
The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

author:Cheerful pencil Da

The purpose of this article is to give you a detailed introduction to the 2024 art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (hereinafter referred to as "CAAC"). This plan not only covers the enrollment majors of CAAC in the field of art, but also lists the enrollment numbers of each major in detail, aiming to provide clear and accurate application guidance for students who are interested in the field of aviation arts.

First of all, let's take a look at the main majors of CAAC's 2024 art enrollment. CAAC has always been committed to cultivating interdisciplinary talents with artistic accomplishment and aviation characteristics, so its art enrollment majors are also quite distinctive, covering aviation art design, aerial photography, aviation music and dance and other fields. These majors aim to train professionals who can develop their artistic talents in the aviation field in combination with the actual needs of the aviation industry.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

Next, we focus on the number of students enrolled in each major. When formulating the enrollment plan, CAAC fully takes into account the training needs and teaching resources of each major to ensure that each major can receive sufficient teaching resources and a high-quality teaching environment. Therefore, the number of students enrolled in each major is carefully calculated and reasonably distributed. For example, the aviation art and design major has attracted the attention of many candidates because of its unique artistic charm and broad application prospects, and its enrollment is correspondingly large; The Aviation Music and Dance major focuses on students' artistic accomplishment and performance ability, and the enrollment is relatively small, but it also has high training value.

Here, we would like to remind candidates and parents that the specific information of CAAC's art enrollment plan may change according to the actual situation of each provincial or municipal education examination institute or school. Therefore, before applying for the exam, please be sure to carefully check the latest information published by the provincial and municipal education examination institutes or schools to ensure the accuracy and validity of the application.

Finally, we wish all candidates who are interested in applying for the art major of CAAC can successfully realize their dreams and write their own wonderful chapters in the field of aviation art!

Enrollment Plan:

Enrollment area

In the upcoming year 2024, our Aviation Service Arts and Management program plans to expand its enrollment to attract more students who are interested in pursuing a career in aviation services. Our proposed enrollment area covers the vast territory of China, including students from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Hebei and other Northeast and North China; Talents in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other East China; young people from Jiangxi, Hunan and other central regions; as well as students from Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and other western regions. In addition, we also pay special attention to outstanding students in the two international metropolises of Beijing and Shanghai, as well as Liaoning, Shanxi, Anhui, Hubei and other regions. Although we have preliminarily drawn up these enrollment areas, the final enrollment areas are subject to the announcement of the provincial education authorities to ensure fairness, impartiality and transparency in the enrollment process.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

Enrollment plan

In order to meet the rapid development of the aviation service industry and the demand for talents, the aviation service art and management program of our university plans to enroll 220 new students in 2024. We will carefully prepare the provincial enrollment plan according to the actual situation of the students who have passed the professional test in each province and city. This program will take into account the level of education, the quality of students and the needs of the industry in each province and city to ensure that we can select the best students. At the same time, we will also maintain close communication with the provincial education authorities to ensure the accuracy and rationality of the final enrollment plan.

In the admissions process, we will uphold the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness to ensure that every candidate has an equal opportunity to compete. We will select students in strict accordance with the enrollment procedures and standards to ensure that the selected students have a solid professional foundation, good comprehensive quality and high professional quality. At the same time, we will also provide new students with high-quality educational resources and a good learning environment to help them realize their dreams and pursuits.

In short, the Aviation Service Art and Management major of our university will actively respond to the needs of the country and society, continuously expand the scope of enrollment and improve the quality of enrollment, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the aviation service industry.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

Introduction to the Civil Aviation Flight University of China

The Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) is a shining pearl in the field of civil aviation of the People's Republic of China and an important part of the universities under the central government (Civil Aviation Administration of China). This college not only bears the important task of cultivating civil aviation flight talents, but also has won a high reputation in the field of international aviation education.

In recent years, with its excellent teaching strength and international vision, CAAC has been successfully selected as the pilot unit of the "MPL" (Multi-Pilot License) course promoted by the United Nations, which marks that the innovation and practice of the academy in pilot training have been widely recognized by the international community. At the same time, CAAC also actively participates in the "Double First-Class" construction plan of Sichuan Province, is committed to improving the quality of education and teaching and scientific research, and provides strong support for the development of civil aviation.

As the world's largest flight training institution, CAAC is first-class in terms of hardware facilities and faculty. The academy has advanced flight simulators, high-performance aircraft and a complete training system, providing students with a high-quality flight training environment. At the same time, the college has also brought together a group of experienced and skilled flight instructors and aviation experts, who use their professional knowledge and practical experience to provide a solid guarantee for the growth of students.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

CAAC is the world's largest flight training-based school. Here, students can get in touch with the most advanced flight technology and the most stringent training standards, and gradually grow into civil aviation pilots with high professionalism and flying skills through systematic learning and practice. Therefore, CAAC is known as the "cradle" of China's civil aviation pilots, and countless outstanding pilots set sail from here and soar above the blue sky.

In addition to pilot training, CAAC also undertakes the training of civil aviation management cadres. The college has a complete set of management cadre training system, through the combination of theoretical study and practical exercise, training batches of civil aviation management cadres with high management ability and leadership ability. They play a pivotal role in the development of China's civil aviation industry and are known as the "Huangpu" of China's civil aviation management cadres.

CAAC, an institution that carries the dream and glory of China's aviation, is deeply rooted in the people's army. Its predecessor was the 14th Aviation School of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which once spread its wings and soared above the blue sky and made great achievements for the national aviation industry.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

Back in 1956, it was a time when the country had just emerged from war and was in ruins. In response to the country's urgent demand for civil aviation, with the strong support of the Air Force, the Aviation School of the Civil Aviation Administration of China was officially established on May 26. The establishment of this school marks a solid step forward in China's civil aviation industry. Just four months later, on September 22, the school was officially named the 14th Aviation School of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, beginning its glorious history as a military aviation school.

With the development of the country, the demand for civil aviation is increasing. In order to better cultivate civil aviation talents, on October 25, 1963, the school was officially renamed as China Civil Aviation Senior Aviation School. The emergence of this new name not only reflects the transformation of the school's functions, but also indicates that China's civil aviation industry is about to usher in a new stage of development. In the same year, after a strict examination and approval process, the university successfully submitted to the State Council for approval to be included in the list of colleges and universities, and became a member of the national higher education system.

However, the road to history has not been easy. During the Cultural Revolution, schools also suffered a lot of shocks. But fortunately, with the care of the party and the government, the school was preserved. On May 19, 1971, the school was renamed the 14th Aviation School of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and returned to the ranks of military aviation schools.

The art enrollment plan of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China and the number of students enrolled in each major

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has brought new development opportunities to China's aviation industry. On August 7, 1980, the school was renamed as Civil Aviation Flight College of China again, and began to focus on the cultivation of civil aviation flight talents. During this period, the school not only achieved remarkable results in teaching, but also made great progress in scientific research and foreign exchanges.

With the progress of the times and the continuous development of the aviation industry, the school was officially renamed as the Civil Aviation Flight University of China on December 15, 1987. The emergence of this new name not only indicates that the university has developed into a comprehensive aviation university integrating teaching, scientific research and training, but also indicates that China's civil aviation industry will usher in a better future. Today, CAAC has become one of the well-known aviation universities at home and abroad, and has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the aviation industry in China and even the world.

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