
The glorious history reflects the original intention, and we work together to forge ahead and create brilliance This community carries out cultural and artistic performances

author:QT Eyesight

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, inherit the red gene, and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of community residents, on June 28, Longping Community, Longquan Street, Longquanyi District, Chengdu City, carried out a "July 1st" literary and artistic performance with the theme of "Glorious History Reflects the Original Heart, Hand in Hand to Forge Ahead to Create Glory". Longquanyi Investigation Team, Yihe Police Station and other 8 co-construction units in the jurisdiction participated in the event.

The glorious history reflects the original intention, and we work together to forge ahead and create brilliance This community carries out cultural and artistic performances

The event kicked off with the passionate red song "My Chinese Heart" and "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", and the singers expressed their infinite love and loyalty to the party and the motherland with affectionate singing; The children in the program "Little Star on the National Flag" expressed their love for the motherland with innocent and lovely movements, and the cheerful dance rhythm showed the heroic feelings of the Chinese children; Aerobics "Get High" is full of vitality and instantly drives the warm atmosphere of the scene; The solo song "Don't Know Your Friend" deeply touched the hearts of the audience with her soulful voice.

The glorious history reflects the original intention, and we work together to forge ahead and create brilliance This community carries out cultural and artistic performances

After the performance, the secretary of the community party branch signed a co-construction agreement with the co-construction unit to draw a beautiful blueprint for the future development of the community and lay a solid foundation. The leisure chairs donated by caring enterprises were handed over to the property, which demonstrated the care and support of all sectors of society for the community. The secretary of the community party branch presented flags to the two "pioneer volunteer service teams", and the fluttering flags inspired them to play a greater role in serving the community. The little guards of Longping were also recognized and praised by the community, and the little guards and volunteer representatives presented community cultural and creative souvenirs to the community, and the warmth and love shone in the transmission.

The glorious history reflects the original intention, and we work together to forge ahead and create brilliance This community carries out cultural and artistic performances

This art show not only brought a wonderful audio-visual feast to the community residents, but also showed the residents' positive spirit and deep feelings for the party. Through the form of theatrical performances, the majority of residents can enjoy the program, remember the glorious history of the party, inherit the party's fine traditions, and inject a strong spiritual power into the harmonious development of the community. The relevant person in charge of Longping community said that Longping community will continue to hold more colorful activities to continuously meet the spiritual and cultural needs of residents and jointly create a better community life. (Photo/text Longping Community, Longquan Street, Longquanyi District, Chengdu)

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