
From "pilot" to "demonstration" Kangongjing District has made every effort to promote the exploration of the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group

author:Zigong observes

On June 8, 2023, the website of the National Health Commission issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the List of Pilot Cities for Compact Urban Medical Groups", and Zigong City was selected as a pilot city for national urban compact urban medical groups. Through the construction of a close-knit urban medical group, Gongjing District has accelerated the formation of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model of "primary diagnosis, two-way referral, acute and slow treatment, and upper and lower linkage", so as to continuously meet the needs of the people for health services throughout the life cycle.

On June 22, 2024, Gongjing District made an exchange speech as a demonstration project unit at the 2024 National Deepening Medical Reform Experience Promotion Conference and China Health Development Conference Public Hospital Reform and High-quality Development Demonstration Branch Event, sponsored by China Health Magazine, Health Newspaper and Provincial Health Commission, and undertaken by Zigong Municipal Government.

From "pilot" to "demonstration", it is the result of Gongjing District's continuous improvement of medical and health service capabilities with the comprehensive reform and high-quality development demonstration project of public hospitals as the traction, the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group as the starting point, and the reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force.

Up and down linkage

Medical institutions promote development together

The urban medical group of Gongjing District is led by the three hospitals of Gongjing District, and jointly established by 13 medical and health institutions in Gongjing District, 1 municipal specialized hospital, 2 private hospitals, and 144 village clinics. As a pilot work, the construction of a compact urban medical group is more about the exploration and reform of the operation mechanism and service model.

From "pilot" to "demonstration" Kangongjing District has made every effort to promote the exploration of the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group

"Along the way, the medical staff ran inside and out, and the examination and operation were not delayed at all, which was convenient and trouble-free!" Through the first "chain double winding" treatment mode pioneered by the three hospitals in the city, Mr. Ding's family, who had just completed the operation, was full of praise for the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment to improve the efficiency of the service.

The seamless connection of referral and treatment, Mr. Ding fully enjoyed the "dividend" of the mechanism of linkage, complementary advantages and resource sharing within the close-knit urban medical group, so that he could quickly transfer to the third hospital of the city through the "green channel" of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment to improve the efficiency through the "green channel" of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, bypassing the emergency department and ward, and directly reaching CT, MR, interventional room thrombolysis and thrombectomy, and starting the operation in only 20 minutes, successfully saving the patient's life.

Mr. Ding's case is just a microcosm of Gongjing District's efforts to promote homogeneous management and improve the quality of medical care in a close-knit urban medical group. In addition to hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, Gongjing District has also adopted measures such as sharing equipment and centralized procurement of medicines and equipment, focusing on core indicators, optimizing processes, quality control, and capacity improvement, and effectively promoting the homogeneous management and integrated development of different levels and types of medical institutions. At the same time, relying on the advantages of Zigong Aviation Industrial Park, Gongjing District has opened a drone route to realize the low-altitude distribution of medical supplies, greatly improving the distribution efficiency, and promoting Zigong to become the first city in the country with full coverage of low-altitude distribution of medical supplies.

From "pilot" to "demonstration" Kangongjing District has made every effort to promote the exploration of the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group

Up to now, 7,291 patients have been transferred from the leading hospitals, and 1,340 patients have been transferred from member units, gradually forming a medical treatment pattern of "minor diseases at the grassroots level, major diseases at the three hospitals, and rehabilitation back to the grassroots level".

Resources are sinking

The masses have "doctors" to rely on to see a doctor

Sinking high-quality medical resources to the grassroots level is the most direct sense of gain for the people. The difficulty of sinking resources lies in the real, effective and sustainable, which can neither rely on "command dispatch" nor "blood transfusion assistance", but only to find a new way of "collaborative integration".

The group has formulated a management method for the sinking of experts, sinking 8 backbones to the grassroots level to serve as the president and vice president, sending 25 experts to sit for regular consultation, helping the grassroots to build new "respiratory" and "shennei" and other specialized joint wards, and establishing a "nursing consortium" to achieve the effect of "meeting the needs of the masses, developing the business of the hospital, and sinking experts to gain fame and fortune".

On the morning of June 25, Longtan Central Health Center was busy as usual. Among them, there is a special figure that appears every Tuesday - Zhang Li, director of the Department of Stomatology of the Third People's Hospital of Zigong City, who is re-examining the teeth of Uncle Liu, a villager in Group 5 of Jiangjun Village, Longtan Town.

From "pilot" to "demonstration" Kangongjing District has made every effort to promote the exploration of the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group

Since the addition of the Department of Stomatology in December 2023, Zhang Li has insisted on visiting primary hospitals every Tuesday, so that patients can enjoy the diagnosis and treatment technology and medical services of tertiary hospitals at the price of primary health institutions at the price of primary hospitals, so that young children who have lost their front teeth can smile confidently in front of others again; Let teachers who are past the middle of the year no longer worry about the quality of teaching due to missing teeth......

From "pilot" to "demonstration" Kangongjing District has made every effort to promote the exploration of the pilot construction of a compact urban medical group

At the same time, Gongjing District has also innovated a series of measures such as setting up grassroots medicine cabinets and exploring regional remote diagnosis, so as to truly bring high-quality medical technology and services to the "doorstep" of the masses.

According to a set of data, so far in 2024, as the leading hospital, the three hospitals of Zigong City have sent a total of 31 medical personnel to participate in the work of the compact urban medical group, including more than 2,000 outpatient consultations, more than 50 difficult case discussions, 34 academic lectures, 120 teaching rounds, 76 business training, 24 surgical guidance, strengthened business training for more than 200 personnel of primary medical institutions, and helped primary medical institutions to carry out 20 new technologies and new projects.

In the next step, Gongjing District will further improve the working mechanism, promote the reform in depth, and strive to make the management system of the urban medical group more scientific, the operation mechanism more perfect, the service model more optimized, the supply and demand of medical resources more matched, and the medical treatment pattern more reasonable, so as to continuously meet the medical needs of urban and rural residents, and contribute to the construction of a healthy China. (Lee Hui Ling)

Editor: Yu Feng

Editor: Wu Shanguan

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