
My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!

author:Longnan Danchang released

Original Shiguang Alley House

Growing up, there was always one dish on my dinner table - fried potato chips. This dish is not only my sister's favorite, but also the culmination of my father's cooking experience for more than ten years. Every time we taste this crispy and delicious potato chip, we can feel the deep love of Dad.

Today, I will share with you this fatherly pan-fried potato chips, and I hope you can also taste this special taste at your own table.

My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!

Ingredients and tools required

Ingredients: a few fresh potatoes and an appropriate amount of coriander

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, a pinch of sugar

Other seasonings: minced green onion and garlic, dried chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns


  1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices with a slicer, and soak them in clean water to prevent oxidation and discoloration.
  2. Wash and cut the coriander, mince the green onion and garlic, and cut the dried chili into small pieces for later use.
  3. Mix the sauce in a mixing bowl and mix the light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce and sugar in proportions and set aside.
My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!

Cooking steps:

1. Blanching treatment

  1. Remove the soaked potato slices and blanch them in boiling water until translucent. This step aims to remove some of the starch from the potatoes and make the fried potato chips more crispy.
  2. Drain the blanched potato slices or gently dry them with a kitchen paper towel in preparation for subsequent frying.

2. Breading and frying

  1. Put the dried potato slices into a large, clean bowl, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of flour (cornstarch, potato starch, etc. can be selected according to personal taste), and gently stir with your hands so that each slice of potatoes is evenly coated with a thin layer of flour.
  2. Preheat the pan and pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil. When the oil is hot, spread the floured potato slices into the pan and fry them over medium-low heat.
My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!
  1. Fry the slices until golden brown on both sides, with slightly upturned edges and an enticing aroma, ready to serve.

3. Stir-fry and season

  1. In the same pot, leave a little base oil, add minced green onion and garlic, dried chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns, and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant.
  2. Pour in the previously prepared sauce and stir-fry quickly to bring out a rich aroma until the sauce is fully integrated and emitted.
  3. Put the fried potato slices back into the pan and stir-fry quickly over high heat so that the potato slices are evenly coated with the sauce.

4. Add the coriander and serve on a plate

  1. When the potato slices are well combined with the sauce, sprinkle in the chopped coriander segments and continue to stir-fry a few times to allow the flavor of the coriander to soak into the potato chips.
My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!
  1. Finally, sprinkle a little white sesame seeds to add flavor and color, stir-fry evenly, then turn off the heat and put on a plate.

Cooking tips

  1. Blanch the potato chips for too long to maintain the crisp texture of the potatoes.
  2. When frying potato chips, control the heat to avoid scorching and affecting the taste and appearance.
  3. The flavor of the sauce can be adjusted according to personal preference, such as sweet and sour taste, you can increase the proportion of balsamic vinegar appropriately.

This pan-fried potato chip is not only a delicacy, but also a symbol of deep fatherly love in my heart. Whenever I stand in the kitchen, spatula in hand, frying this golden potato, my heart always wells up with thoughts and gratitude for my father. The recipe for this dish is the taste of love that my father has carefully cooked for us for more than ten years. Now, I have taken over the baton of this love, and I hope that through my hands, I will pass on this delicious taste full of fatherly love to more people. I hope that everyone who tastes this dish can feel the warmth and love from home, and can experience the depth and greatness of father's love.

My dad has been making formulas for more than ten years! Juju Ju Ju is delicious!!