
There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

author:Emotional University Hall
There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes
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There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

In the vast countryside of China, there is a group of people who make a living by catching snakes. Their skills have been passed down from generation to generation, but there is also an unwritten rule that there are three kinds of snakes that must not be touched.

Uncle Li, an old snake catcher, often said to young people: "These three kinds of snakes can't be touched!"

If you touch it, the consequences are serious. As he said this, a flash of fear flashed in his cloudy eyes.

What kind of snake can make these tough guys who have dealt with poisonous snakes all their lives so jealous? Why would the snake catcher rather go home empty-handed than touch these three snakes? Let's step into the world of snake catchers, uncover this long-held secret, and find out how these three special snakes differ.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

On the list of taboo snakecatchers, "Cobra" is at the top of the list. This snake is dressed in red, yellow and blue, as if wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, and is stunningly beautiful. However, as Uncle Li often said, "The more beautiful the snake, the more beware you have to beware."

This beautiful creature known as the "Cobra Snake" is actually a blue long-glandular coral snake. Despite its petite size, with an average length of only about half a meter, its toxicity is terrifying.

Uncle Li once witnessed the tragedy of a young snake catcher: "The child left less than an hour after being bitten," recalling the incident, his voice still trembling.

The scary thing about the blue glandular coral snake is its unique venom. Unlike other terrestrial venomous snakes, it has evolved a neurotoxin that is usually only found in marine organisms.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

"We don't have an antidote to this poison," Uncle Li shook his head and sighed, "After being bitten, it was like slowly drowning, and finally suffocated to death."

It is precisely because of this deadly threat that snake catchers have formed an iron rule: when encountering a "golden snake", they will never take action. Every time a newcomer joins the trade, veterans repeat this rule.

"It's better to get nothing than to provoke it," Uncle Li always told young people, "and life matters."

The long-glandular coral snake is more venomous than many of the more well-known snakes. Their neurotoxins can quickly block nerve signals in muscles, leading to respiratory failure.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

To make matters worse, there are no targeted serums available.

"This snake is not as ferocious as other venomous snakes," Uncle Li explained, "but don't be fooled by its docile appearance." It is more venomous than many large venomous snakes.

Over the years, snake catchers have learned hard lessons to stay away from this beautiful killer. They pass on these experiences from one generation to the next, hoping that future generations will avoid unnecessary casualties.

"When you see colorful little snakes, you must stay away," Uncle Li repeatedly advised, "no matter how beautiful it is, it's not worth risking your life."

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

The second type of snake catcher is the "peacock snake". This nickname stems from its gorgeous appearance, but its real identity is the mainland's national treasure-level poisonous snake - the Mangshanyuan spearhead pit viper.

"That's a 'green giant'!" Uncle Li described, his eyes shining with awe. The size of the spearhead pit is amazing, with an average length of between 1.5 and 1.8 meters, and the longest can even exceed 2 meters, and the weight can reach more than 15 catties.

The whole body of the spearhead pit is dark green or green-black interlaced, covered with gorgeous patterns, and it looks as gorgeous and colorful as a peacock from a distance. But it's this beauty that often makes people overlook its dangers.

What really scares snake catchers is its toxicity and behavioral characteristics. The amount of venom of the Mangshanyuan spearhead pit is staggering, up to 300 milligrams at a time, and the highest record is even as high as 1,600 milligrams.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

"This snake is not only venomous, but also very powerful," Uncle Li explained, "After being bitten, the wound will decay quickly, and the blood will be difficult to clot."

What's even more frightening is that the spearhead pit of Mangshanyuan is agile and quick to react. "It can sense movement far away," Uncle Li said, "and before you get close, it's ready to attack."

This keen perception has led many snake catchers to step into danger without even realizing it.

In the hearts of the local Yao people, the Mangshanyuan spearhead pit is regarded as a sacred existence and is revered. "Not only can't we catch it, but we have to protect it," Uncle Li explained, "It's a 'giant panda among snakes'!" This cultural tradition also provides a certain guarantee for the survival of the spearhead pit pit in Mangshanyuan.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

However, due to illegal capture and smuggling, the number of spearhead pit pit in Mangshanyuan once decreased dramatically. "Very few people can see it with their own eyes now," Uncle Li sighed, "which is both a good thing and a bad thing."

The good thing is that it doesn't hurt people, and the bad thing is that we may never see this rare creature again.

Uncle Li also mentioned that in the 90s of the last century, some criminals even took risks to steal precious specimens from museums. "In those years, for the sake of money, some people dared to do anything," he shook his head and sighed, "Fortunately, now that it is well protected, there are fewer such things."

For snake catchers, the Mangshanyuan spearhead pit is a red line that cannot be crossed. Not only because it was illegal, but more importantly, they were worried about being punished by "Nuwa Niangniang".

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

"We Yao people believe that this snake is the embodiment of our ancestors," Uncle Li explained, "and to harm it is to harm our roots."

On the list of taboo snakes, there is also a seemingly harmless but extremely dangerous snake - the "golden foot belt", which is often referred to as the krait. The snake gets its name from its special appearance: the whole body is covered with yellow and black rings, and the scales are shimmering with colorful streamers, so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

"This snake is the most insidious," warns Uncle Lee, "and it moves almost silently, and you may not even know if you step on it." It is this quiet nature that makes the krait one of the most feared objects of snake catchers.

The beautiful appearance of the krait snake often makes people let their guard down. Uncle Li recalled: "Some people thought it was cute and even wanted to touch it. As everyone knows, this is simply playing with life! His tone was filled with concern about such indiscretion.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

The venom of the krait is dominated by neurotoxins, which makes its bite very different from other venomous snakes. "The scariest thing is that you may not know that you have been bitten," Uncle Li explained, "and the wound is only two small points, and it is almost painless."

By the time something is wrong, it's often too late.

Symptoms of poisoning come quickly and urgently. Uncle Li described: "At first, I felt very tired, and I couldn't lift my eyelids. Then the throat began to feel uncomfortable, and it became difficult to even swallow saliva.

Eventually, breathing became harder and harder, until ......" he didn't continue, but that heavy expression spoke for itself.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

Neurotoxins paralyze the nervous system, causing a loss of pain perception and a loss of control over the body. "A lot of people don't even know they're on the verge of life and death after being bitten," Uncle Li added, "that's why we're so afraid of this snake."

Uncle Li also mentioned a disturbing fact: because the death process was not too painful, the krait snake was even used as a suicide tool by some desperate people. "I've heard this more than once," he whispered, "and every time I think about it, I feel chills."

Life is so precious, how can you give up so easily.

"So, when you see a yellow and black snake, don't touch it if you think it's pretty," Uncle Li repeatedly advised, "and there may be deadly fangs hidden under the beautiful appearance."

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

Years of experience have given Uncle Li a deep understanding of the krait. "They have a relatively gentle personality and are not as aggressive as other venomous snakes. But it is this mildness that makes it easier to be fooled.

He explained, "Some novice snake catchers pay with their lives because they despise it.

In the face of these deadly dangers, snake catchers have survived with the experience and wisdom passed down through generations. Uncle Li often said: "This business seems simple, but it is actually very knowledgeable."

Over the years, snake catchers have come up with many ways to identify and deal with dangerous snakes through careful observation and long-term practice. Uncle Li snapped his fingers and said, "Be careful if the color is particularly bright, stay away if you are extraordinarily large, and be even more careful if you look harmless to humans and animals."

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

These are lessons that have been passed down from the older generation.

But in Uncle Li's view, the most important thing is the awe of nature. "We eat by snakes, but we don't mess around for food," he said, earnestly, "and we must know how to respect nature and respect life."

In this way, you can not only protect yourself, but also these precious creatures.

Uncle Li also emphasized that the wisdom of snake catchers is not only to catch snakes, but also to live in harmony with nature. "We understand snakes, not to harm them, but to better protect them and ourselves.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

"It's a balance that we've figured out over generations."

Nowadays, with the improvement of the law and the improvement of protection awareness, the traditional snake catching industry is gradually declining. Uncle Li said with relief: "Now we don't catch snakes, but become forest rangers and ecological interpreters."

Protecting snakes with knowledge makes more sense than catching snakes with technology.

This shift not only protects wildlife, but also improves the quality of life for snake catchers. "In the past, I was always worried that I would confess if I had bad luck one day, but now I am down-to-earth, which is very good," Uncle Li sighed, his eyes flashing with satisfaction.

There are three rural snake catchers who do not catch, and the old man warns that the end will be miserable, what is special about these three kinds of snakes

Despite this, Uncle Li still stressed the importance of keeping distance from wild animals. "When you see snakes, stay away, don't touch them," he admonished, "not only for your own safety, but also for their protection."

Uncle Li's experience has witnessed a transformation in the relationship between man and nature. "Today's young people are more aware of how to protect the environment," he says, "and the experience of our old snake catchers is now very meaningful to teach people how to appreciate nature safely."

In the end, Uncle Li summed up deeply: "The harmony between man and nature is the wisdom that should be passed on!" What our descendants should inherit is not the skill of catching snakes, but the concept of respecting life and protecting nature.

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