, enjoy delicious food while maintaining the health and comfort of the body.

Source: Chongqing Selection

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