
In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

author:Zhuxi Literature
In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you
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In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

In the fall of 2017, 34-year-old Wang Jiwei stood at an important juncture in his life. Seeing that the wedding was imminent, he made a puzzling request to his fiancée Zhang Miao: "My dear, if I can't find that person, I'm afraid I won't be able to get married with peace of mind."

Zhang Miao looked at Wang Jiwei in confusion, waiting for his explanation. Wang Jiwei took a deep breath and said slowly: "There is a person who once lent a helping hand at the most critical moment of my life.

Without him, I wouldn't be where I am today. I had to find him and invite him to witness our wedding.

Who is this mysterious figure? Why is it so important to Wang Jiwei? What kind of story did they go through between them? With these questions in mind, we unveil a moving saga of friendship, responsibility and redemption spanning 15 years.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

In 2002, the SARS epidemic enveloped China like a dark cloud. In order to curb the spread of the virus, colleges and universities across the country have adopted closed management. In this special period, 18-year-old Wang Jiwei stepped into the university campus and met his lifelong friend, Yang Minglei.

When they first met, the two were just ordinary classmates. However, fate always likes to joke. In the spring of 2003, the SARS epidemic had not yet completely subsided, and a tense atmosphere was pervasive on campus.

One day, Wang Jiwei suddenly felt unwell and had a menacing fever. In the circumstances, any cold-like symptoms could cause panic.

Wang Jiwei knew the seriousness of the situation in his heart, but he didn't want to cause a commotion. Holding back his discomfort, he quietly returned to the dormitory and curled up on the bed. However, the news still spread.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

Soon, rumors spread throughout the dormitory that Wang Jiwei might be infected with SARS.

The students fled one after another for fear of being infected. Wang Jiwei became the object of everyone's avoidance, and loneliness and fear overwhelmed him like a tide. It was at this time that an unexpected person appeared.

After Yang Minglei learned the news, he did not hesitate to put on a mask and came to Wang Jiwei's dormitory. Pushing open the door, he saw the frail Wang Jiwei, and said firmly: "Brother, you have to go to the hospital, I will accompany you."

Wang Jiwei weakly dissuaded: "If I really get infected with SARS, you will also be in danger." Let's go, don't come near me. "

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

However, Yang Minglei did not back down. He helped Wang Jiwei up, and his tone was firm: "Don't worry, I will always be with you." "

At Yang Minglei's insistence, Wang Jiwei finally agreed to seek medical treatment. The two were cautious along the way, for fear of alarming others. When he arrived at the hospital, Wang Jiwei underwent a detailed examination.

After a long wait, the results finally came out - just the common cold.

The moment they learned the result, both were relieved. Wang Jiwei looked at Yang Minglei, his eyes were full of gratitude: "Thank you, I really don't know what to do without you."

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

Yang Minglei patted Wang Jiwei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "What's this, aren't we just friends?" "

is such a seemingly ordinary moment, but it planted the seeds of deep friendship in Wang Jiwei's heart. Since then, he secretly swore in his heart: Yang Minglei will be the most important friend in his life, and he will cherish this friendship forever.

This experience became the cornerstone of their friendship, and also made Wang Jiwei deeply appreciate the value of sincere friendship. In the days to come, whenever he recalls this past, Wang Jiwei will be full of emotion, glad that he met such a close friend at the most difficult moment in his life.

The college years passed like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Jiwei and Yang Minglei ushered in the graduation season. However, their friendship did not fade with the end of campus life, but became more mellow with the precipitation of the years.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

After stepping into society, although the two have different life trajectories, they have always maintained a close connection. Every few months, no matter how busy they are, they make time to get together.

In these gatherings, they chatted about life, shared their joys and sorrows, encouraged each other, and grew together.

Once, in a small restaurant they frequented, Wang Jiwei half-jokingly said to Yang Minglei: "Brother, when I get married in the future, you must come."

Without you, I wouldn't dare to step into the palace of marriage. At that time, Yang Minglei smiled and agreed, no one thought that this seemingly random joke would become an obsession in Wang Jiwei's heart in the future.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

As they grew older, the two experienced their own ups and downs in their lives. At every important moment, they are always the first to share each other's joy or give comfort.

When Wang Jiwei encountered setbacks in his career, Yang Minglei always listened patiently and gave pertinent advice. And when Yang Minglei encounters emotional troubles, Wang Jiwei will also share his views without hesitation.

Their friendship is like a bottle of old wine, which has become more mellow over the years. In each other's lives, they are not just friends, but more like an integral part of life.

Every time they get together, they will sigh: how lucky they are to meet such a close friend in the vast sea of people.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

This deep friendship has become the most precious treasure in their respective lives, and it has also laid the groundwork for future stories.

The years are quiet, and the friendship between Wang Jiwei and Yang Minglei seems to continue like this. However, fate always likes to joke, and on an ordinary day, a phone call shatters the silence.

That day, Yang Minglei suddenly called Wang Jiwei, with a trace of uneasiness and hesitation in his voice. He said hesitantly: "Lao Wang, I have been thinking about buying a house recently, but I am a little nervous at hand......" Before he finished speaking, Wang Jiwei had already heard the sound of the strings.

However, at this time, Wang Jiwei was in a critical period of his career, and he was also facing a lot of economic pressure. He hesitated for a moment, and finally politely refused: "Ming Lei, I am also in the process of turnover, and I don't have enough money recently."

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then there was a soft "oh", and then Yang Minglei hung up the phone. This simple syllable, like a sharp knife, ruthlessly severed the friendship between the two for many years.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jiwei felt a little uneasy in his heart. He tried to call Mr. Yang again, but there was no answer. In the days that followed, no matter how Wang Jiwei tried to get in touch, he could no longer find any trace of Yang Minglei.

Only then did Wang Jiwei realize the seriousness of the situation. He inquired around and learned that Yang Minglei did not ask for help from other classmates, but only opened his mouth to him. Remorse came like a tide, and Wang Jiwei blamed himself deeply, thinking that he had failed this precious friendship.

With the passage of time, Yang Minglei seems to have evaporated from the world. His social media accounts are silent, his phone calls are never answered, and he is not even seen at the lively class reunions of the past.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

Wang Jiwei tried to find it many times, but it was always in vain.

This sudden change made Wang Jiwei fall into deep self-blame and confusion. He constantly reflected on his actions and wondered if he should lend a helping hand to his friends when they needed it most.

This knot has always been difficult to dissolve in the years to come, and it has become a scar in Wang Jiwei's heart.

The test of friendship came so suddenly, and the two who were once close lost contact in this way. Wang Jiwei often recalls the time they spent together in the dead of night, and his heart is full of remorse and regret.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

He secretly vowed that if he had the opportunity to see Yang Minglei again, he would apologize to him in person and repair this hard-won friendship.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 2017 has come. 34-year-old Wang Jiwei has a successful career and has gained sweet love. However, when the joy of preparing for the wedding fills the heart, the unsolved knot becomes more and more obvious, like a boulder pressing on the heart.

On a warm night, Wang Jiwei finally confided in his fiancée Zhang Miao about this long-sealed past. He said affectionately: "There is a person, I have to find him."

If he can't be our witness, I don't think it's complete. After listening to this, Zhang Miao was moved by Wang Jiwei's sincerity, and expressed his full support for his decision without hesitation.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

In this way, Wang Jiwei began a long and difficult journey of searching. He rummaged through his address book, searched various social platforms, and even tried to contact Yang Minglei's relatives and friends.

However, these efforts have been unheard of. Every failure made Wang Jiwei feel frustrated, but he never gave up.

After exhausting all conventional methods, Wang Jiwei decided to turn to the media for help. He came to the "You Have a Letter" column group, hoping to use the influence of the show to find his best friend who had disappeared for many years.

When telling about the past, Wang Jiwei's eyes flashed with tears, and his voice was choked: "Without him, I really don't want to get married." This is not only a wedding, but also a testimony to our friendship.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

The column team was moved by Wang Jiwei's sincerity and decided to fully assist him in finding Yang Minglei. They mobilized resources from all sides to launch a nationwide search. In this process, Wang Jiwei's story also touched countless audiences, and many people spontaneously joined the ranks of searching.

The days of waiting are long. Every day, Wang Jiwei is looking forward to the arrival of good news with apprehension. He often imagines the scene of reunion, thinking about how to apologize to Yang Minglei and how to make up for this friendship.

This search experience is not only a persistence in friendship, but also a deep reflection on oneself. Wang Jiwei realized that sincere friendship needs to be managed with heart, and it is necessary to lend a helping hand when friends need it most.

He secretly vowed that if he could see Yang Minglei again, he would definitely cherish this hard-won friendship.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

As the search progressed, Wang Jiwei's story sparked widespread attention and discussion in the society. People have lamented the value of friendship, and they have begun to reflect on whether they have neglected their friends.

Wang Jiwei's persistence is not only to find lost friends, but also to awaken people to cherish friendship.

Hard work pays off. With the unremitting efforts of the program team, Yang Minglei was finally found. It turned out that he had been living in an ordinary community in Langfang City, Hebei Province.

The moment the reporter knocked on his door, the gears of fate turned again.

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

At the scene of the show, when Wang Jiwei and Yang Minglei reunited, time seemed to go back to their college days. The two stood opposite each other, with mixed feelings for a while, speechless.

Wang Jiwei was the first to break the silence, and his voice trembled and said the words that had been hidden in his heart for many years: "Brother, I'm sorry. I've always felt guilty for not being able to help you when you needed it most.

After Yang Minglei heard this, a complicated look flashed in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he smiled with relief: "It's all over, don't take it to heart." Over the years, I have also been reflecting on the fact that perhaps I was too eager at the time to take into account your difficulties.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the estrangement of many years was resolved at this moment. Wang Jiwei solemnly invited Yang Minglei to attend the wedding, hoping that he could be his witness. Yang Minglei readily agreed, with a sincere smile on his face: "Of course, I will be on time."

In 2017, the 34-year-old guy found a lifesaver and said: I won't get married without you

It's a testament to our friendship.

At this moment, the friendship spanning 15 years was redeemed, and the obsession in Wang Jiwei's heart was finally released. He can finally move forward to a happy married life with peace of mind, and this experience will become the most precious memory of their friendship.

The joy of reunion not only belongs to the two of them, but also infects everyone present, interpreting the value of sincere friendship.

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