
One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)

author:Dongyue pine

The distribution of Nanban, Beidi, Xirong and Dongyi

In ancient times, China was ahead of the world and became a giant dragon in the eastern land, and people from all over the world were proud of China, and it was truly the most prosperous country in the world. However, under this kind of solipsistic thinking, there are contemptuous names of Nanban, Beidi, Xirong, and Dongyi, and most of these titles contain the meaning of contempt, so these titles refer to those places, why are they called like this!

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)


As early as the pre-Qin era, the Central Plains countries established dynastic regimes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, so the Central Plains became the center of the world. And some of the surrounding countries are called barbarians, Rong, Yi, and Di. At this time, it did not refer to the meaning of various ethnic groups, but was divided according to different regions, and from the Han Dynasty onwards, the Central Plains region formed an orthodox status centered on the Han nationality, so it began to have a certain national significance.

The meaning of barbarism is barbarism and uncivilized, the meaning of Di is remote and fast, and the meaning of Rong represents the meaning of danger, and the meaning of Yi is similar to that of people. Therefore, barbarian, Yi, Rong, and Di are not good titles, and they were all called in the pre-Qin era to distinguish the Central Plains, and now these words have a more derogatory meaning.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)


Nanban mainly refers to

The word Nanban first appeared in the "Book of Rites", which wrote that "the south is called "barbarian" In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the southern region was mainly occupied by the Chu State, and the Chu State was also claimed to use the total land area of the remaining six countries forever, at this time, many small countries in the south were pacified by the Chu State, so the Chu State was called the Nanban. However, with the unification of the world, after the destruction of the Chu State, many small countries in the south began to recover again, and they established the "Baiyue", so Nanban became the land of Baiyue at this time.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)

The land of a hundred Yue

The Qin State had sent 600,000 troops to pacify Baiyue, but it was not resolved, and the Nanban region referred to at that time was today's Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi and other regions before the Warring States Period, but this is mainly the name of the pre-Qin period, and it has nothing to do with today.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)


Beidi mainly refers to

Beidi mainly refers to the nomadic people in the north, mainly north of today's Shaanxi, north of Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Northeast China before the Warring States Period. Among them, such as the Xiongnu, the Hu people, etc., were composed of Beidi, which was also the most invaded and threatened by the Central Plains in history, and the former Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty were all from the ethnic minorities in the Beidi region to the south, and eventually replaced the regime established by the Han people.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)


Xijon mainly refers to:

Xirong mainly refers to Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang and other regions in the west before the Warring States Period. Xirong used to be a big trouble before the Zhou Dynasty, often occupied the land of the Central Plains, wantonly burned and looted, with the efforts of the ancestors of the Qin State for several generations, finally pacified Xirong, and drove away Xirong in today's Shaanxi, Gansu and other places, and founded the Qin State.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)


Dongyi mainly refers to

Dongyi mainly refers to today's Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui and other parts of the country before the Warring States Period, because with the expansion of the territory of the Central Plains, the name of Dongyi has been changing, Japan and Korea and other regions, also counted into the Dongyi, and later with the integration of the Qi State to the Dongyi departments, Dongyi has gradually faded once, and there is no threat to the Central Plains at all.

Nanban, Beidi, Xirong, Dongyi these titles mainly arose before the pre-Qin, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were more popular, although later dynasties will also be used, but there is no such substantial geographical division, more used for the division between ethnic groups.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)

Pre-Qin territory

These titles are the titles of the ancients and have nothing to do with today, today all of us have only one title that is Chinese, these titles highlight the narrowness of the thinking of the ancients, and the exclusion of other regions, these are what we should not learn, equality and integration are the main body of our current society, and the fifty-six nationalities will always be an integral part of the Chinese. Geographical distribution of Sijon

Tiaorong is in the north of Zhongtiao Mountain, and Benrong and Tiaorong should be not far apart. Fen, Xi is the name of the two waters in the middle of the Jin Dynasty, there is Xi County in the Han Dynasty, the border of Lishi County in Shanxi Province today, its place is in the north of the Jin Kingdom, so the Jin people call it Beirong.

From the above, it can be seen that the center of gravity of the war with Zhurong during the reign of King Xuan was Xirong in the Longshan region, and at the same time, in the north and south of Huotai Mountain, there were also some smaller wars between the Rong people and the Zhou and Jin.

Shen's other branch maintained a close niece-uncle relationship with King Zhou. King Xuan of Zhou named his uncle Shen Boyu in Xie Yi (present-day Dongxiying, Nanyang City, Henan Province) to control the south. Queen Zhou You also came from the Shen Kingdom of Xie Yi, the King of You had no way, lost his trust in the princes, favored him, and abolished the Queen of Shen and the prince Yijiu born to him. In 771 B.C. (the thirty-first year of King You), Shenhou united to increase the country (also in the territory of present-day Nanyang City) and Dog Rong attacked Haojing, killed King You, and established Yijiu as the king of Zhou Ping. In order to avoid Xirong, the capital was moved to Luoyi, known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history; At present, the first year of King Ping, that is, 770 B.C., is the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhurong was widely distributed, and in the Central Plains, there was an intricate relationship with the King of Zhou and Zhuxia. It can be divided into Hojing and Qizhou regions, Yiluo region, Luxi and northern Henan regions, the surrounding areas of the Jin Kingdom, and the areas west of Longshan and Longxi.

King Ping moved eastward, made Qin Xianggong a prince, and ordered Xianggong to recover the Qizhou region from Xirong and give Qin the west of Qi. In 750 B.C. (the twenty-first year of King Ping of Zhou), Duke Wen of Qin defeated Xirong, "so he collected the remnants of Zhou, and the land was to Qi, and the east of Qi was dedicated to Zhou." In fact, the east of Qi is still occupied by Zhurong. After decades of struggle with Zhurong, Qin Wugong destroyed the Rong people Peng Xi and Xiaoyu, so he went east to Huashan. In 677 B.C. (the fifth year of King Xi of Zhou), Qin Degong moved to Yong, now Fengxiang City, Shaanxi Province,,, since then Qin developed into a powerful country west of Cuihan, and Qin's struggle with Xirong turned to Longshan and the area west of Longxi.

The western part of Lu and northern Henan, mainly the Rong of Rongzhou, and the relations with Lu, Qi, and Zheng in the early Spring and Autumn Period have been discussed in the first section of Chapter II of this part.

In the Yiluo area, before King Ping moved eastward, there were already many Rong tribes, among which the famous ones that can be examined in the "Zuo Chuan" are Yang Wei, Quangao, and Yiluo Zhirong. In 649 B.C., in the third year of King Xiang of Zhou, the prince led a rebellion, and recruited Yang Zhirong, Quangao, and Yiluo to attack the royal city and burn the east gate. Since then, Yiluo Zhirong has allied with Lu and Jin, and has attacked the Song Dynasty, and was the main disaster in the Yiluo region before Lu Hun Zhirong moved. In 638 BC (the fourteenth year of King Xiang of Zhou), Duke Mu of Qin and Duke Hui of Jin moved Lu Hun Zhirong to Yichuan, and at the same time moved Jiang Rong to southern Jin. Lu Hunrong and Zhou Zhan Huanbo said that it was "a traitor surnamed Yun who lives in Guazhou", and Jin Fan Xuanzi said to Xuzi Juzhi: "The people of the former Qin Dynasty chased their ancestors and left Guazhou. "This Guazhou is in the northwest of Qin and Jin, Du predetermined that it was in Dunhuang, but Dunhuang is thousands of miles west of Qin Yongdu, and its land was established as a county when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, if it is far away in Dunhuang, there is no threat to Qin, and Qin is powerless to drive them out. The surname Yun, because of the surname of the fox, is the same as the surname of the ghost Fang, Xirong originally had the name of Kyushu, Guazhou is probably one of them, near Qin Yongdu, Jing, Luo Ershui and northern Shaanxi. Qin because Lu Hun and Jiang Rong are close to the capital, in order to be expelled, and Jin Hui Gongyuan fled outside, with the support of Qin to obtain the status of Jin marquis, his mother is the daughter of Yun surnamed Rong, Yun surnamed Rong is his uncle, so he caters to the Qin State, Zhao Yun surnamed Lu Hun Rong is placed in the Yishui Valley, near Songshan, and Jiang Rong is placed in Jinnan.

Lu Hun's Rong, after moving south, in addition to Yichuan, there are also some distributed in Bear's Ear, the north of the foreign mountains, the south of the Yellow River, the north of the mountains and the south of the water is called Yin, so between the Yellow River and Bear's Ear is called Yin, so Lu Hun Rong is also called Yinrong, and because its original place of residence has the name of Kyushu, it is called the Rong of Kyushu. After moving south, it became a new threat to the king of Zhou, and during the struggle for hegemony between Jin and Chu, he was against Jin and Chu. In 606 B.C. (the first year of King Zhou Ding), King Chuzhuang attacked Lu Hun, in 525 B.C., King Jing of Zhou twenty-one years, the Jin State destroyed Lu Hun, the chief of Lu Hun Ben Chu, and the rest belonged to Jin, and soon the Jin State completely swallowed up the Rong of Kyushu and built a city. Around the Jin Kingdom, since the Western Zhou Dynasty, there are not only many princes with Ji surnames and different surnames, but also many Rongdi tribes mixed in the middle. At the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Cheng sealed his younger brother Yu in the Tang Dynasty, east of the river and Fen, the place was 100 miles, and the Tang Dynasty was in Yicheng County, Shanxi Province. After that, it was divided into two branches: Yicheng and Quwo. In 679 B.C. (the third year of King Zhou Xi), Quwo Wugong and the land of the Marquis of Jin, moved to Yicheng, unified the Jin Kingdom, and was recognized by the King of Zhou as the Marquis of Jin. Its realm is still limited to the Fenshu Plain. Duke Wu died in 677 B.C., Duke Xian succeeded to the throne, greatly expanded and merged, "Zuo Chuan" Xianggong 29 years of the record of the Jin State female uncle Hou said: "Yu, Yu, Jiao, Hua, Huo, Yang, Han, Wei, all surnamed Ji." Jin is great.

If it is not invasive, what will be taken? Wu Xian below, and the country is many. "Han Feizi Difficult Chapter" recorded Jin Candle and said: "In the past, I was the first monarch to offer the duke, and the country was seventeen, and the country was thirty-eight. It can be seen that before the dedication of the Duke of Jin, there were many small countries around the Jin Kingdom. That is, there are so many Jin dedication and kingdoms, or "the people of Rong Di are really ring", until 527 BC (the eighteenth year of King Jing of Zhou) Jin nationality talks still claimed: "Jin lives in the deep mountains, Rong Di and its neighbors are far away from the royal family, the king is not in time, and Bai Rong is not flawless." At this time, it was already the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the words of the conversation were obviously exaggerated, but they also reflected the complex situation of the distribution of Rong Di around the Jin Kingdom. Since the Xia Dynasty, until the beginning of spring and autumn, the basic situation of the distribution of Rongdi in the north and south of Huotai Mountain has not fundamentally changed. But before the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, Rong and Di were not distinguished, to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a "Di" clan name, the Jin State and Zheng, Wei, Xing and other northern parts of the country, generally called Di, there are Chi Di, Bai Di, Chang Di ethnic groups, will be described in the section of Beidi. The Rong who lived together in the territory of the Jin Kingdom and the Rong in the south of the Jin Kingdom, there are famous people who can be examined, such as Tiao Rong and Ben Rong, which have been mentioned above. Jin Muhou "cut the strip for seven years, and gave birth to the prince's hatred", which is the aforementioned Zhou Xuanwang in the 36th year of the felling of the strip and Benrong, and the defeat, so the son of the Marquis of Jin was named "Qiu". On the one hand, Jin Xiangong annexed many small countries, and at the same time paid attention to forming a good alliance with Zhurong. He "married his second daughter Yu Rong, Da Rong Fox Ji gave birth to heavy ears, and Xiao Rongzi gave birth to Yiwu". Du pre-note: "Da Rong, Uncle Tang's descendants are not in Rongdi." "Xiao Rong, the children of Rong surnamed Yun." The big and small Errong are the second daughter of the Rong, relatively speaking, not the name of the tribe. According to the above quotation from the "Zuo Chuan" Du "Note" is obviously from different tribes, and the "Historical Records" says: "Heavy ear mother, Zhai Zhihu daughter also." Yiwu mother, heavy ear mother and daughter brother. "In the Spring and Autumn Period, Rong Di was often mixed, the Fox family came from Uncle Tang, and the same ancestor of the Jin Dynasty was in Rong Di, from the Hu family's exile in Chong'er and later seized the Jin Hou Throne was an outstanding contribution to the cause of Jin Wengong and became one of the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period, the degree of Huahua of the Fox clan is quite deep.

Jin Xiangong cut Li Rong, got Li Ji, and Li Rong is also the surname Ji in Rong Di. Li Ji has a favor, gave birth to a son Xi Qi, Jin Xiangong killed the prince Shensheng in his later years, forced Chonger and Yiwu to die, Yiwu fled to Qin, after the death of Jin Xiangong, he was supported by Qin Mugong to return to Jin to seize the throne, that is, Jin Huigong. Mr. Gu Jiegang deduced that Lirong should live in the capital of the Jin Dynasty according to the situation of the eastern and western countries of the Jin Dynasty at that time, and built a new capital for the Jin Xiangong near Yicheng, and the "Rong in the grass" and "Litu Zhidi" in the east are in the area of Xicheng and Wangwu in the east of Yicheng County, Shanxi Province. It was only after the development of the bronze culture and the further improvement of the level of productivity that the local tribes broke through the limitations of nature and came to the vast grasslands to develop animal husbandry and become nomadic peoples. In the era of origin, Xirong Diqiang was developed from primitive agricultural tribes to nomadic tribes in the Bronze Age, and they became nomadic people in the period when the Xia and Shang dynasties had been established in the Central Plains. "Shuowen" said: "Qiang, Xirong shepherds also." From people to sheep, sheep to sound"; "Customs and Customs" also says: "Qiang, Ben Xirong is also a lowly person, and the Lord shepherds sheep." Therefore, 'Qiang' comes from sheep and people, because it is the number. This interpretation made by Xu Shen and Ying Shao refers to the Qiang people in western China since the Xia and Shang periods, and if we say that the origin era of the Qiang is mainly primitive agriculture, and various tribes and ethnic groups engaged in fishing and hunting.

One Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (62)

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