
One of my comrades-in-arms, from a high-ranking family, was admitted to the military academy for the fourth month, but he was dropped out of school because he did not fit in

author:Retired veteran cadres 67

Text/Zhang Hao (Text/I am a cloud)

This is a true story.

I have a comrade-in-arms, named Zhang Chao, his round face has an obvious plateau red, thick eyebrows and big eyes, about 1.70 meters tall, a little stocky, at first glance, people are more simple and sincere, and they really look like a tiger.

It was the end of August 2001, and our comrades-in-arms from all over the world gathered at Xi'an University of Political Science for a two-year post-secondary education.

One of my comrades-in-arms, from a high-ranking family, was admitted to the military academy for the fourth month, but he was dropped out of school because he did not fit in

This was a favorable policy for military cadres at that time, mainly to upgrade the cadres' academic qualifications and skills so as to meet the demand for qualified personnel in future high-tech warfare.

Zhang Chao was assigned to the same class as me at that time, and he can also be called a classmate.

At first, we didn't know each other very well, and he didn't usually say much. It was only when everyone occasionally talked about the military training of his old unit, he not only showed great interest, but also lost no time in talking about the current situation of the army's weapons and equipment.

I remember that at that time, he often talked a lot about the military weapons and equipment of the United States, Russia, Britain, and other countries, and in particular, he had a thorough understanding of the specific performance index of weapons and equipment, which gave people the impression that he had a lot of knowledge in this area.

A few times later, when I came back to school from outside, I noticed that he liked to hang out in front of the newsstand. He would often buy back some magazines such as "World Military" and "Modern Weapons", and whenever he had free time, he would hold these magazines and read them.

After about a month, there were similar periodicals on his bedside, and a thick dozen were stacked. I feel that he is a military weapons and equipment expert, or "equipment fan", which makes me very envious.

However, another impression he left on me was that his style was rather casual and even a little sloppy. For example, the housekeeping is average, and military physical training can be evaded, in short, if you dodge a catastrophe, it will be a catastrophe.

At that time, although everyone was already a cadre, it was common sense that the management of military schools was stricter than the daily management of the troops. The leaders of the cadet corps often said at the military conference that in their former troops, if everyone is a tiger, they should lie down when they arrive at school; If it was a dragon before, it would be coiled up when it arrived at school.

In short, to put it mildly, it is to put away all kinds of superiority in the former army, to divide and honestly start as a cadet of a military academy, to set high standards and high requirements, and to successfully complete the two-year study task.

It is precisely on the basis of this kind of strict daily management of the army that Zhang Chao's backwardness in internal affairs has become a major problem, and he is often deducted from the class collective score in the inspection. In addition, he did not actively participate in drill classes and evaded training, and after a long time, Wang Hongjun, another classmate in the class, was dissatisfied.

Wang Hongjun came from a field unit of the Guangzhou Military Region, and he was not used to Zhang Chao's casual habits, and sometimes scoffed at his behavior.

At that time, everyone was also at a young and vigorous age, and after being deducted points for an inspection, the two went from bickering to fighting, but they were bumped into by a leader of the cadet team.

This is really "the house leak happened to be rainy, the sail broke and the head wind was encountered", at that time, the fight was bumped into by the leader of the cadet team, and it really became a big deal. Immediately, the leader asked the class to hold a class meeting to carry out criticism and education, and every student had to make an analysis and speech. Later, at the all-military meeting, the two of them made a review one after another.

At that time, I was from the experimental mission unit, and I absolutely had a good understanding of this kind of handling, and I absolutely obeyed and accepted it. I think that the vast majority of students have the same understanding of this matter as I do.

As for Zhang Chao, he showed great dissatisfaction, although he succumbed to organizational discipline and made a review, but since then, he seems to have changed as a person, often talking to himself alone, if you listen carefully, it seems that he is always scolding and chattering. When he was strong, he received a call from home, and he seemed very irritable, and often used swear words brought out by China.

I listened to a lot intentionally or unintentionally, and in private, sometimes when my comrades-in-arms in the class chatted, I didn't understand Zhang Chao's performance. The situation was reported to one of the leaders of the cadet corps.

After all, that leader was engaged in ideological and political work, and he had some understanding of Zhang Chao's classmate's family situation, so he dialed Zhang Chao's father's phone number and reported Zhang Chao's situation at school every once in a while. Later, there were also well-informed classmates, and we learned about Zhang Chao's family situation.

Zhang Chao's father was the deputy commander of their military region, and his mother was brought over from his hometown (with the army), and his mother loved her very much, and most of the time she became doting. And his father was strict with him, but he was busy with the affairs of the army, and it was rare to have time to manage and communicate.

In addition, Comrade Zhang Chao's unit is stationed in a remote area, and the environment and climate are harsh, which will have a certain impact on Zhang Chao's psychology in the long run. When he arrived in the interior, in such a collective, he showed difficulty adapting.

But there is one thing that I can't understand, Zhang Chao has received, seen, heard, and lived in a military since he was a child, and even the punishment of his parents is militarized. Why did this influence not play a subtle role in him?

For a long time, he went his own way and couldn't keep up with the requirements of the big collective, although the political commissar and his family often communicated, but Zhang Chao's performance became worse and worse. When I encounter a course that I don't want to hear, I simply don't go to class and lie in bed and read my favorite military magazine.

Sometimes when he caught up with the internal affairs inspection, he ignored the requirements of organizational discipline and just rolled up the quilt, and didn't care about the results of the inspection and evaluation of his superiors. He also doesn't talk to us classmates, and often goes alone, which makes people feel that he is out of place with everyone.

In the end, in the fourth month of Zhang Chao's military academy, because he could not integrate well into our collective, which is what we often call "unsociable", he was withdrawn from school by the party committee of the academy.

The Faculty has made this decision solely out of the requirements of the Faculty Administration. Although his father is a senior leading cadre in the army, it is inevitable that he will not greet and intercede, but Zhang Chao's approach has completely broken through the bottom line that everyone can bear, and he is really powerless to return to the sky.

As his classmates, we can only feel deep regret for him, he lost a good opportunity to further his studies in vain.

After so many years, every time my comrades-in-arms get together, some people talk about the classmate named "Zhang Chao", I don't know how he lives now? How are you doing?

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