
Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

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In the torrent of time, we have witnessed the growth and transformation of countless lives.

Let us focus our attention on a special girl - Tianxin, and the gentle and strong mother behind her, Li Xiaolu.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

The summer sun shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on the playground of a primary school in Beijing, adding a bit of warmth and brilliance to this special day.

This day is the day when Tianxin graduated from primary school, and it is also an important node in her life.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

As a mother, Li Xiaolu naturally will not miss this important moment.

Early in the morning, Li Xiaolu carefully selected a set of college-style outfits for Tianxin.

She was wearing a gray vest, a pleated short skirt, and a pair of white sneakers, looking young and energetic.

Her skin is fair and delicate, as if she can pinch out the water, her figure is slender, and she is full of girlishness.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

This kind of dress makes Li Xiaolu look like a member of the girl group, full of youthful vitality and charm.

Tianxin, on the other hand, chose a more mature outfit.

She wore a high ponytail, a white shirt and black trousers, and a pair of small black leather shoes.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

She stood slim on the playground, and her tall and slender figure stood out.

Although she is still young, Tianxin has already shown her unique charm and temperament.

The graduation ceremony kicked off in a solemn and warm atmosphere.

Teachers and students reviewed the good times spent by Tianxin and her classmates at school.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

Tianxin posted a video on her personal social platform, in which she recorded her bits and pieces in primary school and her daily interactions with her classmates.

From the frolic between classes to the careful listening in class, from the hard work in the sports meeting to the wonderful performance in the art show, every moment is full of laughter and tears.

These precious memories made Tianxin even more reluctant and emotional when she graduated.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

At the ceremony, Tianxin buried her head in her mother's arms and cried because she was reluctant to her classmates and teachers.

Her little hands tightly grasped the corners of Li Xiaolu's clothes, and tears wet Li Xiaolu's clothes.

Li Xiaolu gently hugged her daughter and comforted her with a sweet smile: "Baby, don't cry."

Graduation is a new beginning, and you will meet more friends and teachers.

Mom believes that you will be more courageous and confident to face the challenges ahead. Hearing her mother's words, Tianxin gradually stopped crying, but her eyes were still red.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

At this time, Li Xiaolu also shared this touching scene on social platforms.

She posted a photo of attending her daughter's graduation ceremony, with the caption: "I feel extremely relieved and proud to watch my daughter grow from a little girl to a slim girl."

Every stage of her growth was full of challenges and opportunities, but she was always brave enough to face and overcome all difficulties.

I am sure that my daughter will be even better and better in the future. This text is full of maternal love and expectation, which makes people feel Li Xiaolu's deep love and blessing for her daughter.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

In the blink of an eye, the graduation ceremony came to an end.

Tianxin and her classmates took the stage to receive their graduation certificates and souvenirs.

She held her diploma with a big smile on her face.

At this moment, she seems to have forgotten her previous reluctance and sadness, leaving only her longing and expectation for the future.

On the way home, Li Xiaolu and Tianxin walked on the street hand in hand.

The sun shone on them, warm and bright.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

Li Xiaolu watched her daughter grow up, and her heart was full of emotion.

She remembered the small, pink baby when Tianxin was born, and now she has grown into a slim girl.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, allowing them to enjoy this rare time as mother and daughter.

"Mom, do you think I've grown up?" Tianxin asked suddenly.

"Of course I've grown up, my little princess." Li Xiaolu replied with a smile, "You are now a primary school student, and you will soon become a middle school student."

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

Mom believes that you will get better and better. ”

"Am I going to be as pretty as my mother?" Tianxin asked curiously.

"Of course, my darling." Li Xiaolu gently stroked her daughter's head, "You look more and more like your mother, and you will definitely be as beautiful and moving as your mother in the future." ”

Hearing her mother's words, Tianxin laughed happily.

She took her mother's hand and continued to walk forward.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

The sun shone on them, as if they were covered with a golden halo.

On this special day, the mother and daughter have walked the road of growth together, and also met the challenges and opportunities of the future together.

Today, Tianxin is 11 years old, and her height is close to her mother of 162 cm.

Her appearance has gradually changed from looking like her father Jia Nailiang to her mother Li Xiaolu.

Her appearance is becoming more and more delicate and beautiful, and her temperament is quiet and ladylike, which reminds people of Li Xiaolu back then.

I believe that in the near future, Tianxin will definitely become an excellent and beautiful woman like her mother.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

The passage of time is always emotional.

From the first time I met Tianxin in the show to now graduating from elementary school, it seems to be just a blink of an eye.

But in this process, we saw Tianxin's growth and changes, and also felt Li Xiaolu's hard work and deep care as a mother.

Mother and daughter have experienced many ups and downs together, but they have always supported each other and grown together.

This deep mother-daughter relationship is touching, and it also makes us cherish our relatives and friends even more.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's primary school graduation ceremony, the mother and daughter are like sisters in the same frame, 11-year-old Tianxin is beautiful and temperamental

In the days to come, we believe that Tianxin will continue to bravely face life's challenges and opportunities and become an excellent and confident woman.

And Li Xiaolu will always be by her daughter's side and provide her with solid support and help.

Mother and daughter will welcome a better future together!

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