
has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Urban dramas have always been the "sweet and sweet" of the domestic drama market. But who would have thought that this piece of "fragrant dumplings" has frequently overturned in recent years, and "suspension" and "dog blood" have become its lingering labels.

Just when the audience was collectively disappointed in urban dramas, a dark horse was born - "The Old and the Young". This drama only aired one episode, and the ratings broke 2! What kind of fairy operation is this?

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Could it be that the audience was collectively dazzled? Or is there a problem with the ratings calculation? Don't worry, let's uncover the secrets behind this ratings "miracle".

The "Redemption" of urban dramas: the stunning appearance of "The Old and the Young".

In this fast-paced era, urban dramas have always been the audience's favorite. It is close to life and easy to resonate, and it can be said to be the "traffic password" of domestic dramas.

However, urban dramas in recent years always seem to be unable to escape the spell of "suspension" and "dog blood". The audience can't help but ask: When will I see a really down-to-earth good drama?

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Zhejiang Satellite TV's new work "Old and Young" was born. As soon as this drama started, it gave the audience a resounding slap in the face - the ratings of the premiere directly broke 2!

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

This is an eye-popping achievement. You must know that in today's era of video websites and increasingly discerning audiences, being able to achieve this rating is definitely a "dark horse".

So, what is so special about this drama? Why does it stand out from many urban dramas? Let's uncover the secrets behind this "ratings miracle".

Plot setting: The extraordinary in ordinary life

The story of "The Old and the Young" seems unremarkable: a young couple finally buys a house, but they have to face the dilemma of living with both parents.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

This situation is not uncommon in today's society. Many young people are facing the pressure of "old and young" and have to struggle between work, life and family.

The protagonists in the play, Gu Xiaomeng (played by Deng Jiajia) and Lu Xiang (played by Yang Jue), are such a couple. They had just had their own "snail house", and before they had time to live in the two-person world, their parents moved in one after another.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Such a setting instantly hit the pain points of countless audiences.

However, the show doesn't stop at creating anxiety. Instead, it chooses a warm and humorous way to present these contradictions and conflicts in life.

Character building: realistic and three-dimensional

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

The biggest highlight of "The Old and the Young" lies in the realism and three-dimensionality of its character creation.

First of all, the image of Chinese parents in the play can be said to be three points. The male protagonist's father is a typical late-stage machismo patient, who thinks that the kitchen is a woman's world and likes to preach to juniors. The male protagonist's mother is overly thrifty, and the furniture must be covered with various protective covers, and she doesn't knock when she enters her daughter-in-law's room.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

These characteristics must be familiar to many audiences. However, the screenwriters did not portray these characters as a single "villain".

The old father would carefully put plastic wrap on the remote control of his son's house, for fear of getting dirty. The mother was so busy that she was willing to wash her daughter-in-law's clothes.

These details allow the audience to see the clumsy but sincere love of their parents. Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, what we need to learn is not to hate them, but to understand, communicate and find a way to live at the same frequency.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Husband and wife relationships: the right way to open a new era

Another eye-catching thing is the depiction of the relationship between husband and wife in the play.

Many young couples in urban dramas either don't have long mouths, or they only get angry, and the audience wants to scold them for "cowardice". But the heroes and heroines in "The Old and the Young" are not like this.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

In the face of his old father's preaching, her husband Lu Xiang dared to argue with reason:

"If you follow your rules, how can the times progress?"

Such lines make how many viewers watch their blood boiling!

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

And the heroine Gu Xiaomeng is not the kind of daughter-in-law who is only promised. She grasps both the workplace and the family, and is rational and decisive, which can be called a model for women in the new era.

This is the right way to open a new era of couples!

Cast: A wonderful performance of the powerful faction

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

A good drama is inseparable from excellent actors. "There are old and young" can be said to have put a lot of effort into this regard.

The first is Deng Jiajia. This "little aunt" has performed remarkably in recent years, and has long since gotten rid of the label of comedian. In this drama, Gu Xiaomeng played by her is gentle and generous, full of intellectuality, and can always remain calm in the face of various contradictions. Deng Jiajia's performance is natural and smooth, and a look and a smile can convey the inner world of the character.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Lu Xiang played by Yang Jue is a good gentleman who people love and hate. He is considerate of his wife and has just the right expression of helplessness for his parents, as if he is the big brother next door who lives by our side.

The two mothers played by Xu Di and Wu Yufang respectively have even better acting skills. Xu Di's interpretation of Wang Hong has been PUA by her macho husband for many years, and she is busy all day long and feels that she should take it for granted.

And Wu Yufang's Gu Mu is a shrewd philistine character, which is very different from the image she has created in the past. The performances of the two veteran actors added a lot to the series.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Such a cast is simply a guarantee of quality!

Netizens are hotly discussed: mixed reviews, each expressing their own opinions

As soon as this drama was broadcast, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens' evaluations of the plot and characters are mixed.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Some netizens said:

"I finally saw an urban drama that is not embarrassing or pretentious! Every character seemed to come out of me, and I cried and laughed when I saw it. "

Some netizens also think:

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years
"Although the plot is real, it is a little too depressing. After watching it, I feel like I'm going to suffocate, real life is hard enough, do you have to be so abusive when watching dramas? "

Some netizens paid attention to the social issues reflected in the play:

"This drama is a true reflection of the plight of contemporary young people. Mortgages, work pressure, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, and fertility problems, which one is not a heart-wrenching topic? It is hoped that through this drama, the society can pay attention to and discuss these issues. "
has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

Interestingly, many middle-aged netizens also joined the discussion:

"As a parent, after watching this drama, I realized that I might have done something wrong. In the future, you should think more from the child's point of view. "

Of course, some netizens questioned some of the plots in the play:

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years
"Although the whole is not bad, some of the plots are still slightly exaggerated. For example, in real life, is it true that someone will let both parents move in as soon as they buy a house? That's too brave, isn't it? "

Conclusion: A New Hope for Urban Dramas?

The popularity of "The Old and the Young" has undoubtedly given a shot in the arm to the domestic urban drama market. It proves that the audience is not unwilling to watch the life drama of "chicken feathers in one place", the key is to shoot it realistically and heartily.

has only aired 1 episode, and the ratings have broken 2, which is worthy of being an urban dark horse drama that you have been waiting for for two years

The show has managed to maintain a high level of watchability while maintaining the realism of the content. The wonderful performance of the actors has made each character get rid of the problem of facial makeup, showing a vivid multi-facetedness.

Of course, at the moment the show has only been updated with one episode, and it remains to be seen how it will develop in the future. But as long as it can maintain its current level, I believe it is likely to become a hit drama this year.

So the question arises: will you continue to follow this show? Do you think it can become a "savior" that changes the fate of domestic urban dramas? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and let's discuss together!

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