
China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

author:Cuong loves science every day

On June 25, 2024, the Chang'e-6 returner successfully landed.

This means that the Chang'e-6 mission has been successfully completed, successfully collecting lunar soil on the far side of the moon.

This is the world's first sample return from the back of the moon, and it is also another important milestone in China's aerospace history.

What has been the reaction of the international community to this tremendous achievement?

In addition to fully affirming China's achievements in aerospace, the United States and other Western countries also have another voice, that is, they hope that China can "selflessly" share the collected lunar soil with other countries, and even directly demand that China abolish the "Wolf Clause".

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

So, what is the Wolf Clause?

How did the Chinese space agency respond?

The United States directly tore up the Wolf Clause.

As soon as the Chang'e-6 mission was a complete success, the United States had already begun to express its views on the matter in public opinion.

One of the most representative is CNN, which mentioned that China will overcome technical difficulties and successfully collect lunar soil from the far side of the moon, and these samples will be very important for scientists to understand the evolution of the moon, the earth and the solar system.

But after that, CNN raised the question of how the samples would be distributed and used.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

It is reported that after Chinese scientists receive the samples, they will only organize their own scientists' research or share data and carry out joint research with Chinese partners, and then Beijing will open the samples for international teams to obtain.

Other international research teams will have to wait about three years before requesting samples for the Chang'e-5 mission.

It is not difficult to see that the provisions of the Wolf Clause have been fully accepted and implemented by China.

CNN also made a special comment on this matter, saying in its report that this move is "China once again showing the 'great power demeanor'", and pointed out that China is fully qualified to do so, after all, these samples are obtained by China at a huge cost.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

But despite this, the United States is still dissatisfied with this matter.

It is reported that in 2011, the "Wolf Clause" was officially adopted, which explicitly prohibits the United States and China from engaging in any technical exchanges and joint scientific activities.

That is, after that, there was basically no scientific exchange between the United States and China.

And it is precisely with the existence of the "Wolf Clause" that the United States will make these demands at this time.

CNN even reported that the move would help humans use the moon's resources to further explore the moon.

It can be seen that the United States is not satisfied with this matter.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

So how has China responded?

China resolutely defends its rights and interests.

Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the China Space Administration, said in an interview with AFP that China has received an invitation from the United States for cooperation and expressed its willingness to cooperate with other countries.

But these are based on the repeal of the Wolf Clause.

Only after the US side has cleared all obstacles and restrictions can China consider cooperating with the US side.

Otherwise, the "Wolf Clause" is still there, and it is empty talk to talk about any cooperation.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

It can be seen that China's position on this matter is very firm.

On the one hand, China resolutely defends its legitimate rights and interests and will never give in to the repeated demands of the United States.

On the other hand, China also hopes to cooperate with other countries and is willing to make its own contribution to the joint exploration of space.

As long as the US side is willing to put aside its prejudices and prejudices and abolish the Wolf Clause, China is willing to carry out extensive cooperation with the US side.

But if the United States insists that China share its research results "impartially" with other countries, and continues to create various restrictions, then even if the "Wolf Clause" is repealed, it will not help.

As a result, China may face more and more stringent restrictions and obstacles.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

Therefore, there is actually a more complex and delicate relationship between the competition and cooperation between China and the United States in the space field.

What is the outlook for U.S.-China space cooperation?

Although there are still many restrictions and obstacles to space cooperation between China and the United States, the future is not hopeless.

After all, the space field itself is an area full of challenges and risks, and cooperation between countries can share risks and jointly improve the level of technology.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

At the same time, on a global scale, the field of human exploration of space is still in its infancy.

The universe as we know it is still only a tiny fraction of the entire universe.

And human beings only know a very small part of the universe itself.

Therefore, exploring and discovering new knowledge in uncharted areas is where the aerospace field is of great significance.

Only through the joint efforts and cooperation among countries can we better promote the human space industry to a new stage.

From another perspective, China and the United States are one of the world's two largest and most influential space powers.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

If the two countries can strengthen cooperation and share advanced technology and resources, they will undoubtedly make greater contributions to the aerospace industry of all mankind.

But in any case, there is still a lot of work to be done before this can be achieved.

The first step is to address the constraints and impediments that currently exist.

Only when all countries can put aside prejudices and prejudices, respect each other, and treat each other as equals can we truly achieve common development.

Write at the end

Space exploration is a matter of concern to the future and destiny of all mankind.

We, the major aerospace powers in Ximu, can abandon prejudices and prejudices, and work together to promote the human space industry to new heights.

China has unequivocally refused! I want the lunar soil of Chang'e-6: the United States will abolish the Wolf clause first!

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