
Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!

author: Longnan Wen County released

With the arrival of summer, it is common for people to sweat, but for diabetics, sweating a lot is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be simply blamed on the hot weather.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!

In fact, heavy sweating in people with diabetes can be a telling sign of autonomic neuropathy. So, how does diabetic-induced autonomic neuropathy sweating manifest in location and character? How do we identify?

Diabetics should beware of abnormal sweating!

According to experts, diabetic patients often experience abnormal sweating, such as a large amount of sweating, or a different location and time of sweating than ordinary people. So, why do diabetics sweat easily?


Sudden hypoglycemia

Sweating due to hypoglycemia is usually characterized by cold sweats accompanied by palpitation, tremors, and in severe cases, confusion, dehydration, and even coma.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!


Autonomic neuropathy

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling unconscious physiological functions such as heart beating, gastrointestinal motility, and sweat gland perspiration.

Diabetic patients who suffer from hyperglycemia for a long time may lead to autonomic neuropathy, which affects their ability to control sweat glands and sweat glands, resulting in abnormal sweating. In some patients, when the nerve damage is severe, they may not sweat, their skin becomes abnormally dry, and their body temperature is easily elevated.

Sweating is a normal mechanism for the body to regulate body temperature, and usually, sweating in healthy people is systemic. However, in patients with diabetes, due to the effects of autonomic neuropathy, there may be a phenomenon of increased local sweating, particularly decreased sweating in the lower extremities and increased sweating in the chest, back, and upper extremities. This abnormal sweating pattern is a feature of diabetic autonomic neuropathy.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!


Other diseases

It is important to note that if a diabetic person sweats profusely with other symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, syncope, headache and nausea, this may be an early warning sign of heart disease such as angina, myocardial infarction or heart failure. In this case, medical attention should be sought immediately without delay.

How to properly cool down diabetics in summer?

In response to the problem of diabetic patients spending the summer safely, experts recommend that in addition to treating autonomic neuropathy to improve sweating problems, appropriate cooling measures and adequate sleep should be taken to ensure that they are also employed. When using air conditioners and electric fans for cooling, special attention should be paid to the following:


The temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low

Diabetics are less adaptable to temperature and are prone to colds, and a room temperature that is too low can trigger other serious problems. Therefore, the temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low, 25°C to 27°C is appropriate. Avoid turning the temperature of the air conditioner too low and then sleeping with a quilt over your head, which can easily lead to colds.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!


When using an electric fan, avoid blowing directly on the human body

The best way to ventilate is to allow the wind to circulate diagonally along the room. It is advisable to place the fan diagonally and blow air against the corner of the wall, so that the wind circulates around the wall, creating a "surround wind" that is cool and does not cause a cold or cold.

You can attach gauze coated with cooling oil or toilet water to the electric fan to increase the cooling sensation of the blowing.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!

With these measures, it can help people with diabetes to be more comfortable and safe during the summer months.

How do diabetics sleep properly in summer?

Studies have shown that to ensure proper insulin secretion and normal blood sugar levels, people should maintain 6 to 9 hours of deep sleep each day. When men or women sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours, it may interfere with their glucose metabolism.

Even during the hot summer months, sleep should not be reduced or snooze due to the weather. If you don't get enough sleep at night, you can consider taking a proper lunch break, but the nap time should not exceed 30 minutes, preferably no more than 1 hour. It is recommended to take a nap about half an hour after a meal.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!

How to wear proper shoes in summer for diabetics?

During the summer months, many diabetics may wear sandals due to the hot climate, which makes the toes vulnerable to trauma or hard objects. In particular, sandals with hard soles, such as clip-on sandals, can cause punctural injuries on the foot or excessive local pressure and ulcer formation.

Sugar friends are wary of abnormal sweating in summer! Experts teach you to cool down safely in summer, do these three points, and control sugar and get less sick!

Non-breathable sandals can also make your feet damp and sweaty, increasing the risk of athlete's foot infection, which can lead to foot ulceration and infection.

When choosing shoes for diabetics, recommendations include:

Choose sandals that don't have open toes;

Make sure the shoes are soft and easy to deform, and avoid choosing plastic shoes that are too stiff;

The sole should not be too thin and too hard, but should be moderately thick;

Choose sneakers with good breathability.

Source: Health Talk

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