
Tens of millions of people are in debt, which is their own problem, but the key is that 800 million people are in debt, where is the problem?

author:Chen Chuer

In the mainland, the issue of indebtedness has always been a hot topic of social concern. Thousands of people are in debt, and people often blame it on their own problems, such as overconsumption and improper financial management. But when that number rises to 800 million, we have to wonder what kind of huge group this is, and where does their debt problem come from?

Tens of millions of people are in debt, which is their own problem, but the key is that 800 million people are in debt, where is the problem?

I am an ordinary person, and I have come into contact with many people in debt in my life.

Some of them are due to overconsumption, while others are due to business failure. What they all have in common is that they are heavily indebted and their quality of life has deteriorated severely. I've tried to help them out of their situation, but often they can't. This made me realize that the problem of debt is not just a label on one person, but also a problem that the whole society needs to face together.

First, we need to face up to the social phenomenon of indebtedness.

In mainland China, the popularity of financial products such as credit cards and online loans has made it easy for more and more people to obtain loans. However, this also facilitates overconsumption. I once saw a friend who ended up going bankrupt because he couldn't pay his credit card debt. He said with emotion: "I originally thought that debt was just a one-person problem, but I didn't expect it to have such serious consequences. ”

Second, we need to focus on the huge number of 800 million people in debt.

In this group, there are a lot of entrepreneurs and start-ups. They are saddled with huge debts in order to fail in their business. I know an entrepreneur who had a brilliant entrepreneurial career, but a financial storm got him into trouble. He said helplessly: "I am not only responsible for my own life, but also for my employees." "It reminds me that the problem of indebtedness is not only about individuals, but also about the stability of society as a whole.

Tens of millions of people are in debt, which is their own problem, but the key is that 800 million people are in debt, where is the problem?

So, what's the problem?

I think, on the one hand, there are holes in our financial system. Excessive lending and lax vetting have made it easy for many people to obtain loans. On the other hand, it is our credit system that is not perfect. The low cost of default for borrowers has led many to take risks. In addition, the social climate also has a certain responsibility. The psychology of comparison and excessive consumption have caused many people to fall into the quagmire of debt.

To solve this problem, we need to start from many aspects.

1. The financial regulatory authorities should strengthen the supervision of the loan market and prevent excessive lending.

2. Improve the credit system and increase the default cost of borrowers. In addition, financial education should be strengthened to improve people's financial literacy.

3. Advocate the concept of rational consumption and guide the social atmosphere to improve.

Tens of millions of people are in debt, which is their own problem, but the key is that 800 million people are in debt, where is the problem?

As an ordinary person, I also feel the seriousness of the debt problem.

It is not only about the dignity and happiness of a person, but also about the harmony and stability of the whole society. I hope that everyone can reflect on themselves from this issue and eliminate debt at the source. At the same time, I also hope that the mainland will make substantial breakthroughs in the reform of financial supervision and credit system, and provide strong support for solving this problem.

Finally, let's work together to make the problem of debt no longer plague our lives. Let everyone live a safe and happy life under the sun. This is both our responsibility and our mission.