
11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

author:Little bean sprouts parenting

Time flies, it is another year of graduation season, the children are about to enter a new stage, the children grow up day by day, slowly become teenagers, summer is really the season of youth.

Li Xiaolu attended her daughter's graduation ceremony, and 11-year-old Tianxin grew up!

The graduation season has arrived, and the little sweetheart we are familiar with has also graduated, and the little cute baby who said the golden sentence "white" has now graduated from primary school and is about to upgrade to junior high school students!

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

Tianxin's primary school graduation ceremony, her mother Li Xiaolu also participated, and also posted a photo of the two, and the copywriting also revealed that she was full of love and expectations for Tianxin.

In the photo, Li Xiaolu is wearing a gray vest pleated short skirt, as if she has returned to her youth, I have to say that Li Xiaolu is really well maintained, a proper frozen beauty, her state is not worse than her daughter, and the mother and daughter are really like sisters when they stand together.

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

Tianxin on the side, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, showed the confidence of an 11-year-old girl, especially Tianxin's height is even more eye-catching, really catching up with her mother Li Xiaolu, really making me sigh that time flies so fast!

After graduating from primary school this time, Tianxin also left a lot of photos with her classmates, and it can be seen that Tianxin and her classmates are reluctant to each other, and everyone is crying, and I have to sigh that the friendship of the children is the most innocent.

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

Children are going to grow up after all, and they have to experience separation after all, but today's separation is also for a better reunion, I hope that children have experienced a separation and can grow up well in the future.

In fact, in the face of children's growth, the most important thing to change is parents, especially parents who "do everything" for their children, and may really need to make some changes.

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

When children grow up, parents must learn to "let go"

When children grow up, the most important thing parents should learn is to "let go", we must give children enough space to grow, and for those parents who like to control their children, they really need to stop in moderation.

In today's one-child society, parents dot on their children to the extreme, their children's lives are taken care of in an all-round way, and parents take care of all aspects of their children.

Concerned about safety, parents are always concerned about their children's every move and are eager to take care of everything for their children. This state of mind leads to parents not being able to "let go".

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

For a long time, children in this state cannot really grow, they are manipulated by their parents like puppets, and even become accessories of their parents.

Parents should learn to let go, let their children do things on their own, do what they like, and let them grow in frustration, so that their bones and thoughts will become strong.

Only by letting go of everything and letting children learn to take responsibility from success and failure can parents exercise their indomitable spirit and strong will

11-year-old Tianxin graduated from elementary school, and her mother Li Xiaolu is like sisters in the same frame, time flies so fast!

We must be clear that each child has a unique growth trajectory, they are independent individuals, they have independent thoughts, only by respecting the growth laws and thoughts of children, can we better cultivate them, so that they can become more excellent and independent people.

Small bean sprouts are crumbled

Every graduation season, there will be a lot of reluctance and anticipation, reluctant to give up the joy of the past, looking forward to a new future, whether it is college, high school, junior high school, or even elementary school, I hope that children can have a better future.

Remember to pay attention to the little bean sprouts, there are a lot of little knowledge waiting for you!

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted)


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