
20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

Green dancers

2024-06-28 22:17

Fans who pay attention to Chinese football must know that not long ago, the results of the group draw for the top 18 in the Asian region of the World Preliminary Championship have been released, and the Chinese men's football team unfortunately drew the "next draw", and we are in the same group as the Japanese team, the Australian team, the Saudi team, the Bahrain team and the Indonesian team. However, for the prospects of the national football team in the world preliminaries, head coach Ivankovic is still very optimistic, and he also threatened to grab points from the group No. 1 seed Japan!

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

At 20 o'clock in the evening on June 27, Beijing time, Ivankovic accepted an interview with the well-known domestic media "Sports Weekly", and the top priority in the interview was naturally the draw for the top 18 of the national football team. Commenting on the result, Ivan said: "There is no doubt that we have been placed in the strongest group, which has three teams from the last World Cup, with Japan and Australia also reaching the knockout rounds. There is no team in this group to be taken lightly, not even the Indonesian team who has advanced to the round of 18 for the first time! ”

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

Ivan also said: "What the Chinese team has to do is to adjust their mentality, our goal is not only to participate, but to create as many surprises as possible and participate in the competition to qualify." We have to go into every game with confidence, whether it's against Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain or Indonesia, and we're going to try to do something. I also believe that since we can enter the top 18, it shows that we still have a certain degree of competitiveness! ”

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

As for the naturalization issue that fans are concerned about, Ivankovic also gave the latest news. He said: "There are several naturalized players in the Chinese team, and some of them are obviously older, such as Exxon. There are still two or three potential naturalized candidates, and we will seriously consider whether to bring them on board to help the Chinese team move forward. ”

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

In the last round of 12, Ivankovic, as the coach of the Oman team, led the team to defeat Japan 1-0 away from home, which surprised the whole of Asia. This time he coached the Chinese team, and Ivan also hopes to repeat the scene three years ago. "I'm familiar with the Japanese team, they have more than 20 players playing in Europe, so when we talk about the Japanese team, it can be a respectful, admiring mentality, but on the football pitch, you never know what's going to happen in the next second," Ivan said. I know Japan is definitely the better team, but I hope that China can prove that it is not so easy for Japan to beat us! ”

20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

As for the ultimate goal of this year's round of 18, Ivan did not give a clear answer. He hopes that the Chinese team can fight from the first minute to the last minute in every game, as long as they do their best, I believe that the Chinese team should be able to achieve a satisfactory result!

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  • 20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan
  • 20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan
  • 20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan
  • 20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan
  • 20 o'clock in the evening! Ivan made the latest statement, revealing the new trend of naturalization of the national football team, and he wanted to score points by playing Japan

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