
Answer the same question together, resonate at the same frequency, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" that satisfies the party and the people

author:Fengxiang Procuratorate

The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate held the second work exchange meeting

Adhere to the same question and answer together, and resonate at the same frequency

Jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" to the satisfaction of the party and the people

Answer the same question together, resonate at the same frequency, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" that satisfies the party and the people

On June 27, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate held the second work exchange meeting at the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Answer the same question together, resonate at the same frequency, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" that satisfies the party and the people

Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the Supreme People's Court, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Answer the same question together, resonate at the same frequency, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" that satisfies the party and the people

Ying Yong, secretary of the leading party group and chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Answer the same question together, resonate at the same frequency, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" that satisfies the party and the people

Before the meeting, the two sides watched the demonstration of the construction of the "one network" of procuratorial informatization.

On June 27, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate held the second work exchange meeting at the Supreme People's Procuratorate to jointly learn and practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and discuss the modernization of judicial work to support and serve Chinese-style modernization. This meeting is not only to implement the spirit of the minutes of the first work exchange meeting of the "two supremes" in June last year, and to "hand in the case file" the completion of the key tasks for which each party is taking the lead, but also to keep a close eye on the new situation and new problems in trial and procuratorial work, build consensus, clarify the division of labor, and "lead the topic" of new tasks and new topics. Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the Supreme People's Court, and Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Before the meeting, Zhang Jun, Ying Yong and others watched the display of the construction of "one network" of procuratorial informatization.

Since the first work exchange meeting last year, the "two supremes" have worked together to implement the meeting minutes, and most of the 29 specific tasks identified in the minutes have been completed or phased progress, and remarkable results have been achieved in increasing the rate of second-instance trials in criminal cases, improving the communication and coordination mechanism for judicial interpretation and case guidance, improving the procuratorial suggestion system for civil and administrative retrial, and accessing the supplementary files of civil and administrative litigation and enforcement cases, and has formed a series of institutional mechanisms conducive to improving the quality and efficiency of trial and procuratorial work. We have vigorously promoted the resolution of conspicuous problems that have had a long-term impact on and restricted the development of adjudication and procuratorial work. In order to hold the meeting, the "two supremes" on the basis of full communication and exchanges in the early stage, studied and determined 12 new topics to be submitted to the meeting for discussion.

At the meeting, Deng Xiuming, deputy secretary of the party group and executive vice president of the Supreme People's Court, introduced the implementation of the tasks of the chamber of commerce at the first exchange meeting, and Tong Jianming, deputy secretary of the party group and executive deputy procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, introduced the topics and related considerations of the chamber of commerce at the second exchange meeting. The leaders of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court who attended the meeting conducted in-depth communication and exchanges on issues such as the protection of judges and procurators in performing their duties in accordance with the law, the standardization of the application of the plea leniency system, the supervision and restraint of judicial power and procuratorial power, and the construction of judicial informatization, and discussed the exploration and construction of a misdemeanor governance system with Chinese characteristics, researching and formulating standards for procuratorial and trial work in technical intellectual property and anti-monopoly cases, strengthening the exchange and sharing of information on the handling of criminal appeal cases, improving the quality and efficiency of the handling of death penalty review cases, and increasing the exchange of judicial data and the sharing of big data models. The judicial inspection organs reached a consensus on the work of sending cadres to study and train each other.

Zhang Jun pointed out that the consultation between the "two courts" is an effective measure to practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and promote the implementation of the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the judicial organs. Over the past year, the "two courts" have worked together to implement the results of the consultation and solved a series of "old and difficult" problems in their respective fields. The key to the next step is to continue to promote the consultation to achieve more and more tangible results in combination with the ongoing party discipline study and education and the implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Improve the political position and promote the steady and far-reaching implementation of the consultation mechanism of the "two courts". It is necessary to deeply understand and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law from the perspective of studying and thoroughly implementing Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and from the height of strengthening the party's ruling foundation, deeply understand the importance of the consultation between the "two courts", promote the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of judicial trial work through procuratorial supervision, and enhance the people's sense of access to fair justice. Strengthen the awareness of problems, and make up for the shortcomings of management and system by grasping key links. It is necessary to persist in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, not only promoting the resolution of specific problems common in the fields of judicial adjudication and procuratorial supervision through consultations, but also focusing on summarizing and refining the formation of systems, accumulating practical experience for continuously deepening judicial reform, and achieving a win-win, multi-win, and win-win situation. Do a good job in the implementation of nine points, and seriously follow up the results. It is necessary to strengthen follow-up supervision, consolidate work responsibilities, grasp the usual and practical supervision, continue to do a good job in normalized work exchanges, reflect the positive role of the "two courts" consultation mechanism with pragmatic and effective work results, and implement the party's leadership.

"In the new era and new journey, the 'two courts' share heavier political responsibilities and legal responsibilities, and they need to continue to work together to solve new problems and solve problems." Ying Yong pointed out that the exchange and consultation carried out by the "two courts" is a pragmatic measure for the judicial inspection organs to jointly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, jointly study and solve major problems in judicial practice, and jointly "strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case". Many of the common problems encountered in the work of the "two procuratorates" have a bearing on the overall situation of reform and development, on the quality and efficiency of judicial case-handling, and on the building of the rule of law contingent. Common problems need to be solved together, the same questions need to be answered together, the same frequency resonance, and the same direction, through deepening reform to break through the blockages. It is necessary to continue to deepen coordination and cooperation, strengthen cooperation and restraints, more effectively gather the wisdom of the rule of law, gather the joint force of the rule of law, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of trial and procuratorial work, better serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law, and jointly support and serve Chinese-style modernization with high-quality justice. Exchange and consultation is the first step in studying problems and cohesion, and the key is to do a good job in implementing the "second half of the article". The Supreme People's Procuratorate will work with the Supreme People's Court to continue to consolidate and deepen the results of exchanges and consultations, strengthen work coordination and guidance to subordinates, promote the implementation of various tasks of exchanges and consultations, work together to promote judicial fairness, and jointly hand over the "judicial answer sheet" to the satisfaction of the Party and the people.

Li Chenglin, member of the Party Group and Director of the Political Department of the Supreme People's Court, and Mao Zhonghua, member of the Party Group; Zhang Xueqiao, deputy procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Chen Guoqing, member of the party group and deputy procurator general, Teng Jiguo, member of the party group and director of the Political Department, Shi Weizhong, deputy ministerial-level full-time member of the procuratorial committee, and responsible comrades of relevant departments of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate attended the meeting.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily Text Reporter: Gong Chenyu Photographer: Cheng Ding Sun Ruofeng)