
As soon as the spleen and kidney fail, tinnitus will come to share a secret recipe for the spleen and kidney to replenish vitality and smooth ears and sleep well

author:Li Shefang, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your TCM friend Li Shefang,

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that "the kidneys open to the ears", and whether a person's hearing is sensitive or not is closely related to the rise and fall of the essence in the kidneys. Only when the essence is sufficient, can the hearing organs be nourished, and the hearing will be better.

If the kidney essence is insufficient, the ear loses the nourishment of qi and blood, and the ear will make a chirping sound, which is generally caused by kidney deficiency and is common in middle-aged and elderly people.

I had a 58-year-old Ms. Zhao before, she is the owner of a restaurant, tinnitus has been 6 years, every day like a desperate Sanniang, often until the early hours of the morning before the liver, life always feel very irritable, one day after getting up suddenly found that there is a sound in the ears, the sound is not as loud as a cicada, the ears seem to be blocked by something, very unobstructed, suffocated.

As soon as the spleen and kidney fail, tinnitus will come to share a secret recipe for the spleen and kidney to replenish vitality and smooth ears and sleep well

I didn't pay attention to it at first, it was just an occasional call, but it developed into a regular one, and 80% of the time a day was ringing, like a perpetual motion machine!

In fact, she is a typical kidney yang deficiency, dampness and sleepiness, and the main symptoms of virtual and real mixed syndrome:

That's why there will be tinnitus such as cicadas, dizziness, fatigue, poor sleep, tasteless mouth, and frequent nocturia.

As soon as the spleen and kidney fail, tinnitus will come to share a secret recipe for the spleen and kidney to replenish vitality and smooth ears and sleep well

So I prescribe her prescription mainly from tonifying kidney yang:

As soon as the spleen and kidney fail, tinnitus will come to share a secret recipe for the spleen and kidney to replenish vitality and smooth ears and sleep well

In fact, it is the compatibility plus or minus of the Chinese patent medicine "Wubi Yam Pill", the main function of this recipe is to refuel the kidneys, rejuvenate the kidneys, and then re-deliver nutrients to the ears, so that the ears can rejuvenate and achieve self-repair.

Later, she gave me feedback that the symptoms of tinnitus have been significantly alleviated, her sleep has also improved, her daily energetic temper is not so impatient, and the whole person is slowly relaxed.

I asked her to drink it for half a month according to the original recipe, and her insomnia, palpitations, loss of appetite, tinnitus and other symptoms have completely disappeared, and her hearing has improved a lot.

Like her, she has been staying up late for a long time, and her life and rest are irregular, which leads to a lack of temper. The spleen and stomach function is weakened, and abdominal distension occurs; If the acquired foundation is insufficient, it will begin to consume the innate qi, thereby depleting the kidney qi and kidney essence.

As soon as the spleen and kidney fail, tinnitus will come to share a secret recipe for the spleen and kidney to replenish vitality and smooth ears and sleep well

Excessive depletion of essence and blood, deficiency of spleen and temper, inability to convert food and drink into qi and blood, liver, eyes, and heart have lost their qi and blood nourishment, which will cause loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping, and lack of nourishment in the ears, which will naturally produce tinnitus.

  • The whole recipe's conditioning idea is still based on tonifying the kidney, among which yam can not only tonify the spleen and lungs, but also tonify the kidney, and is an all-rounder.
  • By tonifying the kidneys and improving essence, you can cure tinnitus and let your ears hear clearly. Rehmannia is also a good hand at tonifying the kidneys and can help you fill the kidney essence.
  • The four flavors of dogwood, hyssop, morinda and cistanche are all masters of warming and replenishing kidney yang, which can not only nourish the liver yin, but also fill the kidney essence.
  • The last two flavors are Poria cocos and Ze Yuan, because dampness is an evil qi, and if dampness invades the ear orifices, it is easy to cause the meridians to be blocked.

In this way, the road of kidney qi to the ears is blocked, and Poria cocos and Ze Epsom can promote dampness, opening up this path, so that the kidney qi can reach the ear orifice more smoothly.

So it can improve her tinnitus very well! If your tinnitus has also lasted for a long time, be sure to seek medical attention in time to reduce the risk of hearing loss!