
[Modern Poetry] v

author:Wen Xiaohong

The years have been,

I am no longer me, who is still who,

The flowers are still blooming,

It's just that we're no longer ourselves!

[Modern Poetry] v

The story of time,

It's you who continue, who will stop,

The mood of the passing years,

It has been turned over several times by the years!

[Modern Poetry] v

Memories are gone,

The editor of life, is you me,

The spring season is still the same,

It's just the prelude to this summer!

[Modern Poetry] v

The stage of time,

It's you staging, love and hate,

Roles in life,

In fact, it has long been replaced by others!

[Modern Poetry] v

Tomorrow's life,

Continuing today, right or wrong,

We can't answer,

We'll have to hand it over to tomorrow!

[Modern Poetry] v

The joys and sorrows of the years,

It can't be stopped, why is it incomprehensible?

Whether you like it or not,

It will turn into water and flow from the side!

[Modern Poetry] v

Note: The pictures are all from the Internet, thanks to the original author!

Author Wen Xiaohong, Shangdang Secondary Vocational School, lecturer, network name is mostly used for pedestrians, Wen Xiaohongzhu, Changzhi pedestrians, etc., I love literature, mainly write prose poetry, literary works are mainly scattered in Chinese Writers Network, Red Sleeves Fragrance, Jiangshan Literature, Prose Online, Yang Liu'an, China Poetry Network, Today's Headlines, Baijia and other major websites and Shanxi Daily, Qilu Literature, Lhasa Daily, Education and Teaching Research and other publications, one of which is the novel "The Woman in the Rental House" on the shelves of Red Sleeves Fragrance. Recording life with words is the principle of my creation, and the text is as you like, so stay tuned!

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