
After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

author:Intermountain University Hall
After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily
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After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

In the bright galaxy of the entertainment industry, the story of Fatima Yaqi is like a dazzling meteor, drawing an amazing trajectory. , who was once known as the "first beauty of the Hui nationality", has experienced an embarrassing emotional journey.

She fell in love with the well-known actor Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older than herself, but finally tasted the bitterness of love. However, fate always comes up unexpectedly. When she met Li Zixiong, who is known as the "first villain" in the Hong Kong film industry, a sincere love across the 23-year-old age difference quietly sprouted.

How did this man, who often plays the "bad guy" on the screen, become the real hero of her life? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary love and witness a moving story of growth, courage and true love.

Fatima Yaqi's childhood was like a gorgeous picture, full of artistic colors. Under the influence of her father, a lover of literature and art, she showed extraordinary talent from an early age.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

At the age of 5, Xiao Yaqi was admitted to the Chinese children's film drama performance class with amazing ability, starting her acting career. At this age, her eyes are flashing with love for acting and a vision for the future.

Relatives who worked at the Summer Palace once took Xiao Yaqi on a tour and took a precious photo. In the photo, she has a bright and innocent smile, as if she can infect everyone who sees it.

This innocence and aura laid the foundation for her future acting career and won the love of the audience.

As she grew older, Fatima Yaqi's beauty became more and more outstanding. At the age of 17, she became the flower of the military art school with her stunning appearance and outstanding talent, and won the reputation of "the first beauty of the Hui nationality".

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Her beauty is not only on the outside, but also a unique temperament that exudes from the inside out, which is unforgettable.

In 2000, an opportunity struck. 18-year-old Fatima Yaqi received an invitation to participate in "The King of Medicine in the Qing Dynasty". This is not only an important turning point in her acting career, but also the beginning of her relationship with Zhang Tielin.

Faced with this opportunity, the young Yaqi was both excited and apprehensive. She was worried that the heavy filming work would affect her studies, but Zhang Tielin's words dispelled her concerns.

He promised that most of the scenes would be arranged in the evenings or on weekends, so as not to delay her studies.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

In the crew, Fatima Yaqi showed her talent and dedication. Her attentive eyes and serious attitude make people see the potential of a new star.

From the "maid" in "Young Bao Qingtian" to the "lady" in "The King of Medicine in the Qing Dynasty", Yaqi's role is constantly upgrading, and her acting skills are also improving rapidly.

During this period, Fatima Yaqi was like a budding bud, beautiful and full of hope. Her talent and beauty are like wings, and they seem to take her to higher and farther places.

However, a twist of fate is creeping in, and an unforgettable relationship journey is about to begin, which will bring unexpected changes to her life.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

The encounter between Fatima Yaqi and Zhang Tielin is like a fateful encounter. In 2002, Yaqi, who was only 17 years old, came to the set of the second part of "Huanzhu Gege" to visit the class.

There, she met Zhang Tielin, who played Emperor Kangxi, for the first time. At that moment, the imperial aura and sharp eyes on Zhang Tielin's body left a deep impression on the young Yaqi.

When they first met, Zhang Tielin's scrutinizing gaze made Yaqi feel a little uneasy. But soon, he removed the "emperor" shelf and humorously joked: "It turned out that I came to the crew to visit the class."

These words broke the embarrassment and planted a throbbing seed in Yaqi's heart.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

The gears of fate begin to turn, and soon after, the two meet again in a studio. Although Zhang Tielin seems to have forgotten Yaqi, this chance encounter gave them more opportunities to communicate, and even left contact information for each other.

For the young Yaqi, it is undoubtedly an exciting opportunity to connect with this big name in the entertainment industry.

As time went on, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. Zhang Tielin's humor, successful career, and the charm of a mature man deeply attracted Yaqi.

She began to look forward to the future, looking forward to Zhang Tielin being able to introduce herself to the world at the right time.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

In 2000, the filming of "The Medicine King of the Qing Dynasty" became a catalyst for their relationship. The two who play husband and wife in the play have a subtle chemical reaction in and out of the play.

At the end of the shoot, the cheers on the scene seemed to fuel their relationship. Zhang Tielin's response of "If that beautiful girl is willing, I am also willing" made Yaqi's heart even more moved.

However, reality is not a fairy tale. As time goes on, Yaqi gradually realizes the asymmetry of this relationship. She threw herself into it, but Zhang Tielin was never able to make a clear promise.

The rumored entanglements between Zhang Tielin and other women, and even the custody of the children, were like a sharp blade, stabbing Yaqi's young heart fiercely.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Despite this, Yaqi, who is deeply in love, chooses to trust her feelings. She stubbornly believes that she is special and different in Zhang Tielin's heart. There was firmness and anticipation in her eyes, as if she could wait for that promise as long as she was persistent enough.

The relationship lasted four years and was sweet and painful for Yaqi. She gave her youth and sincerity, but in exchange for deep pain. When she finally had to face reality, her eyes were full of sadness and confusion.

This experience became an important turning point in Fatima Yaqi's life. It allowed her to grow, made her understand her heart better, and gave her a new understanding of love.

Despite the pain, the experience paved the way for her to meet true love later on. As she wrote in her personal blog: "At a young age like me, how can I suppress the throbbing ...... in my heart when I meet a handsome, dashing, personable and successful man like Zhang Tielin" This passage not only expressed her state of mind at that time, but also revealed her reflection and understanding of this relationship.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Fate is always full of surprises. When Fatima Yaqi thought she might never believe in love again, life gave her an unexpected turn. In 2007, in the crew of "Father and Son Detective", she met Li Zixiong, an actor who is well-known in the Hong Kong film industry.

When they first met, Fatima Yaqi had a hint of vigilance and doubt in her eyes. Having experienced emotional trauma, she is a little more cautious about love. And Li Zixiong, a man who often plays a "bad guy" on the screen, slowly melted her heart defense with his sincerity and thoughtfulness.

Although the two are 23 years apart, Li Zixiong's maturity and steadfastness and serious attitude towards relationships make Fatima Yaqi feel an unprecedented sense of security. In the crew, she often asked Li Zixiong for acting skills with a humble attitude, and Li Zixiong always patiently guided her.

In this interaction, a special emotion quietly breeds.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. The opposition of their families became a difficult problem between them. Fatima Yaqi's parents were concerned about the age gap, and Li Zixiong had already been married and had a child, which became the reason for their concerns.

In the face of these difficulties, Li Zixiong showed his responsibility and sincerity. He personally visited the family of Fatima Yaqi and solemnly promised his sincere feelings for Fatima Yaqi.

He even expressed his willingness to move to Beijing for Fatima Yaqi in order to better take care of her and her family.

Li Zixiong's actions not only touched Fatima Yaqi's family, but also made Fatima Yaqi see a man who is truly willing to pay for love. Her eyes glistened with tears of emotion and happiness, and her heart was full of anticipation for the future.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Li Zixiong's charm lies not only in his career achievements, but also in his seriousness and responsibility for his feelings. His age and experience gave Fatima Yaqi exactly the sense of security and stability she needed.

By his side, Fatima Yaqi found a sense of being cherished and protected.

The development of this relationship allows us to see the power of sincere feelings. It bridges the age gap, overcomes family obstacles, and finally brings two people who love each other together.

The story of Fatima Yaqi teaches us that true love is not limited to age, but whether two people can treat each other with sincerity and face the challenges of life together.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

In 2010, Li Zixiong fulfilled his promise to buy a property in Beijing and officially settle down. This move not only shows his love for Fatima Yaqi, but also shows the importance and long-term planning he attaches to this relationship.

Although their wedding is low-key, it is full of warmth and happiness, and has become a good story in the entertainment industry.

Life after marriage is plain and sweet. Li Zixiong has always interpreted his love commitment with his actions, and carefully takes care of Fatima Yaqi's life. Fatima Yaqi, on the other hand, reciprocates her husband's efforts with respect and love, and she often calls Li Zixiong the "leader" or "boss" in her life, and this respect stems from the meticulous care and support that Li Zixiong has given her in life.

In 2018, 36-year-old Fatima Yaqi ushered in the crystallization of their love in Beijing - a lovely boy. This hard-earned child has made their family more complete and has also added new fun and responsibility to their lives.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Fatima Yaqi, a first-time mother, has eyes full of love and joy. And Li Zixiong, who is over half a hundred years old, once again experienced the excitement and happiness of being a father. In this special period, Li Zixiong behaved more considerately.

He not only arranged a professional nanny to take care of his wife, but also did it himself, busy with the daily life of his wife and children.

Li Zixiong's dedication and thoughtfulness made Fatima Yaqi feel an endless sense of security and happiness. She is deeply grateful for her original choice and cherishes her current life even more.

This married life has shown us the power of sincere feelings. It allows two people who love each other to walk hand in hand through the long river of time and weave their own happy life together.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

Fatima Yaqi's life experience is like a movie with ups and downs, from the confusion of girlhood to the happiness of mature women, which has brought us profound inspiration.

Her story teaches us that true love requires sincerity and dedication from both parties, rather than relying solely on momentary passion or outward attraction.

Today's Fatima Yaqi is full of gratitude for life and expectations for the future. She cherishes the happiness of the present and is grateful for the past experiences that have allowed her to grow.

From the painful entanglement with Zhang Tielin to the happy marriage with Li Zixiong, her experience reminds us not to be knocked down by momentary setbacks, because there are always unexpected surprises waiting for us in life.

After being abandoned by Zhang Tielin, who was 25 years older, the military art school Kao Yaqi married a professional "bad guy" happily

As long as we keep hope and face life bravely, we will eventually meet our own true love and happiness.

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