
I made an appointment, and I will meet at my alma mater in 30 years! The 2024 graduation ceremony of the Affiliated Primary School of the University of Electronic Science and Technology came to a wonderful conclusion

author:QT Eyesight

On June 28, the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China held the 2024 primary school graduation ceremony with the theme of "Move to Make Every Life More Wonderful - Meet 20540628", sending the most sincere blessings to the graduates who are about to bid farewell to their alma mater and embark on a new journey. It is reported that this graduation ceremony is a grand event carefully planned and organized under the guidance of the school's philosophy of "moving and making every life more exciting". The purpose of the event is to show the practical results of the school's educational philosophy, report the practical results of the students' self-discipline oath of "controlling themselves, aspiring to become talents, learning skills, and serving the motherland", and also provide a platform for graduates to show themselves, be grateful to their alma mater, and look forward to the future.

I made an appointment, and I will meet at my alma mater in 30 years! The 2024 graduation ceremony of the Affiliated Primary School of the University of Electronic Science and Technology came to a wonderful conclusion

On the day of the ceremony, the academic hall of Fuqing Campus of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China was full, and the atmosphere was solemn and warm. With the opening music, the graduation ceremony officially kicked off. School leaders, teacher representatives, parent representatives and student representatives took the stage to exchange speeches.

Kang Yongbang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, reviewed the students' six-year growth process with deep affection, and emphasized the school's core concept of "moving to make every life more exciting". He mentioned that the students have worked hard in pursuing the growth goals of "good health, high emotional intelligence, and learning ability", which have not only shaped you today, but also laid a solid foundation for your future life. He put forward three hopes for the students: first, he hoped that the students would always maintain self-confidence, be a person who can afford themselves, embrace the world with kindness and love, and dare to show their confidence and courage; Secondly, I hope that students can be self-disciplined, be a person who can control themselves, and constantly improve themselves through early rising, exercise, labor, reading and emotional intelligence improvement; Finally, he encouraged the students to pursue their dreams bravely, to be worthy of themselves, to set sail in the new stage of study, and to strive to become the pillars of the country.

I made an appointment, and I will meet at my alma mater in 30 years! The 2024 graduation ceremony of the Affiliated Primary School of the University of Electronic Science and Technology came to a wonderful conclusion

In her speech, student representative Ji Hanting expressed her gratitude to her alma mater, teachers and classmates. She said that she would bravely meet the new challenges of secondary school life with the expectations of her alma mater, the teachings of her teachers and the support of her classmates. She encouraged everyone to stay true to their original aspirations, continue to pursue their dreams, and move forward bravely on the road ahead.

Parent representatives shared their children's good times at school and emphasized the importance of school education in character building and ability development. She said that the children not only learned knowledge during their school days, but also learned how to get along with people, how to face difficulties and challenges, and how to maintain a positive attitude. These valuable qualities and abilities will be the cornerstone of children's future success.

Teacher representative Xiong Fei used the famous saying "Education is a tree shaking another tree, a cloud pushing another cloud, and a soul awakening another soul" to explain the power of education. She expressed her hope for the future growth of the students, hoping that love, justice, bravery, kindness and hope can grow in their hearts. At the same time, she also encouraged the students not to forget the education and care of the teachers of their alma mater in their future life paths, and not to forget that they were once a member of the Primary School attached to HKUST.

The performance of the program is divided into three chapters: growth, gratitude and responsibility, each of which closely revolves around the school's philosophy and shows the students' all-round growth in physical, emotional intelligence and learning ability.

In the growth chapter, the students reviewed the good time they spent at their alma mater and expressed their gratitude to their alma mater and teachers through carefully choreographed dances, songs, recitations and other programs. At the same time, the school also showed the school's achievements in education and teaching to the students through this link, so that the students can have a deeper understanding of their own growth and progress.

In the Thanksgiving Section, students expressed their deep gratitude to their alma mater and teachers by presenting flowers and expressing gratitude to their teachers and parents. The teachers also took this opportunity to send their most sincere wishes and expectations to the students, hoping that they can continue to work hard and make progress in their future studies and lives.

In the chapter on responsibility, students expressed their commitment and responsibility for the future by taking oaths and signatures. They said that they would keep in mind the entrustment and expectations of their alma mater and aspire to become moral, educated, disciplined, and capable socialist builders and successors. At the same time, the school also conveyed the importance of responsibility and spirit to students, hoping that they can actively fulfill their social responsibilities and obligations in their future studies and lives.

In addition to the wonderful performances, the graduation ceremony also set up a link for awarding graduation certificates and honorary certificates. The school leaders presented the graduates with graduation certificates and honorary certificates to encourage them to continue to study hard and make progress. At the same time, the school has also prepared exquisite graduation books and souvenirs for the graduates, so that they can cherish this unforgettable time forever.

In the last part of the ceremony, all teachers and students sang the school song "Happy New School", which pushed the atmosphere to a climax. As the melody of the school song sounded, the teachers and students reviewed the good time spent in their alma mater and expressed their deep attachment and reluctance to their alma mater. At the same time, the school and the graduates will meet on June 28, 2054 to unseal "Me Thirty Years Later", and then reminisce about the beautiful past together.

I made an appointment, and I will meet at my alma mater in 30 years! The 2024 graduation ceremony of the Affiliated Primary School of the University of Electronic Science and Technology came to a wonderful conclusion

The relevant person in charge of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China said that the successful holding of the graduation ceremony not only left an unforgettable memory for the graduates, but also demonstrated the achievements and characteristics of the Experimental Primary School Affiliated to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in education and teaching. The school will continue to uphold the school-running philosophy of "Move to Make Every Life More Wonderful", and strive to cultivate more outstanding talents. (Photo/text Fan Hui)

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