
2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

author:Cheerful pencil Da

Full analysis of the 2024 enrollment plan of Qiannan National Preschool Normal College

Hello to all candidates and parents! Today, I will bring you a detailed analysis of the 2024 enrollment plan of Qiannan National Preschool Normal College. As a national preschool normal college with a long history and strong strength, Qiannan National Preschool Normal College has maintained a high standard in education and teaching, providing high-quality educational resources for students.

2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

1. The enrollment major has been comprehensively upgraded

In the 2024 enrollment plan, Qiannan National Preschool Normal College has opened a total of 17 enrollment majors, covering education, art design, performing arts, public utilities, health management and promotion and other fields. From traditional education majors such as preschool education and primary education, to emerging public service majors such as smart health care services and management, modern housekeeping services and management, the school has carried out careful arrangements to provide candidates with more diversified choices.

2. Wide coverage of enrollment categories

The school's enrollment categories in 2024 are still extensive, including general college entrance examination enrollment, classified examination enrollment and other ways to meet the needs of different candidates. Classification exams, in particular, provide more opportunities for candidates who have specialties or ambitions in certain fields. At the same time, the school also actively responds to national policies and provides more preferential policies and support for candidates in rural and poor areas.

3. The number of students enrolled in each major will be announced in detail

In response to the enrollment number that candidates are most concerned about, the school has also made a detailed announcement. Although the specific enrollment number may be adjusted according to the actual situation of each province and city, the school has made a preliminary forecast based on the experience of previous years and market demand. Taking Guizhou Province as an example, the enrollment of preschool education, primary education and other majors is relatively large, providing more opportunities for candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in education.

2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

4. The actual information shall prevail

Here, I would like to emphasize that although we have provided you with detailed information on the enrollment plan, the final enrollment policy, major settings, enrollment numbers, etc. may be adjusted according to the actual situation of each provincial or municipal education examination institute or school. Therefore, when filling in the volunteers, candidates and parents must refer to the information published by the provincial and municipal education examination institutes or schools.

In short, the 2024 enrollment plan of Qiannan National Preschool Normal College provides a wealth of choices and development space for students in Guangzhou. If you are aspiring to pursue a career in education or a related field, then this school will be an option you should not miss. I hope this article can provide you with useful reference and help, and I wish all candidates can successfully realize their dreams!

2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

Introduction to Qiannan National Preschool Normal College

When it comes to Qiannan National Preschool Normal College, it is not only a school located in the picturesque Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, but also a cradle with profound educational heritage and national characteristics. As a full-time general college, it is not only a solid base for teacher education and training in Qiannan Prefecture, but also an important support for the training of education cadres in Guizhou Province at the municipal level, providing a professional training platform for kindergarten principals and teachers in Qiannan Prefecture and even the whole province.

The history of Qiannan National Preschool Normal College can be traced back to the establishment of Qiannan Guiding Normal School in 1952, which has witnessed the school's glory from its inception to today. After decades of evolution and adjustment, the school was successfully upgraded to a college in March 2014, which is not only an affirmation of the school's strength and level, but also a huge expectation for its future development.

2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

As a teacher education and training base in Qiannan Prefecture, the school shoulders the important responsibility of cultivating excellent teachers. Through professional curriculum and rigorous teaching management, the school has cultivated a large number of teachers with high professionalism and educational feelings, who have made outstanding contributions to the education of Qiannan Prefecture and even the whole province.

At the same time, as a training base for education cadres in Guizhou Province and a training base for kindergarten principals and teachers in Qiannan Prefecture, the school also undertakes the important task of providing professional training and guidance for education cadres and kindergarten principals. Through various training courses and seminars, the school provides valuable learning and communication opportunities for education cadres and kindergarten principals, and promotes the sustainable development of education in Qiannan Prefecture.

2024 Qiannan National Preschool Normal College enrollment plan and enrollment number of each major

In addition, Qiannan Nationalities Preschool Normal College is also one of the Putonghua machine testing stations in Guizhou Province, which has made positive contributions to the promotion of Putonghua and the improvement of Putonghua proficiency of teachers and students. This not only reflects the school's emphasis on language education, but also demonstrates the school's overall strength and comprehensive influence in the field of education.

In short, Qiannan National Preschool Normal College is unique in the field of education in Guizhou Province and even the whole country with its long history, excellent school-running strength and distinctive educational concept with national characteristics. It is not only an important base for cultivating outstanding teachers and education cadres, but also the backbone of promoting the sustainable development of education in Qiannan Prefecture.

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