
"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

author:Beibei eats melons

The recently popular "The Story of Rose", not only the plot in the play was discussed by netizens from various angles, but even some of the scenery began to be searched for with a magnifying glass.

It's really getting more and more, I have to say: the director is too good at filming, such a metaphorical design, it has already hinted at their ending at the beginning of each story!

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

1, Zhuang Guodong

Huang Yimei and her first love Zhuang Guodong, the love between the two came and went quickly.

Enthusiastic and unrestrained, free and romantic, just like the painting on the wall that Huang Yimei painted himself after he got angry.

Blooming roses, gorgeous and brilliant. It uses all its energy to bloom its most beautiful moments.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

2. Fang Xiewen

The marriage with her husband Fang Xiewen is also vividly reflected in the painting that Huang Yimei hid in the studio.

The picture is beautiful, but it is not lifeless. Only when Fu Jiaming pushes open the window, after the sun shines down, can he change color and be turbulent.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

Isn't this Huang Yimei's marital status? Suppressed and lifeless, completely imprisoned.

Only by letting in the fresh air can we "come back to life with full blood".

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

3, Fu Jiaming

After meeting Fu Jiaming, although time was short. But Huang Yimei lived out of himself and regained his eye-catching.

The whole person exudes the youthful atmosphere of the little girl back then.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

In the end, she accompanied Fu Jiaming to watch the sunrise on the top of the mountain, and also witnessed his departure. But in Huang Yimei's paintings, there is no sadness. It's a new world, and a sense of "longing" for life.

It also means that although Fu Jiaming has "fallen", he will always live in Huang Yimei's life and always lead her forward.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

4, Hossi

After meeting the young coach Ho Xi, she casually drew a sketch in the first theory class of the two.

There are suns, clouds, shining stars, thriving trees, airplanes and rainbows flying in the sky.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

Everything is so beautiful, which also indicates that there is no haze in Huang Yimei's heart at this time. What I see is a childlike and innocent world, as well as infinite longing and yearning for the future.

It also means that she is free and unscrupulous in front of Hossi. She was defenseless against the big boy in front of her.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

So, do you understand the hints of these paintings?

Thinking about her marriage to Fang Xiewen, it has been a metaphor for the placement of a small doll. The director is really careful and serious about filming this work.

I remember that when Fang Xiewen wanted to use his daughter Fang Taichu and left Huang Yimei to sleep together, the two small dolls placed on the bedside. One of them is a white puppy dressed in yellow, and the other is a coffee-colored teddy.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

At that time, the camera swept away, but you can still clearly see that the coffee-colored teddy is following the yellow puppy in a half-crouching position.

There is a kind of artistic conception of the most popular word "licking the dog", which is really too detailed.

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

No wonder "The Story of Rose" has been well received by so many audiences, it is really inseparable from the interpretation of every actor, and also thanks to the careful arrangement of the director team.

This is the attitude and appearance of a good work!

"The Story of Rose" is too metaphorical, it turns out that all the endings have long been traced!

Have you noticed?