
What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

author:Cheerful pencil Da

The 2024 military academy interview and physical examination score line is announced! The military inspection line is different in different places, such as the minimum score of 495 for male students and 544 points for female students in Shaanxi liberal arts; 534 points for boys and 573 points for girls in Jiangxi physics; Hebei scored 484 points in physics and 553 points in history. This article summarizes the military inspection lines in various places for your reference.

2024 Military Inspection Line (National Summary)

1. 2024 Jiangxi Military Inspection Line

History: 549 for boys, 577 for girls;

Physics: 534 points for boys and 573 points for girls.

2. 2024 Shaanxi military inspection line

What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

3. 2024 Hebei Military Inspection Line

In 2024, the minimum military inspection score for military schools in Hebei is: 484 points for physics and 553 points for history. The minimum score for each military school is: 488 points for the National University of Defense Technology, 520 points for the Dalian Naval Academy of the Navy, 553 points for the Naval Engineering University, 492 points for the Air Force Military Medical University, and 554 points for the Army Engineering University.

List of military inspection scores of Hebei history of each military academy:

List of institutions schoolboy schoolgirl
National University of Defense Technology 553 613
Army Border and Coastal Defense College —— 603
Armed Police Coast Guard Academy 573 603
Armed Police Police Academy 572 ——
Strategic Support Forces Information Engineering University 594 ——

Among the preferred physics subjects, the lowest score line is the Armed Police Engineering University, and the lowest military examination line for male students is 484 points; In addition, the military inspection line is lower than 500 points, including the National University of Defense Technology (488 points for boys), the Naval Aviation University (488 points for boys), the Naval Submarine Academy (489 points), the Army Military Transportation College (485 points), and the Army Medical University (488 points). Among the female students, the lowest score is the Air Force Aviation University, with a score of 519.

The highest score for male students is the Army Service College, with the lowest score of 564 in the military inspection line; The highest score for female students is the National University of Defense Technology, with the lowest score of 623 in the military examination.

List of military inspection scores of each military academy in Hebei physics:

What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

4. 2024 Hunan Military Inspection Line

History boys: 496 points;

History girls: 578 points;

Physics boys: 481 points;

Physics girls: 510 points.

5. 2024 Henan Military Inspection Line

Comprehensive liberal arts: 577 points for girls and 525 points for boys;

Science Comprehensive: 581 points for girls and 537 or 511 points for boys.

511 points is the minimum score for candidates who apply for special positions in submarines, diving, airborne, special operations, and air combat logistics (technical service) to participate in interviews and physical examinations.

6. 2024 Tianjin Military Inspection Line

What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

7. 2024 Guangdong military inspection line

National University of Defense Technology: 540 points, 101 groups.

Army Engineering University: 560 points, 102 groups.

Army Academy of Armored Forces: 539 points, 102 groups.

Army Artillery and Air Defense Academy: 533 points, 102 groups.

Army Special Operations Academy: 549 points, 102 groups.

Army Border and Coastal Defense College: 540 points, 101 groups.

Army Medical University: 545 points, 101 groups.

Army Military Transportation Academy: 541 points, 105 groups.

Naval University of Engineering: 551 points, 101 groups.

Dalian Naval Academy: 532 points, 102 groups.

List of minimum cut-off marks for each major group of each school:

What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

8. 2024 Qinghai military inspection line

Literature and History: 440 points;

Science and Engineering: 398 points.

9. 2024 Gansu military inspection line

Physics: 531 points for boys, 554 points for girls;

History: 503 points for boys, 603 points for girls.

What is the score of the 2024 college entrance examination military inspection line (summary of each province, including male and female students)

10. 2024 Jiangsu Provincial Military Inspection Line

In 2024, 26 military academies in Jiangsu Province plan to enroll a total of 716 students, including 41 female students and 675 male students. According to the number of applicants and relevant regulations, the qualification lines for interview and physical examination are hereby announced as follows:

History: 573 points for boys, 587 points for girls;

Physics: 565 points for boys and 585 points for girls.

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