
The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

The night of glory has not yet begun, but the party venue has already presented a magnificent style, and the red carpet ceremony has become the prelude to the ignition and detonation of the Magnolia Award. The festival not only showcased gorgeous costumes, but was also the centerpiece of the Magnolia Awards warm-up event. The artists who shine on the red carpet have attracted the attention of countless fans and audiences, especially the actors who have been nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress, and their every step has attracted attention.

Tang Yan: The light of Shanghai's daughter

Tang Yan won the Magnolia Best Actress crown for her outstanding performance in "Flowers", and the film won wide acclaim for its unique Shanghai cultural heritage. Every time there is a large-scale event, Tang Yan's appearance is like showing the beauty and splendor of Shanghai to the world.

The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

After years of baptism, veteran actor Yan Ni has created many profound and unforgettable roles with her superb acting skills, especially with her humorous and humorous image of "Tong Shopkeeper" has won the love of the audience. Recently, in the film "Grandma's New World", Yan Ni used her profound acting skills to successfully interpret the complex character and unique charm of the heroine, showing her unremitting efforts and outstanding achievements on the road of art.

Yan Ni: The remodeler of the role
The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

Yan Ni has won wide acclaim in the industry for her in-depth and three-dimensional character creation ability. In the film "Grandma's New World", she delicately and realistically portrays the character's skin color, spots, gray hair and other small details, so that the audience can truly feel the character's personality traits. It fully reflects Yan Ni's enthusiasm and professionalism for the cause of art, which is worthy of our respect and learning.

In the unprecedented peak showdown between Tang Yan and Yan Ni, although outstanding actors such as Yang Zi, Zhou Xun and Ren Suxi did not appear on the red carpet, their strong influence and excellent acting skills attracted much attention. In particular, although Yang Zi was unable to attend the Paris Olympic Torch Relay in person, her professional performance and persistent pursuit of honor in the promotional video of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony are still admirable.

Yang Zi and Zhou Xun: Absent red carpet stars
The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

Although the two actresses did not appear on the red carpet, the names of Yang Zi and Zhou Xun still shine brightly. Although Yang Zi missed the torch relay, her enthusiastic and participating spirit is still dazzling; And Zhou Xun has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile, and if he does not appear, he cannot hide his persistent love and respect for his acting career.

In the work "Flowers", Narandina Fan won wide acclaim for her superb acting skills. The characters she portrays are full, vivid, and unforgettable. At the event, Narandina wore a black suit, showing a unique and glamorous temperament. In contrast, Jiang Yan's appearance attracted everyone's attention with her charming and sultry demeanor, and every appearance was amazing.

Fan Xiangyan and Jiang Yan: The dazzling light of supporting actresses

With his excellent performance in the hit drama series "Flowers", Fan has won many praises. Regardless of whether the role changes or not, her performance is natural and successful for the audience. Actor Jiang Yan, who is known for her unique personal charm and superb acting skills, has shown her multi-faceted development and far-reaching influence, whether it is her wonderful performance in the reality show "Chinese Restaurant 8" filmed in France, or her dazzling image in various major red carpet events.

The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

On this day, Ms. Ni Hongjie's elegant beauty was shown in depth, and every appearance aroused warm applause. No matter how time carves, it can't erase her gentle and moving temperament. Although the two leading actors, Chen Chong and Song Jia, were unable to attend the event for some reason, their excellent acting skills have left a deep imprint in the hearts of the audience. In addition, the attendance of Zhao Zhaoyi and Ning Li as scheduled undoubtedly added more highlights to this event.

Ni Hongjie and other stars: surprises on the red carpet

Ni Hongjie's every performance is undoubtedly a visual feast, and its unique charm permeates every detail. Even without the participation of Chen Chong and Song Jia, she still won the attention of the audience with her own strength. The addition of actors such as Zhao Zhaoyi and Ning Li made this event more interesting.

The Magnolia Awards were announced tonight, and Tang Yan became a popular candidate for Best Actress, and the status of the red carpet attracted attention

The night of great honor is coming, and every artist who steps on the red carpet is in the spotlight. Each of their appearances not only shows their personal characteristics, but also conveys a deep respect and deep love for the art of film and television. These exceptional artists have used their extraordinary talents to reveal the fascinating world of art for us.

Summary and questions

Under the brilliant light, the red carpet was laid out, and the guests with bright stars participated in the grand event, showing honor and solemnity. Their talent, virtuosity and indomitable spirit fully demonstrate the infinite charm of film and television art. As the moment of great glory is approaching, we can't help but wonder: among the many outstanding artists in the world, who can win the highest achievement and lead the trend? Please look forward to paying our most sincere tribute to their tireless efforts and talents, and sharing this honor together.

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