
A little surprise in the subway: the toilet in the Chinese station amazed foreign friends to "break the defense".

author:Xi'an sweet potato

In China's daily life, a seemingly ordinary facility has recently caused a wave of heated discussions on social media - the public toilets in subway stations have become a bright spot for foreign friends to feel "broken".

A little surprise in the subway: the toilet in the Chinese station amazed foreign friends to "break the defense".

(Note: Breaking defense: Internet terminology, which refers to the emotional impact after encountering some things or seeing some information, being deeply touched in the heart, and breaking through the psychological defense line.) )

This phenomenon not only reflects the humane care for China's urban infrastructure construction, but also shows the attention to detail of public services in the process of China's modernization.

A little surprise in the subway: the toilet in the Chinese station amazed foreign friends to "break the defense".

For many newcomers, the clean, convenient, and well-marked public toilets in metro stations in China's major cities have become a bonus.

Not only are these toilets well-maintained, but most of them are equipped with basic hygiene products such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and some even incorporate smart elements such as automatic flushing systems and usage displays, which greatly improve the user experience. This is in stark contrast to the hard-to-find or poorly conditioned public restrooms in metro stations in some countries.

A little surprise in the subway: the toilet in the Chinese station amazed foreign friends to "break the defense".

The reason why this detail can "break the defense" is that it touches the most basic needs of people's life, especially in the fast-paced urban life, a clean toilet that can be easily used at any time has become a subtle yardstick to measure the degree of urban civilization. The admiration of foreign friends is actually an affirmation of the Chinese city managers' careful consideration of the needs of the people and their commitment to improving the quality of public services.

A little surprise in the subway: the toilet in the Chinese station amazed foreign friends to "break the defense".

The popularity of this topic has not only enhanced the outside world's understanding of China's modern urban appearance, but also inspired the domestic public to rediscover and cherish the "small fortune" around them.

Behind the small toilet is a true portrayal of the people-oriented concept in the rapid development of Chinese cities, highlighting the temperature of national progress.

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