
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

I'm entertaining

2024-06-26 12:03Published in Shandong

On June 25th, the farewell ceremony of performing artist Wang Tiecheng was held in Babaoshan, and many artists in the circle came to the funeral home to bid farewell to him for the last time, and many friends in the circle sent wreaths to express their condolences.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

Including Pu Cunxin, Lu Qi, Shu Yaoxuan and other well-known actors, everyone deeply remembered Mr. Wang Tiecheng in the interview, everyone is so reluctant and sentimental.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

In everyone's hearts, Wang Tiecheng is a dedicated and serious excellent performing artist, and student Shu Yaoxuan mentioned his 50-year teacher-student relationship with his teacher Wang Tiecheng in a heavy tone, and revealed that Mr. Wang has the grace of knowing him.

In addition, stars such as Tang Guoqiang, Liu Xiaolingtong, Lu Qi, Liu Jin, and Hou Yaohua sent wreaths.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

The farewell ceremony gathered a lot of Wang Tiecheng's relatives and friends, and some fans who came from afar to bid farewell to him, everyone was uniformly dressed in black, wearing holy white flowers on their chests, everyone looked sad and tears flashed.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

His wife Yan Lili appeared with the support of relatives and friends, her eyes were swollen from grief and crying, and the heavy blow of losing her lover made Yan Lili's whole person look a lot thinner, and her face was much haggard.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

The relatives and friends who came to mourn expressed their condolences to Yan Lili, and Yan Lili couldn't cry anymore after being cared for by everyone.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

And his son Wang Weiping sat quietly on the side, his expression was also very solemn, and the relatives and friends who came to mourn also shook hands with Wang Weiping one by one to give him some comfort.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

It is reported that Wang Weiping was born with some intellectual disabilities, and has been growing up under the care and care of his parents, especially his father Wang Tiecheng, who has always been very fond of his son.

I believe that for Wang Weiping, his father is the pillar of the family, but now that his father has passed away, he must be very sad in his heart, and it also exposed Wang Weiping's elegy to his father, which makes people cry when they see it.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

Considering Wang Tiecheng's family situation, many relatives and friends came forward to help at the farewell ceremony, and the 54-year-old Wang Weiping was already in inconvenient shape, and he also left with the support of relatives and friends.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

Wang Tiecheng's wife also left the funeral home with the support of relatives and friends, feeling a little unsteady walking, and the mother and son did not leave in the same car.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

In the hall of the farewell ceremony, the previous intimate photos of the family of three were also played in a loop, and it can be seen that Wang Tiecheng and his wife have always been in love, and the husband and wife have never complained, but cultivated their son with a positive and optimistic attitude, and the family lives happily together.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

In 1977, Wang Tiecheng ushered in his own life opportunity and played the role of "Premier Zhou" in the drama "Turning Point", and his meticulous acting skills made him highly praised, and Wang Tiecheng has played the role of "Premier Zhou" many times since then.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

Wang Tiecheng has also won many honors in his acting career, and has won the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actor, and in 2019, Wang Tiecheng was also awarded the honor of Lifetime Achievement Film Artist of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

In addition to the performance, Wang Tiecheng put his energy and hard work on the family, and the old couple gave their son the warmest companionship and created the most reliable shelter for him.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

Here, I sincerely hope that the beloved teacher Wang Tiecheng will go all the way, and I also hope that his family can mourn and change, and his wife and children can continue to face life bravely, so that Mr. Wang, who is in the spirit of heaven, can rest in peace.

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  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression
  • At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife's eyes were red and swollen and he was supported, and his son sat aside with a solemn expression

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