
Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

author:Aiden Fashion Note V

Gao Yuanyuan's beauty has been recognized by thousands of viewers.

Her unique temperament also makes her still maintain a super high popularity after she gets married. From the goddess of tiger pounce in the early years to the current wife, Gao Yuanyuan has transformed all the way, getting better and better in his career, but in appearance, there has been no change at all.

What I particularly admire is that at the age of 44, she still maintains the freshness of her youth. Her pure temperament makes her more and more outstanding in this entertainment industry where technology is prevalent.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

Just a photo of climbing the mountain can make Gao Yuanyuan attract fans to watch, and this appeal is really not covered.

In the process of climbing the mountain with her husband Zhao Youting, Gao Yuanyuan wore a vest + two-point pants and a fisherman's hat on his head, obviously sweating profusely, but there was no greasy feeling, and he was a little fashionable in his sexiness.

I didn't expect her to dress so casually in private. But the ordinary vest is still full of foreign style when worn on her body.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

Gao Yuanyuan climbs the mountain to illuminate the point analysis

1. Black vest, breathable and thin

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

When exercising outdoors, our outfits should be simple and comfortable. Considering that sports sweat will occur, we should choose more breathable and open clothing to wear.

Taking the tall and round climbing style as an example, she cleverly chose a black vest, which is not only breathable, but also very thin.

The round-neck vest shows off the muscle lines on her arms, allowing us to see another side of Gao Yuanyuan.

On the screen, she is the goddess of first love; Privately, she also has a vibrant side.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

2. Wearing a fisherman's hat on his head, full of juvenile feeling

Black vest + black shorts is definitely a combination of age reduction, and it does not pick the wearer's figure.

But because you sweat when you climb the mountain, it is easy to mess up the shape and affect the overall temperament.

Gao Yuanyuan chose to wear a fisherman's hat, which can not only cover the messy hairstyle, but also look back and look back with a sense of youth, such an outfit is too vibrant.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

3. Reduce the use of ornaments and make the shape cleaner

In the process of outdoor sports, the pursuit is the release of physical strength, feel the kind of sweat when the moment of joy, if there are too many decorations on the body, it is bound to make the exercise more difficult, and the comfort plummets.

After seeing Gao Yuanyuan's outfit, I also understood that her climbing this time was not a whim, she must be a girl who loves sports in her life.

There are no other accessories on the whole body except for hats, and the shape looks a little simple, but it is very clean and relaxed.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

How to wear it without greasy?

1. Use light-colored items to reduce the color difference between the skin and the single product

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

Gao Yuanyuan's every outfit always gives us a sense of déjà vu like a spring breeze, even if he is 44 years old, without any signs of greasy.

This is due to her deep knowledge of dressing and color matching.

The contrast between light-colored items and skin tone is not large, and the overall shape will not have much sense of disobedience, except for people with yellow skin and black skin, almost any light-colored items are suitable for white skin, and the effect of wearing is refreshing.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

2. Add shirts to enhance the girly feeling

Young people wear shirts, like a sea breeze, fresh and sunny. In Gao Yuanyuan's shape, we also see that fresh and sunny feeling.


When horizontal and vertical stripes are combined, it makes the thin Gao Yuanyuan more fresh and bright. The sunflower pattern in the shirt has become the focal point of the difference.

Gao Yuanyuan's rare mountain climbing photos flow out! Wearing a vest + two-part pants + bucket hat, it is fashionable and sexy and young

3. Denim elements, fashionable and refreshing

The denim element is definitely synonymous with youth. The popularity of denim depends on its color, but also on its comfortable touch.

The reason why it can become a fashion element that will never go out of style is more importantly, it can give us a sense of relaxation.

Gao Yuanyuan's outfit, denim hats, wide-legged jeans, and simple white T-shirts all reveal a refreshing atmosphere. The more simple the shape, the more durable, its age reduction value is good, and the deoiling effect is also obvious.

Fashion summary: After watching Gao Yuanyuan's private outfits, I finally understood the importance of collocation. If you can match it, ordinary and cheap clothes can also wear the effect of big brands.

It should be noted that no matter what style of styling, there must be a minimum of cleanliness, and when the styling is clean, it will look comfortable.

In our daily wear, we can also wear more light-colored items, try shirts and denim elements to achieve a non-greasy effect. The shape is not greasy, and no matter how ugly the facial features are, it will also make people pleasing to the eye.

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