
Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

author:Aiden Fashion Note V

"The Story of Rose" ended perfectly, and the finale won the first place in the national ratings.

Because of Liu Yifei's participation, the popularity of this drama and the audience's evaluation of it are quite high. Coupled with the addition of many male gods, the audience feasted their eyes.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

However, after the broadcast, the word of mouth reversed. From the rave reviews at the beginning to the current mixed reviews.

Some people say that this drama is too bloody, if it weren't for Liu Yifei's blessing, they would want to scold it to death.

Some people also found that this drama is completely the talented girl Yishu putting her bloody love story on the screen.

Not to mention, after watching this drama, I found that she really looks like Yishu, she is the kind of woman who dares to love and hate, beautiful and transparent, and a proper hostess.

And many of her works more or less have their own emotional stories in them.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

For example, in "The First Half of My Life" written by her, the heroine robbed her best friend's boyfriend. In real life, she herself has done something to rob her best friend's boyfriend.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

There is much more to Yishu's bloody matter. For example, he gave birth to a child at the age of 18 and divorced at the age of 19, and he did not recognize his biological son. A woman who focuses on her love lives happily, but it is inevitably less humane.

Yishu's ancestral home is Ningbo, and in the 50s of the last century, their family moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong.

At that time, it was relatively backward for now, but in Yishu's family, life was relatively prosperous. She is the youngest of 6 children in her family, and her parents, older brothers and sisters love her.

Their family has a little cultural heritage, and her fourth brother is the father of the famous writer Ni Kuang (Zhou Huimin's husband Ni Zhen).

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

And she has been very smart about words since she was a child.

Originally, her personality was very fun-loving, and she didn't work hard when she went to school, but she always got high scores.

Later, because he slept in class, he was punished by the teacher for standing in class, and he began to be angry for the shame of a snow, and memorized all the textbooks word for word.

Since then, she has fallen in love with reading, and the books at home have been cooked by her. Literary literacy is cultivated in this context.

By the time she was 14 years old, she was already able to write beautiful essays; At the age of 17, she was invited by Jin Yong to become the youngest reporter of Ming Pao.

If there was one word to describe her, it would be "The Chosen Daughter" is the most appropriate.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

At a young age, she became a thriving blend in the literary world and the media field, and became the object of many people's stammering.

At the age of 18, she became interested in a painter named Cai Haoquan, and with her cheeky spirit, she took the initiative to pursue him. The woman chased the man in the compartment, and soon they fell in love and became a couple in a flash marriage.

Acting decisively, are talented women so different?

At the age of 18, she gave birth to her son, Cai Bian Village.

But this marriage did not last long, they would fight over money, and they would also be furious because of their husband's alcoholism, all in all, this marriage came and went in a hurry.

After the divorce, she did not take her son with her, but went away. After that, for more than 30 years, he never looked at Caibian Village again.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

When Cai Biancun finally became a director and wanted to meet her mother, she said this:

"The first half of my life has been wasted by your father, should the rest of my life be wasted by you?"

What difference does it make if you see it or not? It's better to forget about each other!

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

Fortunately, Yishu, who is indifferent to family affection, did not create a similarly cold-blooded mother in her works. In "The First Half of My Life", Luo Zijun did not give up his son after the divorce, but took his son with him.

But knowing what she did next, it is not difficult to understand why Luo Zijun was written as an image of robbing her best friend's boyfriend.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

After the divorce, she lived a chic life on the surface, but her best friend Zheng Peipei saw the sadness in her eyes. She will have nothing to do with her, enlighten her, and even pull her boyfriend to take her around.

Originally, it was just a good heart, but she didn't expect her actor boyfriend Yue Hua to be taken by her.

So a drama of snatching a boyfriend was staged. But in the end, it was Yishu who won, and really art comes from life.

Since being with Yue Hua, Yishu has become sensitive and suspicious, and she always thinks that Yue Hua doesn't love herself. In order to be able to swear sovereignty, she will publish the love letters she wrote to the other party in the newspaper.

Classic emotional quotes: "A grievance that can be said is not a grievance." A lover who can be snatched away is not a lover." This sentence came from her mouth.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

When Zheng Peipei had a bad time after marriage and wrote a letter to Yue Hua to cry about it, she actually exposed the letter directly to the media.

In the end, Yue Hua couldn't bear it anymore and divorced her.

At that time, she was almost 40 years old.

After her second marriage, she moved to Canada, where she worked diligently to write books and create many excellent emotional works.

Later, she met her third partner, Mr. Liang. In this marriage, she changed her previous willful attitude, her personality became gentle, and she did not hesitate to risk giving birth at an advanced age and gave birth to a daughter through IVF. She became a good wife and mother, washing her hands and making soup.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

If Yishu in her youth is a warm rose, then she is a lily in middle age, she is quiet, virtuous, and gentle.

The change was so fast that everyone around me couldn't believe it.

She said: Love has allowed me to grow the fastest.

watched Yishu's experience, and then watched "The Story of Rose", and found that Huang Yimei was the same, after a few relationships, she became more and more independent and excellent.

Yishu: Divorced at the age of 19, robbed her best friend's boyfriend, and didn't recognize her son, her life is more exciting than a novel

Everyone makes mistakes in the process of growing up, and there is no such thing as a life without mistakes. The talented girl Yishu dares to show a true self, expressing women's yearning and beautiful vision for love.

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