
Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

author:There is no snow in winter

On June 18, 2024, Huo Wenchang, who had been on the run for 10 days, was arrested, and after being arrested, he confessed to his murder.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Later, the picture of Huo Wenchang's arrest was also exposed, in which he may have worn a camouflage uniform and a camouflage hat in order to avoid detection, with a calm expression, perhaps he had expected today, so he did not show fear and panic.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

However, what is puzzling is that although Huo Wenchang killed 5 people in a row, the villagers said that he was a poor person, what kind of experience did Huo Wenchang have? What kind of contradiction does he have with the village tyrant's family?

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Huo Wenchang had no mother when he was very young, and he has been dependent on his father since he was a child, the father and son live in a mud house in the village, Huo Wenchang usually relies on odd jobs to make a living, he is 43 years old, and has been single. Because his father was old, Huo Wenchang rented the land to his neighbor Niu's family. But who would have thought that after the rampant Niu family rented the Huo family's land, they didn't give a cent of rent, and Huo Wenchang also tried to get the rent back through legal means, but even if the lawsuit was won, the Niu family still refused to pay.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Later, Huo Wenchang and his father asked the Niu family for an explanation, but this time, not only did the rent not come back, Huo Wenchang was also beaten by the Niu family, and what was even more infuriating was that the Niu family also threw Huo Wenchang's old father into the coffin and stayed overnight. And just a month before the incident, the village wanted to occupy an area because of the erection of electric poles, and each electric pole could be compensated with more than 1,000 yuan, but the Niu family occupied the Huo family's land, not to mention, even the compensation money wanted to occupy it.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

In the early morning of June 18, Huo Wenchang, who couldn't bear it, came to Niu's house and killed all five members of Niu's family, leaving only the daughter-in-law of the Niu family. It turned out that when the Niu family was beating Huo Wenchang, the daughter-in-law of the Niu family stood up and persuaded: "The land originally belonged to others, so return it to others." It was precisely because of this sentence that the daughter-in-law of the Niu family survived.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

After the murder, Huo Wenchang fled the village, and the police then issued a notice offering a reward of 30,000 yuan to arrest Huo Wenchang, but a few days passed, and even the cornfields were rummaged, but his whereabouts were still not found. Until June 28, it is reported that 10 days after the incident, Huo Wenchang was finally arrested.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

After Huo Wenchang was arrested, netizens also became curious about the whistleblower, according to insiders, it was an old man who reported Huo Wenchang who was herding sheep.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed
Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed
Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Although they didn't know each other, after Huo Wenchang was arrested, the comment area also caused a lot of heated discussions:

"The mood was instantly lost, inexplicably uncomfortable, and my eyes were moist."

"When will so many people be dispatched to arrest the village tyrant?"

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

"If someone had solved his matter earlier, the tragedy would not have happened."

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Someone else wrote: "He is about to be punished by the law, I want to ask the village tyrant?" Can the Huo family's land be taken back and compensated accordingly? Everybody cares about this. ”

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

However, some netizens believe that the only person who can save Huo Wenchang at this moment is the daughter-in-law of the Niu family, and I hope she can issue a letter of understanding.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed
Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

Although the wishes of netizens are good, it is undeniable that we are a society governed by the rule of law, and if we kill 5 people, no matter what the purpose and reason, they will be severely punished by the law.

Huo Wenchang was arrested, wearing camouflage and his expression was calm, suspected of being reported by the sheep herder, and the details of the contradiction were exposed

I don't know if you still remember Magajue, because he was looked down upon by his classmates, he killed 4 people in a row in the dormitory, but he only let Lin Feng, who once brought him a meal, but Magajue was finally executed.

Now Huo Wenchang's case is still under further trial, and what kind of sanctions Huo Wenchang will receive in the end, let's wait quietly.