
She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

author:Let's talk about the past and the present
She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable
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She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

On the screen, Yu Nan made actor Huang Bo instantly shy with an affectionate kiss, and this scene was hailed as a "textbook-level performance of kiss scenes". However, in real life, she experienced the betrayal of love.

has been in love with director Wang Quanan for 12 years, but he was cheated on by the other party when he was 3 months pregnant. Today, 47-year-old Yu Nan has become a movie queen worth 4 billion with his superb acting skills and unremitting efforts, which is unattainable.

From obscurity to shining in the film industry, Yu Nan's life is as ups and downs as the movie she starred in. What exactly made this legendary actress? Let's unveil Yu Nan's wonderful life and explore her growth, success and ups and downs.

Yu Nan's story began when she was 15 years old. Born into a family of high-level intellectuals, she struggled to adapt to her parents' strict education methods. Her rebellious spirit of adolescence led her to become obsessed with hip-hop culture and begin to wear clothes that contradict traditional beliefs.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

This rebellious behavior sparked many heated arguments with her mother, but also planted the seeds of unruliness in her future acting career.

When he graduated from high school, Yu Nan was supposed to follow his father's order to apply for the Public Security University. However, the gears of fate quietly turned. The admissions staff of Beijing Film Academy came to her school, and with the mentality of giving it a try, Yu Nan filled out the registration form.

Without any preparation, she improvised under the guidance of her teacher and showed amazing acting talent. In the end, she became the only student in the school to be admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, a surprise that not only made Yu Nan ecstatic, but also surprised her parents.

After entering the Beijing Film Academy, Yu Nan still went his own way. She was tired of the rules and regulations of the classroom and often skipped classes to study on her own, and this maverick behavior made her classmates shy away from her.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

However, it is this uninhibited personality that attracts the attention of young director Wang Quanan.

In 1998, Wang Quanan, who was preparing his debut novel "Lunar Eclipse", discovered this different girl at school. Although Yu Nan is still a newcomer to film and television, her unique understanding of the role and natural performance style made Wang Quanan choose her as the heroine without hesitation.

For the fledgling Yu Nan, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge. However, she rose to fame with her deep understanding of the role of a dancer and her outstanding performance.

"Eclipse" shined at major film festivals at home and abroad, winning Yu Nan a number of "Best Actress" awards.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

Since then, Yu Nan has officially embarked on the road of professional actor. Under the guidance of Wang Quanan, she has successively starred in excellent works such as "Shocking" and "Tuya's Marriage", and has won many international awards.

Especially in the filming of "Sting", Yu Nan's performance made her successfully rank among the global "actresses".

Yu Nan's acting skills are like an increasingly sharp sword, shining with dazzling light in the continuous grinding. She has transformed from a rebellious girl to a high-profile rookie in the film industry, interpreting the role of an actor in her own way, and writing a wonderful chapter in her life.

The relationship between Yu Nan and Wang Quanan has gradually evolved from the original director and actor to a relationship spanning 12 years. During this time, the two worked hand in hand in their careers, created many classic works, and also experienced emotional sweetness and bitterness.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

In 2003, Wang Quanan's "Shocking" provided Yu Nan with an opportunity to play a rural woman. In order to perfectly interpret this role, Yu Nan showed admirable professionalism.

She came to the filming location months in advance to experience local life in depth, learn dialects, and eat and live with the villagers. When Wang Quanan saw Yu Nan again, she had completely transformed into an authentic rural woman.

This dedication and dedication to art not only won Yu Nan another actress crown, but also made Wang Quanan look at her with admiration, and the relationship between the two quietly warmed up in professional cooperation.

In 2006, Wang Quanan again invited Yu Nan to star in a film he was preparing about Mongolian women. Adhering to her usual professional attitude, Yu Nan once again showed her dedication to the role.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

She went to live in Alxa months in advance, learning life skills for Mongolian women, such as camel riding and herding. This in-depth experience allowed Yu Nan to successfully integrate himself into the character and create a vivid image of a Mongolian woman.

This work not only brought Yu Nan more honor and recognition, but also made her and Wang Quanan's relationship deeper.

However, just when everyone was wishing this beautiful marriage, a sudden storm broke the tranquility. In 2011, when Wang Quanan was preparing for a new work, he made a shocking decision: to fire the original heroine and change it to the popular newcomer Zhang Yuqi.

This decision not only shocked the industry, but also gave Yu Nan a slap in the face.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

What's even more heart-wrenching is that Yu Nan was three months pregnant at that time. Faced with the betrayal of love, Yu Nan fell into great pain. She had to accept the so-called "breakup fee" in the hope of ending the relationship with dignity.

However, this approach made Yu Nan more soberly aware of Wang Quanan's true face.

In the end, Yu Nan made a difficult decision: abortion and left, severing all contact. The 12-year relationship came to naught overnight. This experience brought a huge blow to Yu Nan, but it also made her stronger.

This relationship, which spans 12 years, is like a movie with ups and downs. From acquaintance, acquaintance to love, and then to the final betrayal and separation, the story of Yu Nan and Wang Quanan interprets the beauty and cruelty of love.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

Although the ending is embarrassing, this experience has undoubtedly become one of the most important turning points in Yu Nan's life, which has had a profound impact on her future acting career and attitude towards life.

After experiencing emotional setbacks, Yu Nan was not defeated. On the contrary, she devoted all her energy to her acting career, constantly challenging herself, breaking through the limitations of her role, and gradually transforming from a "queen of literary films" to a diversified and powerful actor.

Yu Nan began to set his sights on the international stage and try European cinema. In order to star in the famous French director's work "Fury", she showed amazing linguistic talent and learning ability, mastering French fluency in just a few weeks.

What's even more surprising is that she made her first bold attempt to "appear naked", which is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough for Chinese actors, who have always been known for their subtlety. This courageous attempt not only elevated her status in the European film industry, but also opened up a new direction for her acting career.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

Back in China, Yu Nan continued to challenge various different types of roles. In a movie with a puppet show as the main line, she successfully portrayed the image of a lonely and brave widow.

In order to interpret this role, Yu Nan broke through the scale and boldly performed big scenes such as life and death battles. Her performance allowed this widow character to break out of the inherent stereotyped setting, showing a rich human connotation, which left a deep impression on the audience.

In another action blockbuster, Yu Nan challenges a new role - a female scientist with both wisdom and courage. This role not only needs to show high intelligence, but also has vigorous skills, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Yu Nan.

But with her superb acting skills and deep understanding of the role, she managed to portray this impressive character, showing her versatility and adaptability as an actress.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

By constantly trying different types of roles, Yu Nan successfully got rid of the label of "Queen of Literary Films". She can be comfortable in all types of films, whether it is literary films, action movies or suspense films, she can deliver satisfactory answers.

This attempt at diversification not only broadened her acting path, but also made her position in the entertainment industry more stable.

Every breakthrough of Yu Nan has brought surprises and touches to the audience. Her spirit of constantly challenging herself and her persistent pursuit of performing arts have allowed her to climb to new heights in her acting career.

From a rookie in literary films to a powerful actor who can control various types of roles today, Yu Nan uses his own efforts and talents to interpret the growth path of an excellent actor.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

Her success is not only reflected on the screen, but also in the courage and determination she shows in the face of challenges.

After experiencing emotional trauma, Yu Nan did not lose his love for acting. Instead, she poured this emotion into her performances, creating more amazing characters while also showing off her noble personality.

In a film with Huang Bo, the two staged a classic kiss scene. Yu Nan devoted himself to the role, and the charm in his eyes was intoxicating.

She did not hesitate to offer an affectionate kiss, which made the defenseless Huang Bo instantly stunned and slightly embarrassed. However, the two powerful actors quickly adjusted their state and performed this kiss scene amazingly.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

This not only shows Yu Nan's superb acting skills, but also reflects her deep understanding and grasp of the role.

In addition to his outstanding performance on the screen, Yu Nan's conduct has also won praise from the industry. Once, actor Wu Jing invited her to participate in an action movie. Although the salary was meager and the action scenes were dangerous, Yu Nan agreed without hesitation.

It turned out that many years ago, Wu Jing had helped Yu Nan in his most difficult period. Yu Nan always remembered this kindness, and interpreted the truth of "the grace of a drop of water, the spring reciprocates" with practical actions.

In today's money-oriented entertainment industry, Yu Nan chose to repay her kindness with virtue, and did not hesitate to sacrifice her own interests to repay the friends who had helped her. This noble character has won universal praise from peers.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

It is precisely because of these valuable qualities that even in middle age, Yu Nan is still very popular and has excellent works.

Yu Nan's rebirth is not only reflected in her acting skills, but also in her personality charm. She proved with practical actions that an excellent actor must not only have superb acting skills, but also have a noble character.

This kind of charm of both internal and external cultivation makes Yu Nan unique in the entertainment industry, and also wins her the respect of more audiences and peers.

Today, 47-year-old Yu Nan is already a movie queen worth 4 billion, but she has not stopped pursuing art. On the road of his acting career, Yu Nan still maintains a strong creative enthusiasm, constantly challenges new roles, and shocks the audience with his perfect acting skills.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

Yu Nan's success is not only reflected in her acting skills and wealth, but also in the tenacity and courage she shows in the face of life's ups and downs. From a rebellious girl to a queen of the film industry, from emotional frustration to re-blooming, Yu Nan's life experience is like a wonderful movie she starred in, full of drama and infectiousness.

Although he is still single, Yu Nan's charm is unattainable. She interprets the charm of independent women in her own way, constantly innovates and breakthroughs in her career, and maintains her true self in life.

Yu Nan's story tells us that age is never a limit, and the real charm of an actor is eternal.

Looking forward to the future, we look forward to Yu Nan being able to bring us more wonderful performances and continue to write her legendary life story. Whether it is challenging a new type of role or trying to work behind the scenes, I believe that Yu Nan will present more surprises to the audience with her usual professional attitude and unremitting efforts.

She once kissed Huang Bo to the point of shyness, but she was split by Wang Quanan, and now she is unattainable

In Yu Nan's dictionary, it seems that there has never been the word "limit", and her acting career continues to shine brightly.

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