
Zhou Zixue: Ten years of brilliant sailing

author:Intelligent manufacturing journey

Zhou Zixue: Ten years of brilliant sailing

(China Information Technology Industry Federation)

Zhou Zixue: Ten years of brilliant sailing

On June 28, Zhou Zixue, executive vice president of China Electronic Information Industry Federation, made a report on "Ten Years of Brilliant Casting and Sailing Again" at the 10th anniversary celebration of the Federation. The following is a summary of the report.

Zhou Zixue: Ten years of brilliant sailing

Over the past ten years, with the strong support of the Ministry of Social Work of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other ministries and commissions, the Electronics Federation has adhered to the guidance of the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the direction of implementing the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the promotion of the key work of the competent departments of the industry. Solve difficulties for the enterprise, seek benefits for the industry, promote the industry to be better, stronger and bigger, and hand over a satisfactory answer to the industry.

1. Serve the government and be a good think tank

(1) Support government decision-making and do a good job in industry operation analysis. The first is to regularly provide industry economic operation analysis reports to the State Council, the National Research Office, the Central Financial and Economic Commission, the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other government departments, and put forward targeted policy suggestions. the second is to assist the competent department of the industry to hold regular industry economic operation analysis meetings to study and judge the development trend of the industry; Establish a monitoring platform for key enterprises, and tens of thousands of key monitoring enterprises have been established.

(2) Establish a reserve mechanism to undertake major research projects. Based on the current hot spots and difficulties in the field of electronic information, we have successively carried out research on the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, the development of the integrated circuit industry, the adjustment of the tariff catalogue of the electronic information industry, the policy research of enterprises going overseas, the definition of strategic emerging industries, the creation of specialized and special new demonstration enterprises, the reduction of institutional transaction costs, and the impact of enterprise relocation on me.

(3) Increase policy publicity and implementation, and carry out all kinds of study and seminars. Closely focusing on the key work of relevant national ministries and commissions, various forms of policy interpretation, standard publicity and implementation, talent team training and other activities are held, and CCTV special commentators, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, industry experts, and leaders of ministries and commissions are invited to interpret the spirit of the national "two sessions", analyze macroeconomic trends, and transmit new ideas, new views and new knowledge for enterprises.

(4) Contribute to regional development and build a platform for government and enterprise exchanges. Give full play to the advantages of the platform, organize member companies to participate in local economic construction, assist local governments in attracting investment and increasing intelligence, and promote the signing of dozens of project results, with a contract amount of tens of billions. Carry out industrial docking with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Central and Western China and Northeast China and other provinces and cities, and strive for policy support for member companies to give full play to the advantages of professional resources.

2. Serve members and do a good job as a staff officer

(1) Reflect the demands of the enterprise and insist on listening to the truth and doing practical things. The leaders of the association have led teams to all parts of the country to carry out research for many times, have in-depth exchanges with enterprises on the problems in industrial development, listen to the demands of members, and solve problems for enterprises. In response to problems such as chip shortages and excessive taxes and fees, opinions and suggestions were put forward to relevant ministries and agencies and adopted. Actively implement the national decision-making and deployment of tax reduction and fee reduction, and since 2021, the membership fees of small and micro enterprises have been reduced or exempted more than 10 times, with a cumulative amount of more than 600 yuan.

(2) Carry out personalized services and provide customized strategic consulting. Provide strategic research for member units, carry out brand business publicity activities, build an industrial development system, "tailor-made" development plan for enterprises, deepen industrial layout, broaden development paths, and help enterprises create a new development space with vitality.

(3) Recommend outstanding members and strive for relevant national honors. In the past ten years, it has won 15 national honors such as China Industry Award, China Patent Award, National Quality Benchmark, and National Industrial Design Center for member units, and 300 award-winning units and projects; Actively participate in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's software city (park) management, pilot enterprise assessment, specialized and new "little giant" and other projects in the preliminary review, speak for the development of the industry, and seek benefits for the development of the enterprise.

(4) Hold brand activities to share and exchange successful experiences. Actively build a variety of communication platforms for member units, promote enterprises to learn from each other, and have successively hosted hundreds of brand activities such as the China Electronic Information Industry Development Conference, China International Software Expo, Data Governance Annual Conference and Expo, Digital Economy and Real Economy Integration Development Conference, Digital China Innovation Competition, etc., providing enterprises with important publicity windows and communication channels, which have been highly recognized by the industry.

3. Serve the industry and build a good platform

(1) Strengthen information guidance and expand channels for publicity and promotion. Publish corporate publicity information through various methods such as journals, official websites, official accounts, videos, etc.; Carry out senior management interview columns for special fields and industry hotspots; He regularly publishes research results such as "Industry Economic Operation Report", "White Paper on Data Management in China", "Data Management Terminology", and compiles books such as "The Road to the Development of China's Electronic Information Industry in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up", "The Road to the Development of China's Software Industry in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up", and "China's Industrial History: Electronic Information Industry Volume".

(2) Cultivate excellent brands and promote the construction of talent teams. Regularly publish the list of outstanding enterprises and excellent products such as the competitiveness report of electronic information enterprises and the top 100 enterprises, the competitiveness report of software and information technology service enterprises and the top 100 enterprises, and 100 excellent cases of data management; Nearly 3,000 people have been certified as data managers, more than 700 people have been trained as data assessors, and more than 100 people have been certified as data compliance professionals.

(3) Strengthen the guidance of standards and guide enterprises to adhere to self-discipline. It has taken the lead in establishing more than 20 group standards in the fields of electronic circuits, electronic components, and data management, and has been selected as one of the 100 group standards of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for many times. Hundreds of standard publicity and implementation sessions have been completed, and more than 4,000 national data management capability maturity assessment model (DCMM) standards have been implemented, and 5,627 information system construction and service capacity standards have been implemented. Hold DCMM standard knowledge competition, data management innovation application competition and other activities to promote enterprise exchanges and cooperation.

(4) Promote international cooperation and enhance the core competition of the industry. China has carried out a number of RCEP implementation activities, and jointly issued the "Chinese Business Initiative on Jointly Promoting Business Cooperation in the RCEP Region" with the China-ASEAN Business Council and 75 national institutions. Strengthen the research on the development of the information industry in the "Belt and Road" countries, establish and publish the information industry development index and industrial map of the "Belt and Road" countries, and provide reference for enterprises to "go overseas". Lead enterprises to participate in CES consumer electronics show in the United States, smart card show in France and other exhibitions to promote enterprises to participate in international exchanges and cooperation.

In the past ten years, the new generation of information technology has developed rapidly, and the scale of the mainland's electronic information industry has increased from 13 trillion yuan ten years ago to 27 trillion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 10%, and has become an important force in the construction of a manufacturing power and a network power in the national economy.

In the past ten years, the electronic federation has grown from small to large, with members growing from 251 at the beginning of its establishment to 4,775 today, and the service field has developed from a single electronic information to communications, finance, electric power, petrochemical, transportation and other fields.

At present, it is at the intersection of "time" and "potential", opportunities and challenges coexist, tasks and responsibilities are equally important, the Electronics Federation will adhere to driving development, determined to reform and break through, further promote digital industrialization and industrial digitization, provide more solid basic support for the development of new quality productivity, continue to play a good role as a bridge, adhere to the national strategy, serve the development of the industry, serve the growth of members, practice internal skills, strengthen management, and strive to build an industry organization of "government trust, enterprise satisfaction, and social recognition". With a more open mind and a firmer pace, we will write a more brilliant new chapter in China's electronic information industry!