
Why is it said that if you go to justice, the manner of dismissing employees must be lost?

Why is it said that if you go to justice, the manner of dismissing employees must be lost?

The matter is actually very clear, the full video has also come out, the employees of Manner Coffee have indeed poured coffee powder, and the company has fired the employees involved at the speed of light.

As a lawyer, you know what the company's reasons are. The employee involved has seriously violated the company's rules and regulations. According to many years of experience, a lot of service industry, are to contradict customers, cause customer complaints, this kind of behavior is defined very strictly, it is no exceptions, no matter how excessive the customer does, as long as the employee has the above behavior, it is a serious violation of the company's rules and regulations, can be dismissed.

Assuming that MANNER has a system, and the system is legitimate, and it goes through the democratic process and the publicity process, is it legal to fire the employee?

No one dares to say that it is reasonable and legitimate.

The work background of Manner employees was clearly investigated, and it was normal for the employees involved to be at full capacity and operational. Employees of Shanghai MANNER company have a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, make 200-300 cups of coffee, and also undertake all the work of opening stores, closing stores, tallying, making coffee orders, cleaning, and dealing with customer problems. Before the accident and before the coffee powder was poured, the employees never stopped, and kept making coffee. The customer urged the meal to be served, the staff also had a regular reassurance, and the customer did not follow and threatened to complain. Eventually, the employee exploded emotionally and spilled ground coffee.

So, how do you view the stress reaction of employees when judicing?

First of all, let's be clear, in the end, it is the court that has the final say, and this case is not black and white, but in a gray space between two sides. But why do I say directly in the title that you will lose if you go through the judicial manner? Let me break it down.

Possibility one, the judgment of Manner is lost, except for Manner, everyone is happy. The reason, I also thought about it.

If the law is not strong, the company cannot be strong. As a normal person, employees will inevitably have stress and even overreaction in high-pressure situations, especially in the case of repeated customer troubles, the company does not have a reasonable and legal handling mechanism, especially how to deal with unreasonable complaints, protect the basic human rights of employees, but transfer all the responsibility and consequences to the employees, typical increase the responsibility of employees, reduce the company's obligations, it is unfair, so it is illegal to fire.

In addition, the court reminded that this is my personal opinion, and many court judgments have actually been commented on by judges. Employees, especially employees in the service industry, need enterprises to treat employees well, only when the company gives goodwill to employees, employees can give goodwill to customers, in order to really do a good job.

Occasionally, there is an employee conflict, which can be said to be an accident, but a number of accidents occur to prove that there are indeed problems in the management of the enterprise. Do not treat employees as cattle and horses, and a humane company can serve others well.

Possibility two, the court ordered Manner to fire the employee without having to lose money. I won't repeat the reasons for the adjudication and the like, there are too many such legal interpretations on the Internet. In that way, in fact, Manner lost even worse, and it was definitely a negative hot spot again, and netizens sprayed Manner as a defense again. Netizens, including MANNER's consumers, most of them are also workers, and they will naturally substitute themselves, so if it were me, in such a situation, would I have to endure it again and again, and if I can't bear it, I have to continue to endure it, and I will also be legally expelled? It's so miserable, it's so unfair, not only will Manner be sprayed miserably, but there will be a large wave of people who will say that they will never drink Manner coffee again, do you guess they are just talking? Fame and sales have been killed again. Compared with this loss, the compensation they directly give to the employee for illegal termination will be at least dozens or even hundreds of times.

Why is it said that if you go to justice, the manner of dismissing employees must be lost?
Why is it said that if you go to justice, the manner of dismissing employees must be lost?