
BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

author:Cheng Cheng Sports

After the dust settles on the 2024 NBA Draft, Chinese player Cui Yongxi faces a tough test. The shadow of eight consecutive years without a Chinese player being drafted was finally broken, and Choi Yong-hee was not selected, but he did not give up. After many hard work and perseverance, Choi Yong-hee was favored by the Portland Trail Blazers and signed an Exhibit10 contract with them. This contract not only provides him with the opportunity to play in Summer League, but also could open the door to his official NBA career.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

For a player who has faced a low point of defeat, this contract is like a silver lining. The Trail Blazers provided him with a stage to showcase himself, and Choi Young-hee was tasked with proving his worth and showing the world his tenacity and talent. From summer league to possible pre-season training, every step is full of challenges and opportunities. Choi Young-hee's story is a story about perseverance and not giving up, and it is a true portrayal of every basketball dreamer.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

Another high-profile event in the same draft was the selection of Bronny James by the Los Angeles Lakers. This is not only because his father is NBA legend LeBron James, but also because this choice set a new record in NBA history - father and son appeared on the same team for the first time on the basketball court. This moment is not only an acknowledgment of Brownie, but also LeBron's support and affirmation of his son's dream.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

Behind Brownie's choice, there are countless efforts and challenges. Despite his lack of athletic talent and a history of heart disease, Bronny did not choose a comfortable life path and instead pursued his basketball dream. This spirit not only earned him the respect of the fans, but also earned him a chance to showcase himself with the Lakers. The wonders of father and son on the same team will undoubtedly become a great story in NBA history.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

The Boston Celtics have faced a number of challenges since winning last season, the biggest of which is the injury to their key player, Boshen. Boshen unfortunately suffered a torn ligament and a posterior tibial tendon dislocation during the season, which was a serious blow to any player. However, Boshen has undergone successful surgery and is in the recovery period, with an expected return to the court in five to six months.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

Boshen's injury is not only a big challenge to his career, but also a huge obstacle to the Green Army's ability to defend their title. The team's president, Stevens, pointed out that the Green Army became the target of the other 29 teams after the championship, and every opponent wanted to beat them.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

Especially in the East, teams like the Knicks are well prepared, and their staffing on the inside, especially without Boshen, has hardly any team that can match the Green on the inside. Boshen's recovery and return will be key to the Green Army's ability to continue to be competitive at the top of the NBA.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

Through these stories, we can see that the NBA is not just a game about winning and losing, but also a stage about dreams, challenges, and perseverance. Each player's story is full of individual struggles and team collaboration. Whether it is Choi Yong-hee's perseverance, Bronny's courage to pursue his dreams, or Boshen's strength and recovery, their stories are all chapters written together by the NBA family.

BIG NEWS! Choi Yong-hee successfully signed a contract, the NBA god-level record was announced, and the green officer announced his injury

These stories not only add to the diversity of the league, but also remind us that basketball, like life, is full of unpredictable and ever-changing possibilities. Every player who gets up after a fall, every reintegration of the team, makes the NBA stage more exciting and worth looking forward to. The future NBA is the place where every player's dream takes off, and it is also the place where every basketball lover's emotions are sustenance.

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