
What is Lukashenko's decision for the West to use "sugar-coated shells" to tempt Belarus to betray China

author:Armament Aspiration

In order to isolate China, the United States and the West have tempted Belarus to betray China, and in a recent public speech, Lukashenko made his decision clear.

What is Lukashenko's decision for the West to use "sugar-coated shells" to tempt Belarus to betray China

In recent years, Western attempts to engage and seduce Belarus have long been well known, especially on the issue of trying to influence the country's relations with China.

According to Lukashenko, about five or six years ago, the West used heavy profits as a bait to ask Belarus to distance itself from China. However, Belarus did not succumb to such pressure and firmly chose to continue to deepen cooperation with China.

Lukashenko stressed that Belarus is willing to become a bridge for the advancement of China's interests in Europe as long as the Chinese side is willing. This not only demonstrates the strong friendship between the two countries, but also demonstrates the determination of Belarus to uphold its own rights and interests.

Lukashenko's call to China as a "great power" is not only based on his early vision, but also on China's achievements over the past few decades. His words conveyed optimistic expectations for China's future development and recognition of the future potential of cooperation between China and Belarus.

What is Lukashenko's decision for the West to use "sugar-coated shells" to tempt Belarus to betray China

The most recent meeting, which brought together high-level representatives of China and Belarus in the fields of education, science and culture, further deepened understanding and cooperation between the two countries. Cooperation in these areas is of great significance for promoting people-to-people exchanges and enhancing mutual understanding and trust between the two countries.

On many occasions before, Lukashenko was also outspoken. In the face of the provocations of the Western media, he boldly exposed and criticized the political infiltration and color revolutions carried out by the West in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

It can be seen that Lukashenko really has a bit of Putin's shadow, so that Belarus's overall diplomatic thinking and military strategy are basically the same as Russia's.

In recent years, as the pace of NATO's eastward expansion has accelerated, the defection of Finland and Sweden has further exacerbated Russia's strategic isolation. Against this background, Belarus undoubtedly became Russia's staunchest ally in Eastern Europe.

What is Lukashenko's decision for the West to use "sugar-coated shells" to tempt Belarus to betray China

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a noticeable rift appeared in relations between the newly independent states and Russia. However, Belarus has shown strong support for Russia at this time, a choice based in large part on nostalgia for the common history of the Soviet Union and a prediction of the future security environment.

History has proved that the prediction of Belarus was accurate.

The Soviet countries that turned to Europe and the United States slipped to the periphery of the Western system, failing to make economic leaps and being frequently interfered with by the color revolutions initiated by the West, and the social system was eventually assimilated by the West, losing a certain degree of political and cultural autonomy, Georgia and Ukraine are the most typical examples.

By contrast, Belarus's close cooperation with Russia has not only allowed the two countries to avoid large-scale social unrest, but has also received Russian support in many ways, especially as the Lukashenko government faces domestic and foreign challenges.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Belarus also firmly stood on Russia's side, and not long ago officially launched the "second phase of tactical nuclear military exercises". Of course, this is not only a support for traditional allies, but also a consideration for their own security environment.

On the issue of China, the goodwill of Belarus is also obvious.

What is Lukashenko's decision for the West to use "sugar-coated shells" to tempt Belarus to betray China

In recent years, Belarus has also actively promoted friendly cooperation with China and has become an active responder to China's Belt and Road Initiative. This multi-faceted diplomatic strategy aims to build a diversified network of international relations and provide a broader space for Belarus's economic and social development.

Friendly relations with China have opened a new window for Belarus' economic and social development. In 2022, bilateral trade in goods between China and Belarus reached a record 5.08 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Last year, Lukashenko stressed in front of the leaders of many countries that Belarus was, is, and will be China's reliable partner.

Although it is often said that it is the interests that are eternal between countries, for Belarus, the proximity to China is not only benefits, but also revolutionary strategic friendship that is hard to buy.

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