
78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

Old artist or top-notch leader? 78-year-old Zhu Xijuan returned to China to set off an "aunt storm"!

The entertainment industry has been really lively recently! Stars from all walks of life sang and I appeared on the stage, and took turns to stage the drama of "returning to China to make money". No, another heavyweight has joined the fight, she is the 78-year-old "Red Women's Army" Zhu Xijuan. An old artist who has lived in the United States for more than 10 years can set off such a big storm in the domestic entertainment industry, what kind of fairy operation is this? This made many netizens exclaim: "Auntie, you are too showy!" Some people even jokingly called her "the top of the aunt world". However, is this old artist here to "make money", or does he really have other plans? Let's take a look!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

Returning to China to "make money" or full of feelings?

Zhu Xijuan's debut after returning to China detonated the whole network. I saw that she was wearing a red cheongsam, elegant and decent, and she opened her mouth with a sentence of "Hello comrades", which instantly brought the audience back to that fiery era. The barrage suddenly exploded, and comments such as "Ye Qinghui", "This is the real artist", "Auntie is too sassy" and other comments swiped the screen.

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

But some netizens questioned: "Isn't it a bit too much to come to China to make money at the age of 78?" In this regard, Zhu Xijuan responded domineeringly in an interview: "I returned to China not for money, but to contribute to China's film and television industry." As soon as these words came out, many netizens called it "too real" and praised her.

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

From "Red Detachment of Women" to "People's Artist"

Speaking of Zhu Xijuan, we have to mention her famous work "Red Women's Army". Back then, her "big hot eyes" fascinated countless audiences. Interestingly, at that time, director Xie Jin chose her because he accidentally heard her arguing in the classroom! This can't help but make people sigh, sometimes fate is so "magical".

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

Since then, Zhu Xijuan has become an instant hit and has become the first "actress" in New China. The vivid characters she created not only won the love of the audience, but also made great contributions to the Chinese film industry. No wonder she is called the "People's Artist", this title is not called casually!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

Going Abroad: Patriotism or Betrayal?

In 1996, Zhu Xijuan suddenly announced that she would go abroad for development, which caused an uproar at the time. Some people say that she is "betraying the motherland", while others think she is trying to expand her horizons. But in fact, the purpose of Zhu Xijuan's trip is to shoot a TV series "100 Broadway" that reflects the real life of the United States.

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

After the show aired, many people changed their views on the United States. Some netizens commented: "It turns out that the United States is not a paradise either!" Zhu Xijuan proved with practical actions that she has always cared for the motherland and never forgotten her roots. This wave of operations can be said to be both a fan and a slap in the face!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

Returning to China for development: a new journey for old drama bones

After retiring, Zhu Xijuan chose to settle in the United States. But she didn't quit showbiz. During her stay in the United States, she founded Qionghua Film and Television Art Company and continued to contribute to cultural exchanges between China and the United States. This operation is simply the "living Lei Feng" in the cultural exchange community!

In recent years, Zhu Xijuan has frequently returned to China to participate in various activities. Some people say that she is coming back to "make money", but her actions prove that she really wants to continue to shine for the Chinese film and television industry. In an interview, she said, "I want to draw the audience's attention to the elderly group, because they also have various needs and need to keep using their spare energy. These words are touching and thought-provoking. It seems that Auntie is not only here to "make money", but also to "circle fans"!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

"People's Artist": Deserving of the name or not of the name?

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

The title of "People's Artist" is controversial on the Internet. Someone said: "I wish Xijuan's acting skills and contributions are worthy of this title." Some people also questioned: "I have immigrated to the United States, what kind of people's artist is it?" "

In fact, art knows no borders, but artists have a motherland. Although Zhu Xijuan has lived in the United States for many years, she has never forgotten that she is Chinese. She interprets the meaning of "people's artist" in her own way: no matter how old or young you are, no matter where you are, as long as you care about the people, you will always be the people's artist. This wave of operations is simply textbook-level "patriotic marketing"!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

Looking back on Zhu Xijuan's life, from the "Red Women's Army" when she was young to the "People's Artist" today, she has interpreted what a real artist is with her actions. Her story tells us that the value of art lies not in age, not in nationality, but in the love of people and dedication to art.

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

In today's entertainment industry, the word "traffic" is in charge, but Zhu Xijuan tells us with her own actions that real artists should not be limited by age and national boundaries. Her return to China is not a simple "gold harvest", but a return to art and a confession to the motherland. This wave of operations is simply a vivid "patriotic lesson" for young artists!

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

For those of us who eat melons in the entertainment industry, Zhu Xijuan's story has given us a lot of inspiration. We should look at artists' choices with a more inclusive mindset and judge their actions with a more rational attitude. After all, true art knows no borders, and true artists always belong to the people.

78-year-old Zhu Xijuan, returning to the entertainment industry after 10 years, is the people's artist still a top-notch person?

So, ladies and gentlemen, do you think Zhu Xijuan's operation is true or high-level marketing? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's eat melons and chat together!

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