
Xun Huaizhou has the same qualifications as Su Yu, and his position is higher than Su's, which is actually an accident, and there is no master-apprentice relationship!

author:Animated DreamWorks 2K0K

Among the founding generals of the mainland, General Su Yu has a large corps of battles, and is good at winning by surprise, we are also very familiar with him, such as the battle of Cheqiao on the anti-Japanese battlefield and the seven victories in the liberation battlefield, all of which made him famous, but during the Red Army period, his brilliance was far less than the three generals of the Red Army at that time, namely Lin Biao, Wu Zhonghao, Huang Gongluo, Su Yu's highest position in the Red Army at that time was the chief of staff of the Red Seventh Army Corps, and the commander of the Red Seventh Army Corps was Xun Huaizhou, for this general, we have also heard, But the impression of him is a little vague, and why can he be Su Yu's superior, and what is the relationship between the two?

Xun Huaizhou has the same qualifications as Su Yu, and his position is higher than Su's, which is actually an accident, and there is no master-apprentice relationship!

Looking for Huaizhou

At the beginning, there was such a sentence in the nineties of the last century, that is, Wu Zhonghao brought out Xun Huaizhou, and Xun Huaizhou brought out Su Yu, the first half of this sentence is correct, because Wu Zhonghao followed Commissar Mao to Jinggang Mountain after participating in the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and he also served as the head of the 31st Regiment of the old army of the Autumn Harvest Uprising.

Later, the 31st Regiment was expanded into the Red Twelfth Army, Wu Zhonghao served as the commander, at this time Xun Huaizhou served as the commander of the 100th Regiment of the 34th Division under his command, and later Xun Huaizhou made military achievements and was promoted to the commander of the 35th Division, so this sentence is very accurate, in 1933, he was transferred to the Red 19th Division Commander, and at this time it happened to coincide with the reorganization of the Red Army, and the division directly under the corps was directly under the Central Army, just like that, soon after, the Red 19th Division was expanded to the Red Seventh Army, and Xun Huaizhou also became the youngest commander, he was 21 years old that year.

As for Su Yu, at the beginning he was the guard squad leader of Ye Ting's independent regiment, and then he followed Mr. Zhu to Jinggangshan, before 1930, he had no connection with Xun Huaizhou, and in 1930, Su Yu served as the head of the 104th Regiment of the 35th Division of the 12th Army, which is equivalent to Xun Huaizhou's position, that is, at this time, both of them were in the same army as commanders, and their qualifications and military exploits were similar, in this case, why didn't Su Yu become the commander of the corps?

Xun Huaizhou has the same qualifications as Su Yu, and his position is higher than Su's, which is actually an accident, and there is no master-apprentice relationship!


This is actually related to Su Yu's accidental injury, he was seriously injured in the anti-encirclement and saltpeter battle for more than half a year, you must know that he was the chief of staff of the Red Eleventh Army before, the commander was Zhou Jianping, but after the reorganization of the Red Army, the army unit was canceled, and the Red Eleventh Army also became the Red 19th Division, at this time Zhou Jianping was transferred away, Su Yu became the main leader of the 19th Division, if nothing else, the 19th Division was expanded into the Red Seventh Army, Su Yu was the natural commander, but at this time, Su Yu was seriously injured and left the front line, based on this, Xun Huaizhou was transferred to the Red Seventh Army, and after Su Yu returned from injury, he naturally returned to his original post.

After that, the two got along and worked together, and many times the two came to discuss, and this state lasted until after Xun Huaizhou's sacrifice, so the above Xun Huaizhou brought out Su Yu, and this half sentence is still to be discussed, after all, the qualifications and military exploits of the two were similar at that time, and it was only because Su Yu was injured that there was a change in the positions of the two.

Xun Huaizhou has the same qualifications as Su Yu, and his position is higher than Su's, which is actually an accident, and there is no master-apprentice relationship!

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