
Kidney deficiency is incurable, tinnitus is difficult to get rid of, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, a hero in the treatment of tinnitus.

author:Li Shefang, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your TCM friend Li Shefang,

Speaking of tinnitus, today I will tell you why tinnitus occurs, which is also a question that many patients in the outpatient clinic are curious about and will ask!

Today I will tell you about the lack of kidney essence and why it causes tinnitus~

In fact, our body can be regarded as a cavity, and in this cavity, there are kidney essences scattered everywhere. Kidney essence, that's the foundation of the body.

The kidney essence is transformed into vitality, and the three focal points are used as the channel, constantly rising and falling in and out. Kidney essence is also stored in the five internal organs, becoming the basic energy for the gasification of the five internal organs. The kidney essence turns into a body of essence and blood, nourishing the limbs and hundreds of remains.

If a person's kidney essence is empty, it means that our physical body is empty. Our body becomes an empty bowl.

Kidney deficiency is incurable, tinnitus is difficult to get rid of, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, a hero in the treatment of tinnitus.

As a result, under the influence of the movement of the qi in the body and external factors, there will be a sound, and this sound is tinnitus!

In particular, many of the patients in my outpatient clinic who are in their forties have tinnitus caused by insufficient kidney sperm, to give a typical example:

Kidney deficiency is incurable, tinnitus is difficult to get rid of, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, a hero in the treatment of tinnitus.
  • Ms. Li, 35 years old, had tinnitus for 3 months at the time of initial diagnosis, and usually had dizziness, restless sleep, upset, and fatigue. She is an elementary school teacher, and about three months ago, she was grading homework for students when she suddenly felt two "pop" sounds in her head.
  • Immediately after that, sounds began to appear in my head, like the chirping of insects. The pulse is thin, the tongue is pale and pale, the spirit is sluggish and tired, and the body is weak and tired. Every night my head rings, and after a long time, the whole person is not in good spirits.

After the consultation, I saw that his waist and knees were sore, his tongue was red, his lichen was thin, and his pulse was thin.

So I prescribe her mainly around supplementing kidney essence:

Kidney deficiency is incurable, tinnitus is difficult to get rid of, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, a hero in the treatment of tinnitus.

After drinking for half a month, the insomnia has improved, and the tinnitus time at night has gradually shortened.

Continue to take 15 doses, now it is back to normal, and the class is more energetic than before, before I always feel tired, this is the magic of Chinese medicine, not only to improve the part, but also according to the patient's situation, tailor-made prescriptions, from the whole, to improve the whole physique!

Here, cooked ground, mountain meat, turtle plate gum, ligustrum, nourish kidney essence and kidney yin. Cuscuta seeds, eucommia ulmoides, and deer horn gum are used to nourish the liver and kidneys, warm the kidneys and yang, and nourish the essence and blood. Among them, the dodder seed can strengthen the kidney essence at the same time. Eucommia ulmoides strengthens the waist and knees, improves the soreness of the waist and knees of patients. Deer horn gum nourishes the liver and kidneys while warming the yang.

On this basis, yam, poria cocos and licorice are used to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, solidify the acquired foundation, and provide material support for the replenishment of the innate essence in the kidneys.

In fact, the disease of tinnitus is more and more difficult to treat, and the onset time and physique are different for different reasons, so we still have to seek medical attention as soon as possible.