
What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

author:Cheerful pencil Da

The colleges and universities that solicit volunteers in each province are different, taking Jiangxi Province as an example, the list of colleges and universities that are supplemented by the undergraduate record are Changchun Normal University, Quanzhou Normal University, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc., about the list of more provinces and cities in each batch of soliciting volunteer colleges, this article has been sorted out for reference.

What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

Judging from the situation in previous years, although the colleges and universities that solicit volunteers in each province are different every year, the types of colleges and universities are not very different, and most of them are private colleges and universities, Sino-foreign cooperation or unpopular majors in colleges and universities, and the places of the former type are usually more, and the latter type is usually very few.

1. What are the schools that will call for volunteers to be enrolled in 2024?

(1) Yunnan

1. Approve in advance

2024 Yunnan Provincial Ordinary Colleges and Universities Enrollment Military Academy Supplementary Volunteer Plan

2. What are the schools that will call for volunteers to make up for admission in 2023?

(1) Hebei

1. In 2023, the undergraduate will be approved in advance Section A to solicit volunteers

2. In 2023, the first solicitation of volunteers for the undergraduate batch of ordinary colleges and universities in Hebei Province was released

The universities that solicited undergraduate batches include Baoding Institute of Technology, Chengdu University of Technology, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, North China University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Yenching Institute of Technology, and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Hebei Physics

What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

History of Hebei

What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

3. In 2023, the first call for volunteers will be approved

(2) Hunan

1. In 2023, the undergraduate will approve the call for volunteer national mission plans in advance

2. In 2023, the first call for volunteers for the national mission plan for the general undergraduate batch

The colleges and universities that will be recruited for undergraduate batches include Nanyang Normal University, Jishou University, Huaihua University, Changsha Medical College, Southwest University for Nationalities, Hebei University of Engineering, Liaoning He Medical College, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Wenzhou Medical University, and Anhui University of Technology.

3. In 2023, the list of volunteer colleges and universities for the first time in Hunan College Batch

Students can enter their scores at the top or bottom of this article, and the system will recommend colleges and universities according to the gradient of "rushing", "steady" and "guaranteeing". When you enter the Dream Volunteer APP, you can also use its "Volunteer Risk Assessment" function, which will assess the risk of failure according to the volunteer plan filled in and give optimization suggestions.

(3) Jiangxi

1. 2023 Undergraduate Early Approved Vacancies Colleges and Majors Statistical Table

2. The list of the first batch of undergraduate literature, history, science and engineering vacancies in Jiangxi in 2023

3. Statistics of the second batch of undergraduate colleges and majors in literature, history, science and engineering in Jiangxi in 2023

The colleges and universities that solicited the second batch of undergraduates include Changchun Normal University, Quanzhou Normal University, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiamen Institute of Technology, Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology, Nanchang Jiaotong University, Jiangxi Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Jinggangshan University, and Jiujiang University.

4. List of colleges and universities for the first time in Jiangxi junior college batch in 2023

(4) Jiangsu

1. In 2023, Jiangsu undergraduate will be approved in advance to solicit volunteer plans

2. 2023 Jiangsu General Undergraduate Batch Solicitation Volunteer Program

The colleges and universities that will be recruited for undergraduate batches include Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing Audit University, Xuzhou Medical University, Suzhou University, Changshu Institute of Technology, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Yancheng Normal University, Yangzhou University, South-Central University for Nationalities, and Nanguo Business School of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

3. 2023 Jiangsu General Specialist Approval Volunteer Program

(5) Sichuan

1. In 2023, Sichuan undergraduate colleges and universities will be approved in advance to solicit volunteers

2. Notice of Sichuan on the first batch of undergraduate volunteers in 2023

3. Notice of Sichuan on the second batch of undergraduate volunteers in 2023

The colleges and universities that will be solicited for the second batch of undergraduates include Liaoning Normal University, Changchun Normal University, Qufu Normal University, Qilu Medical College, Hunan First Normal University, Xichang University, Mianyang Normal University, Sichuan Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, Gannan Medical College, Guilin Institute of Aerospace Technology, and Chengdu University of Information Technology.

Sichuan Science

What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

Sichuan Liberal Arts

What are the 2024 Voluntary Supplementary Schools? A list of institutions over the years is attached

4. 2023 Sichuan Notice on the Solicitation of Volunteers for Specialized Batches

2. List of colleges and universities that have solicited volunteers for supplementary registration over the years

(1) Guangdong

1. In 2022, Guangdong will approve the solicitation of volunteers for undergraduate general classes in advance

2. 2022 Guangdong undergraduate solicitation of volunteers

3. In 2022, Guangdong Specialist Solicitation of Volunteers will be submitted

(2) Anhui

1. In 2022, a batch of Anhui undergraduate volunteers will be solicited

2. 2022 Anhui undergraduate second batch of solicitation of volunteer plans

3. List of volunteer colleges and universities for Anhui junior college in 2022