
The most liver player in the national server, don't go offline for three days to win the only title! The official new event of Warcraft offers a reward of 100,000

author:World of Warcraft Intelligence Agency

The first full-level player of the new Warcraft national server was born, and he won the only title without going offline for three days

World of Warcraft opened the new servers Gianna and Death Hunter on June 27, attracting a large number of players to flock in, and there are countless super liver emperors who are competing for the first place in the server. On the afternoon of the 29th, Gianna's first full-level player finally appeared! He is a Paladin player of the Blood Elves. This friend who has been working from the start of the server to the full level has not been offline for two and a half days, which is really ruthless.

The most liver player in the national server, don't go offline for three days to win the only title! The official new event of Warcraft offers a reward of 100,000

I have to say that the achievement of winning the first place on this server in the new server is still quite golden.,And to maintain such a long continuous game.,Unless someone works shifts.,It's a bit too powerful to rely on yourself.。

The official reward of 100,000 yuan and a large number of battle points, the era of comprehensive reporting of plug-ins has arrived!

World of Warcraft officially released the latest announcement yesterday, announcing a "national crackdown on script cheating" action: "Wrath of the Lich King" is now open, and the "World of Warcraft" national server team will severely crack down on any attempt to disrupt the balance and order of the game. In order to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game in a good environment, we have launched a special campaign to combat illegal gaming from now on. Let's work together to protect Azeroth and create a fair and healthy gaming atmosphere.

The most liver player in the national server, don't go offline for three days to win the only title! The official new event of Warcraft offers a reward of 100,000

The top 100 players will be announced every week, and after the event ends, players on the leaderboard will receive generous rewards and rewards, as follows:

  • 1st place: 1288 battle points
  • 2nd place: 988 battle points
  • 3rd place: 688 battle points
  • 4th~10th person: 375 points
  • 11th~20th person: 225 points
  • 21~100 people: 75 points

In addition, the national server official also offered a reward of up to 100,000 yuan to encourage players to provide clues to crack down on the production, sales and dissemination of plug-ins. If the evidence is sufficient and legally enforceable, and can help the national service team cooperate with the police to file a case, then you can get a reward.

Malicious gold mining scripts have been banned in large numbers

The official national server simultaneously issued an announcement of "illegal ban", saying that accounts that maliciously used bugs to obtain gold coins in specific locations in the northerly tundra of Northrend during the game have been punished, including account freezing and recovering account illegal gains. The national server official said that it attaches great importance to this problem and has fixed the bug in time.

The most liver player in the national server, don't go offline for three days to win the only title! The official new event of Warcraft offers a reward of 100,000

How to summon mounts and pets that you can't find

After the return of the national server, players found that some content such as the previous "Ben Boer Ba" pets and turtle mounts had disappeared from the game. In fact, these things exist, but they can't be seen, and the national service official also said that it will be repaired later. We can't see it at the moment, but we can summon it using commands:

  • 乌龟坐骑:/use 骑乘乌龟
  • Fishman pet: /cast Fishman

That's all for today, thank you for watching, it's even better to like and forward. Follow the Intelligence Bureau for daily interesting information about World of Warcraft and the national server.

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