
Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

Exploring the course Baiwei and telling the true nature of children - Gaochang Town Central Kindergarten in Xuzhou District, Yibin City participated in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the "Learning and Development Guide for Children Aged 3-6", further excavate curriculum resources, promote the construction of kindergarten curriculum, enhance teachers' awareness of curriculum research, improve teachers' curriculum development and practical ability, and effectively support and guide children's in-depth learning and all-round development, on June 28, Gaochang School in Xuzhou District, Yibin City organized the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition, and the town's citizen-run children participated.

Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition

A total of 14 teachers from Gaochang Town Central Kindergarten, Village-level Park and Private Park in Xuzhou District participated in the competition. Teachers tell the story of the course from the aspects of curriculum origin, curriculum objectives, curriculum network diagram, curriculum content, curriculum reflection, etc. Teachers take the "Guide" as a guide, and continue to observe, interpret, and strategically support children's learning and exploration in the course development, so that each activity can truly allow children to fully carry out direct perception, personal experience, and practical operation, so as to promote the development of curriculum stories from the perspective of children, so that children can develop.

Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition
Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition
Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition

After the sharing of the theme of the class, the deputy director of the Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten in Xuzhou District gave the teachers full affirmation and also made suggestions: first, teachers should pay attention to not too many words and pictures when making PPT, and pay attention to grasping the narration skills when telling; Second, the key highlights of teachers in class curriculum sharing are not prominent enough; Third, in the process of curriculum implementation, teachers' support for children's activities is insufficient.

Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten participates in the 2024 Spring Kindergarten Class Theme Sharing Competition

Finally, after the judges' scoring, a total of 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes, and 5 third prizes were selected. (Gong Min, Liao Shiying, Source: Gaochang Town Center Kindergarten, Xuzhou District, Yibin City)

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