
The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

author:Historical Talks


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——【Foreword·】 ——»

In this star-studded era, popular female stars adorn the night sky like bright stars, and Marilyn Monroe is undoubtedly the most dazzling and charismatic superstar. Her smile is like a spring breeze, and her every move can evoke the dreams of men all over the world; Even the strongman leader Nikita Khrushchev fell in love with it at first sight and personally asked Hollywood for a face. However, the trajectory of this human stunner's life came to an abrupt end in the middle of an ordinary night - the beautiful idol died in a shocking way. As the truth is revealed, the hidden story of her mortician is like a sad picture, revealing this "hell with an angel's face", so that every fan who loves her is full of endless regret and curiosity about the deceased goddess. What tragedy happened that morning? Let's explore the secrets that remain on the edge of dreams.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

——【Diva Monroe·】——»

Marilyn Monroe, the name represents the epitome of the American Dream, a legendary life that went from the grassroots to the top. Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 at Los Angeles General Hospital, and began her destined extraordinary life. As an illegitimate daughter, Monroe's birth was shrouded in shadows, her father left before she was born, and her mother could not afford to raise her, so she had to be fostered in someone else's home. It wasn't until she was 7 years old that her mother took her back, but the poor living conditions could not be changed.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

The god of fate seems to have reserved another bright path for Monroe. When she was in high school, Monroe's peerless appearance won the crown of "Beautiful Girl", indicating that she was destined not to be forgotten by the world. Still, the weight of reality forced her to join the factory after graduation, far from her dreams. In order to make a living, Monroe had to marry her first husband, James Doherty, but married life did not last long, and the call of her dream made her finally choose her own pursuit.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Just after Monroe's divorce, her life changed drastically. Her marriage, though short, freed her from the shackles of the past and paved the way for her future. After the divorce, she did not wallow in grief, but quickly adjusted her state and returned to work. Her photo appeared on the cover of Family Circle magazine, which was not only an opportunity for exposure, but also a recognition of her talent. Her beauty and charm have attracted the attention of countless people, making her a household name.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

What really made her stand in the entertainment industry was the experience of taking inspirational photos for the American army during World War II. In that era full of gunsmoke, Monroe brought hope and strength to the soldiers on the front line in her own way. Her smile was as warm as the sun, and her eyes were full of determination and courage, which made her a goddess in the hearts of the soldiers. These photographs not only had a huge impact at the time, but also earned her reputation and respect.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

It was these photos that caught the attention of Fox Films. They saw the potential of Monroe and decided to sign her to a six-month contract. This was an important turning point and marked the official start of Monroe's acting career. Since then, she has embarked on a glorious journey in Hollywood and has become a generation of legendary superstars.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's career shone like the sun. The comedy film "Passionate" starring her not only achieved great success in the Soviet Union, but also made her a bridge between the two camps. During his visit to the United States, the then leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, made two seemingly absurd requests to the American side, one was to visit Disneyland, and the other was to have lunch with Monroe. Although Monroe had some concerns about her original intentions, under the persuasion of American officials, she finally readily agreed and became the protagonist of this grand event. Fox Film Company even made every effort to create this celebrity-filled luncheon, pushing Monroe's status to the peak.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Just when Monroe was full of aura, her inner world was tormented. Underneath the glamorous appearance, she is a confused, struggling soul, and the tragedies of life laid the groundwork for her later sudden suicide, which makes people sigh. This goddess, who was once popular all over the world, is destined to turn into an eternal legend at the peak of glory, leaving the world with endless remembrance and reverie.

——【·The Tragedy of the Queen of Heaven·】——»

Marilyn Monroe, the name represents a special charm and tragedy in everyone's heart. As one of the most iconic female icons of the last century, her life is like a tragic script, full of ups and downs, brilliant and bleak.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe was destined to an extraordinary fate since birth. Born into a poor family with parents with severe mental illness, she was abandoned by her biological father at an early age and had to spend her childhood in a foster home. Poverty and family trauma left an indelible shadow on young Monroe.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

In order to make a living, 16-year-old Monroe had to work as a female worker in a factory and marry her first husband. However, the marriage lacked genuine love and soon fell apart. While working in a nightclub, Monroe finally showed her talent for something like no other, opening the way to Hollywood.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Once she became famous, Monroe's life changed dramatically, but her marriage was still difficult. The marriage to her second husband was fraught with quarrels and domestic violence, and it ended abruptly after only 274 days. Although her third husband was a talented playwright, he only used Monroe to gain fame, and what made Monroe even more painful was the trauma of two miscarriages.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe suffered from a family genetic disorder throughout her life and often needed to take tranquilizers. During the period of taking the drug, she had two pregnancies and miscarriages, which caused great psychological trauma to her. Eventually, after taking advantage of her fame, her third husband divorced her in Mexico.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Although Monroe's love life was smooth sailing, her agent has always had a sincere love for her. , an agent who already has a wife, proposed to Monroe many times, and although he was rejected, he still fought wholeheartedly for Monroe's career until he died. Monroe's feelings for him are also complicated, and there have even been rumors of suicide.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

In fact, Monroe did have four suicide attempts with medication and underwent long-term psychiatric treatment. She specially hired two psychiatrists, hoping to regain the courage to live, but in the end she failed to turn the wheel of fate.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's last public appearance was on May 19, 1962, when she made a special trip to sing a birthday song for US President John F. Kennedy, which also led to speculation that she was having an affair with the Kennedy brothers. Just a few weeks later, on August 5, the news of Monroe's death shocked the whole United States, and the film superstar who once stood alongside Hepburn passed away forever.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's death brought endless speculation and mourning. What she left to the world is not only beauty and talent, but also a legendary life full of tragedy but always radiant. From birth to death, she wrote her own legend with her life and became an immortal star in the film industry.

——【·Death of the Queen of Heaven·】——»

In the early hours of August 5, 1962, in a villa in Brentwood, an affluent neighborhood of Los Angeles, USA, a tragedy was unfolding. When Mrs. Murray noticed that the lights were still on in Marilyn Monroe's bedroom, she knocked on the door with curiosity and asked, but received no answer for a long time. Her instincts told her that things were not easy, so she looked around the window, and through the gap in the curtains, she saw a terrifying scene: Monroe lying on the bed, her face pressed against the pillow, her phone in her hand, motionless.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Mrs. Murray immediately realized something was wrong, and at 3:40 a.m., she contacted two of Monroe's psychiatrists. When the doctors arrived, they broke down the door and found that Monroe had passed away forever. About an hour later, Monroe's personal physician also arrived at the scene, and after an examination, Monroe's death was officially announced.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

The police then intervened to investigate, but the entire scene looked too immaculate, with no signs of a fight, no wounds or bruises on Monroe's body, and no suspicious fingerprints. What should have been a messy crime scene was spotlessly kept, which made the officers even more puzzled.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

The only clue came from the medical examiner's autopsy report. Reports show that Monroe died from an overdose of barbiturates and chloral hydrate, which is a sedative. But puzzlingly, she ingested enough doses to kill ten people, and no drug or capsules were found in her stomach. The medical examiner further ruled out the possibility of injections, as no pinholes or bruises were found on Monroe's body, but abnormal discoloration marks in her colon were indeed found. This means that, in addition to taking it orally, it is highly likely that the drug entered Monroe's body through an enema.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Just as the police were about to dig deeper into this clue, something even more puzzling happened. The 723-page autopsy report suddenly had only 54 pages left, and Monroe's call logs, letters, and diaries were all gone. What's more, a large number of her personal clothes are missing. All the key physical evidence disappeared into thin air, and the police could only summarily close the case on the grounds of "committing suicide by taking a large amount of sleeping pills".

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's body was forensically examined and taken to a funeral home. However, for 24 hours, no one came to claim her body. It wasn't until Arbers & Haast Funeral Company was notified to sort out the remains that no one showed the last bit of grim respect for the once-world-famous goddess of the screen.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Marilyn Monroe's mysterious death shocked the whole world. Her fans couldn't accept that the superstar would end her life in such an unseemly way, after all, just a week ago, she was actively planning the shooting of a new movie, and she was confident that she was about to resume her career. People never stop questioning the cause of Monroe's death, but the truth is forever buried in that dark, absurd night.

——【Funeral Director's Disclosure·】——»

Marilyn Monroe, the world-famous goddess of sensuality, is still a tragedy that is infinitely embarrassing. When the funeral director received Monroe's body, she was like two people with the image well-known to the public, and she was not at all like the sexy girl who was peerless. In the last days of Monroe's life, she must have experienced extremely unbearable difficulties, otherwise even if she ended her life, she would not have become such a miserable appearance.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

What was particularly impressive was Monroe's body facing head-down, which made the blood inevitably flow downward, causing her face to be covered in criss-crossed corpse spots. Monroe's neck was also swollen with fluid, and the funeral director had to secretly perform surgery to drain the fluid and make her neck look less bloated. The blonde hair that once made countless men crazy has now turned into a light brown natural hair color, which has not been taken care of for a long time, and looks messy, like a messy mass of threads.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's lips are severely cracked, the nails of her hands and feet are also long, and even the inside is full of dirt, which is similar to the impression of Monroe. What's even more shocking is that Monroe has already pulled out all her teeth, and what she has seen in many movies are the dentures she wears. In order to look more plump and moving in front of the screen, Monroe also used prosthetic breasts.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

All of this makes it completely impossible for the undertaker to connect the body in front of him with the sexy goddess that has made men all over the world madly obsessed. He firmly believes that Monroe will never be willing to fall to such a sloppy point and meet death again. Her former radiance, her charisma, seemed to have disappeared without a trace at the last moment of her life. According to the funeral director's recollection, Monroe's body was in an unusually messy state, with her hair disheveled and no makeup on her face, which was very different from the image she attached to her image during her lifetime. In addition, the posture of the body also puzzled him, as if she had experienced some kind of struggle or discomfort before dying.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

In the process of sorting out the remains, the funeral director noticed some unusual details. For example, Monroe's nails were very neatly trimmed, which did not match the situation of many suicides he saw, as people are usually less likely to pay attention to these details in extreme emotions. He also mentioned that although an empty bottle of sleeping pills was found in Monroe's bedroom, the fingerprints on the bottle were blurred, which made him wonder if someone had deliberately set up the scene.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Although this speculation was ultimately not confirmed, the funeral director still holds his opinion to this day. He believes that behind Monroe's death lies a deeper secret, and that the truth may be buried forever in the dust of history.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Monroe's funeral was officiated by her second husband, a former baseball player who had abused her. In addition to him, Monroe's other two husbands did not attend, and the lonely funeral scene of a generation of sexy goddesses is nothing less than a regret and reflection of what happened to her before her death. When the mortician saw it, his mood was naturally extremely sad.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

Marilyn Monroe's death, on August 5, 1962, ended her legendary life in a shocking way. This iconic Hollywood figure, with his signature blonde hair, red lips and irresistible charm, has become a sex symbol in the hearts of countless people around the world. However, behind her dazzling aura, there is a world full of tragedy and struggle.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

At the end of her life, Monroe was only 36 years old, and the cause of death was officially recorded as suicide caused by "barbiturate overdose". However, the truth about her death has been the subject of many years of disagreement and has become a topic of conversation. Among her belongings, a large number of prescription pill bottles were found, which seemed to imply that she had been dependent on drugs for a long time during her lifetime to cope with stress and the uneasiness of life.


Over the past few decades, Di Maiao's affection for Marilyn Monroe has become a great story. His persistence and perseverance, as well as the uninterrupted roses, have become eternal memories in people's hearts. Although Di Mao did not reveal much information about Monroe during his lifetime, he proved his love for her with his actions.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

However, as time passed, people's curiosity about the legendary actress did not wane. At the Cannes Film Festival, Marilyn Monroe's image still occupies an important place; The release of the biographical film "Blonde Monroe" sparked the public's interest in her. Although the cause of her death remains a mystery to this day, the search for the truth continues.

The funeral director revealed the sad details of Marilyn Monroe: dressing her before the burial

In this story full of controversy and questions, we can't help but ask: what kind of legacy did Marilyn Monroe leave behind? When will her mystery be fully revealed? These questions may never be answered, but her influence has long transcended time.

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