
In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

author:There is material in the big nucleus
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The scenery in the south is beautiful, especially in some quiet mountain villages far from the city, and the people who live between the mountains and rivers have the aura of heaven and earth, which can often leave some very peculiar impressions on the public.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

In the south of Guizhou and Guangxi, there is a magical "mushroom village", the local still retains part of the characteristics of the matriarchal society, women are very bold in courtship and dressing, so that people who are used to seeing foreign clothes in the big city feel unrestrained.

An isolated mountain village

The mushroom village is mainly an ethnic minority population, with Yao and Miao people.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

Most of the locals farm the land, and a small number of people go out to work. Therefore, this is not a wealthy village, which may be one of the reasons why the local matriarchal social customs have been preserved.

In the public's impression, I always feel that women should be conservative and introverted, and they should be shy and passive in the face of feelings, waiting for others to chase. This habit is not suitable in the mushroom village.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

When local girls meet the men they like, they are used to taking the initiative and boldly confessing their hearts. Local men are in a more passive position, and they are often the chosen party.

However, once men and women fall in love and become husband and wife, the situation is reversed, and women have to follow men and obey men.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

The reason for this situation is: on the one hand, the mushroom village is not a real paradise after all, and it is always in contact with the outside world, so it will be affected by social development, and in some places it shows places similar to urban culture.

On the other hand, this change is a normal way for couples to get along.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

In southern China's cities, when men and women get married, the woman is the head of the family, and men living in this environment are often nicknamed "rake ears".

In this case, if you put it in the mushroom village, don't you think it's strange to switch genders?

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

The most curious thing about the mushroom village is the traditional dress of the women. In the summer, if you visit the mushroom village and meet women dressed in traditional costumes, you will be amazed at how bold they are.

Their clothes were simple, their blouses were like a piece of cloth, with a cut in the middle for a pullover, then they were worn back and forth, and tied with a belt around the waist. This way of wearing is very simple, but the effect of wearing it is very controversial.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

Their interior is a "vacuum", and there is no anti-light underwear at all. The woman's shoulders and large areas of skin under her armpits were exposed.

This kind of reverie is called "two pieces of Yao", and with a beautiful pleated skirt, it is the traditional summer outfit of Yao women in white pants.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

They dress like this, not with the intention of being sexy, but inheriting a tradition. This kind of clothes is very convenient for nursing children.

In addition, the gaze of men staring at women cannot be said to be absent in the mushroom villages that still have a matriarchal tradition, but it is definitely not as widespread as in urban society. Their society is simple, as natural as the environment in which they live.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

After learning about this culture, many people judge this kind of clothing with a colored eye, saying that they are immoral, or they want to be wrong. This is completely disrespectful to the traditional culture of the place.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

The local men also have traditional clothing, with a pair of white crotch pants underneath and a cardigan on the upper body, and the overall shape and color matching are very exotic, which is very different from what the public wears. The name of the Yao people in white pants is also derived from this.

The local women are ingenious and make their own traditional costumes. The cotton is grown by themselves, the cloth is spun by themselves, and the colors and patterns on it are printed and dyed by themselves, which has a unique beauty that cannot be made by machines.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

If you go to the local area, you can also see those particularly historical buildings in the area, mainly stilted buildings and granaries.

People who are accustomed to seeing buildings will definitely feel the vicissitudes of history and special mood when they see this special small building standing between mountains and rivers.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

Their granaries were also specially propped up with pillars, mainly to protect them from moisture, and to keep out rats, they also invented a particularly simple but useful device: a clay pot was placed down on the pillars.

When the rats climb up the pillar, they will be blocked, and they will try to climb up the crockpot, and the smooth appearance of the crockpot will not allow them to succeed.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

Women live healthier lives in matrilineal societies

If mushroom villages are relatively unknown to most people, then the Mosuo people, who also follow the matrilineal tradition, are a familiar ethnic group to the public.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

It is generally believed that the Mosuo people's walking marriage can give men the opportunity to experience more women, or subconsciously equate walking marriage with the fact that men are not responsible. These popular opinions among the public are more or less stereotypes.

When the public mentions the Mosuo people, they will inevitably immediately think of marriage, which means that the special relationship between men and women or marriage is regarded as a representative of Mosuo culture.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

This notion is too biased. In fact, not only does the mainstream marriage model have little market among the Mosuo people, but they themselves do not regard marriage as the core of their lives.

Men and women are together, just based on a pure feeling. This may sound a bit naïve, and some people even say that it is like a love brain, but it is not.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

This relationship is very demanding.

After a couple of men and women are together, basically everyone around them will know that if they mess around in this case, it is easy to cause a moral crisis and be spurned by the people around them, which will make them become street rats and have no place to stand in their hometown.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

Someone did a survey among the Mosuo people and found that women living in a matrilineal society would have better health. The key to exploring the reasons for this is that women have more control over their lives and space to make their own decisions.

Here, they have embraced from an early age the idea that they can do all kinds of things, rather than narrowly defining what women can do, as mainstream society requires.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

They are born to take the lead and take on more responsibilities, so they are more diligent in life.

What's more interesting is that men can live a very comfortable life here, because the society here has little expectation of them, and even the main responsibility for raising children is not put on their heads, and it is up to them whether they want to be responsible or want to contribute.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

It is precisely because of this special that the Mosuo society enjoys the "good name" of "male paradise".

But don't think it's all good for men, because this comfortable life seems to make men here less motivated, and they can easily indulge in gambling and alcohol.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry

In addition, Mosuo women do not have to be like mainstream society, when they get married, their mother-in-law feels that they are from someone else's family, and their in-laws treat themselves as outsiders. This kind of two-headed anger situation is difficult to happen to Mosuo women.

They have always been in their own home, they can get good material and spiritual support, and they will not compete with others about whose surname they have when raising children, and there is a big family to help her raise children.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry


China is a vast country with many ethnic groups and rich cultural treasures.

There is a voice that some special phenomena in existing matriarchal societies, such as the Mosuo view of marriage, may provide some experience for developing relationships between men and women who are increasingly reluctant to get married.

In an alternative mountain village in southwest China, women dress openly and are very bold in finding a partner to marry


Mosuo Research in Yunnan: In matrilineal communities, women live healthier lives

The last group of matriarchal members in China

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