
The research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to Wuning County to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services

author:Wu Ning release
The research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to Wuning County to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services
The research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to Wuning County to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services

From June 27th to 28th, Hu Di, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led a research team to our county to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services. Li Liwei, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Fu Zhou, deputy director, and Wang Jing, deputy county magistrate, accompanied the investigation.

The research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to Wuning County to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services

The research team successively came to the North Courtyard of the County People's Hospital, the Hushan Village Clinic of Luxi Town, the Guanlian Township Health Center and the County People's Hospital to inspect the construction of county and rural tertiary medical institutions, key departments and medical equipment, and to learn more about the construction of grassroots medical and technical talents, the development of medical services, and the promotion of the construction of the county medical community.

The research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress came to Wuning County to carry out a special investigation on the capacity building of primary medical services

The research team fully affirmed the practice and effectiveness of our county in continuously increasing investment, continuing to deepen reform, and comprehensively improving the ability of primary medical services. Hu Di pointed out that to improve the capacity of primary medical services, it is necessary to let the masses "see the disease", "afford the disease" and "see the disease well". It is necessary to increase investment in the construction of grassroots health care institutions, vigorously improve the comprehensive capacity of county-level hospitals, and promote the construction of community hospitals and township health centers in a coordinated manner. It is necessary to further improve the drug guarantee mechanism of grassroots medical institutions, and gradually increase the categories of drugs that are in high demand by the masses, have good clinical efficacy, and are affordable and convenient for the people. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of medical institutions themselves, establish a "green channel" for the introduction and cultivation of medical talents, and ensure that medical talents can be "discharged, retained, and used". It is necessary to make full use of external forces, establish a mechanism for high-level hospitals to help primary medical and health institutions, carry out technical guidance and business training, realize the sharing of information, resources and experience, comprehensively improve the capacity of primary health services, and let the broad masses of residents share the fruits of reform and development. (Luo Taiping, Fu Lihua)

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